Author Topic: My suffering with gyno (pic included)  (Read 5122 times)

Offline nonini

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Get some pain meds, Ibuprofen helps with pain and swelling. 
You should be able to shower but dont get the wounds wet and you should be able to take the bandage off if you can get it back on again.

Offline zachachez

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With most doctors you can see your self the next day after the surgery and even take of the vest for a few minutes and shower.
Im no doctor but i dont think its wise not to be checked by your surgeon for 10 days post op. They need to apply new and clean bandages, check for possible fluid build up and drain it if its the case and so on.

You are kinda right I saw many videos on YouTube people get the vest off and change the bandage after 3-4 days post op, but what I have noticed that those people got the gland removed off by incision, while I didn't, I only had vaser liposuction. So maybe it differe, I called the doctor and I told him should I wear the vest off and take shoes it's third day. He said no don't take shower or get the vest off till your next oppoinemnet with me which is next Sunday. So I will keep wearing it and see what what my chest will looks like after one week. I'm already so excited  and I can't wait, but what shall I do
Anyway thanks for your comment I will keep this thread updated
And if you have any question regarding the surgery I will be more than happy to answer you.

Offline zachachez

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Get some pain meds, Ibuprofen helps with pain and swelling.
You should be able to shower but dont get the wounds wet and you should be able to take the bandage off if you can get it back on again.

Yes doctor already gave me many pils for easing the pain and reducing the swilling, I will keep taking them till I meet him next week, and I usually don't feel pain I only feel uncomfortable from the pressure of the vest. He told me not to take off the vest so I can't shower right now, I will use some towels and hot water instead of taking it off and resk the results.

Offline zachachez

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Today is the big day for me, it's day 11 post op
It's the day that I will remove the vest for the first time to
See how my chest looks like.
And finally the doctor came and told me
Take of your vest and your gauze and what happened next
I was in total shock and with big smile, finally
I can look down and I don't find my mboobs!
He told me to stop all the meds. And to keep wearing
The vest for another one week and then back for
Another  appointment.
For now my chest is little bet numbed and I don't
Feel any pain except still some sorness and
Hardness and stiffness at the skin of chest area
And I'm so happy with the result so far now :)  

« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 03:48:09 AM by zachachez »

Offline zachachez

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Here is some pictures before and after the surgery
Side by side ( DAY 11 )

Offline Cristalis

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You looking good brother, very nice results!!

Offline zachachez

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You looking good brother, very nice results!!

Thank you man, I just hope everything be good till the complete healing finishes


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