Author Topic: Another one bites the dust... (An Introduction)  (Read 2509 times)

Offline Beardo

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Hey all, first I'd just like to say that I've been so encouraged by the posts on this board over the past couple weeks that I've finally come to grips with my (our) condition, to the point that I brought it up with my wife and have taken steps to get some "support". A little about me, 30 yrs old and otherwise healthy, always physically active but also always overweight, and developed breasts during puberty that never went away. I was teased mercilessly (as most are) by schoolmates and even my sisters. I just developed thick skin to that, and quickly lost interest in what people think about me. I was married four years ago to the most beautiful and understanding woman ever, and moved to Colorado for a change of pace (and face) at the same time.
As for the revelation, we recently made some drastic changes to our diet and exercise, I've dropped 40 lbs since March, which exaggerated the appearance of my condition. Couple that with increase in activity, the sway and sensitivity of my breasts and nipples has been a struggle for me during this time. I was terrified to bits to bring this up with my wife, but I was so tired of the pain and discomfort that I decided to bring it up, and boy was she supportive! We've had many candid talks about the need I have for a bra, and she took it upon herself to get me something today to get started (simple sports bra; what a difference!). I've got a Dr. appt scheduled for the 21st to make sure nothing crazy is going on otherwise, and a proper fitting on Friday. Currently measuring at 44E, but we'll see what the pros say. I haven't decided what the bra conversation will look like with my family just yet, but the wife and I will cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm just relieved to have finally embraced this, and thankful for gracious wives and courageous brothers like you in the fight.

From perusing the forums over the past couple weeks/months, I know a few of you have equally supportive wives/SO's, here's a shout out to them, and all of you that have come to grips with this and are being instrumental in helping guys like me do the same.

As for a suggestion, what do y'all think about the Coobie Comfort for home/leisure wear? I know I'm at the top end of fitment, but just looking for some experience from more seasoned wearers.

Rock on \m/,


Offline manndy

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story. It's great to hear that you have such a supportive wife and have seemingly adjusted well. This is a great forum for advice and encouragement. I also like Coobie style bras for casual or leisure wear - They are my 'go to' bra for weekends around the house. I am a very full 36d and Coobie is very comfortable for all day wear and has a great fit.

Offline Beardo

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story. It's great to hear that you have such a supportive wife and have seemingly adjusted well. This is a great forum for advice and encouragement. I also like Coobie style bras for casual or leisure wear - They are my 'go to' bra for weekends around the house. I am a very full 36d and Coobie is very comfortable for all day wear and has a great fit.

Thanks Manndy! I just ordered one, and the wife loved the look and wanted one too...

Offline Busty

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Thank you for the positive, constructive thread about accepting being full-busted and getting good emotional support and wearing the proper bras. If you like the Coobie, you might want to try a Bali Comfort Revolution, too.  We have breasts like women, so need to wear bras like women do.

Offline chestyoldman

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As long as we're offering suggestions, I love the Bali "ultra light" line of Tshirt bras. They are underwired, lighter and they breathe better than any other Tshirt bra I have tried.

Offline Beardo

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Thank you for the positive, constructive thread about accepting being full-busted and getting good emotional support and wearing the proper bras. If you like the Coobie, you might want to try a Bali Comfort Revolution, too.  We have breasts like women, so need to wear bras like women do.

Thank you! I'll add them both to the list! I also appreciate the encouragement. This week with "proper support" has changed life as I've known it for the last 15 years, I have no idea why I waited so long. The Coobie is amazingly comfortable. I can't wait to have some fitted support (Friday!).

Rock on! \m/



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Good luck and have a good time getting fitted. My wife goes with me all the time. Let her help you and see what looks good on you. You'll probably hear the SA tell you "I hope these bras aren't too girly for you ". The thing is. It's a bra, it's supposed to be girly. Just because you have a penis, it doesn't mean that you have to wear an ugly bra. Have fun with it. If you're going to have to wear a bra, make sure it's not only the right size, but also gives your boobs the right shape. 
I am posting a pic here to show you what I mean. This is a Fantasie Rebecca in a 36G. Rather than make my boobs project, I get a nice rounded, natural look.


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WELCOME TO THE FORUM! this forum is full of insight, advice, knowledge, support, encouragement and professionals. Take a stroll through the threads and hope you get what you are looking for here. I know these people have boosted my confidence up tremendously by their kind words and great humor and encouraging words in times of it being needed. 
Kudos to you as well and the wife for her being so understanding. I have seen many threads on forums of where wives/gfs/family/etc just discard it as being the stereotypical trans/gay association. Fact of the matter is just about everyone here posting pics shows beards and very masculine traits/hobbies/etc so the notion of it being anything other than support for the obvious is so disheartening to those of us who need support but fear the backlash. Keep rocking the support you need and if you have had breasts that large for that long of time I am sure the family will raise an eyebrow if they see them rounded in a bra under the shirt and such but it will be understandable. It's not like you went to a bbq one week and came back the next with breasts. More than not it seems families often applaud those who they know need the help or whatever in a situation and finally take it upon themselves to get it. Kind of a "we all were waiting for it, congrats on accepting and being comfortable in your skin" kinda thing. I'm in a mad dash of things to do today so i apologize to the few threadas where i may have rambled but its good to see everyone here doing well and enjoying life. Hope when and if the conversation with my wife occurs about a bra she is as accepting and enthused as yours. Have a blessed day everyone


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