Author Topic: Bigger than Spouse  (Read 9975 times)

Offline jdb

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My wife is a 34 or 36C and I am a solid 38DD.  It had not really sunk in to her that I was bigger than her despite knowing my size, till she looked over my shoulder whilst I was sitting down shirtless and saw my breasts from the same angle that she sees her own.  I guess that she normally sees mine from the front and I am bigger framed than her, they just looked smaller on me till she saw them from above. She is perfectly OK with that but it was just a bit of a shock to her.


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Moe and JDB was there ever a reason for growth? I take pics of myself here and there when I feel I'm growing for comparison sometimes it eases my mind others it scares me when I see they have grown. Especially being dd. My 38a cups are now close to spilling out and a 36b fits comfortably with a little space and I'm a bit freaked. I can' imagine seeing them cross in to c d and beyond 


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Moe and JDB was there ever a reason for growth? I take pics of myself here and there when I feel I'm growing for comparison sometimes it eases my mind others it scares me when I see they have grown. Especially being dd. My 38a cups are now close to spilling out and a 36b fits comfortably with a little space and I'm a bit freaked. I can' imagine seeing them cross in to c d and beyond

Best my endocrinologist and GP can figure is that it's a result of my endocrine system being totally out of whack and my body having a stew of estrogen and elevated progesterone and very depressed T levels.  As far as I know, it's not something that is congenital - no other guy in my family has hooters.

And my last test - we're back to sub-100 T again.  Sigh.  Possibly a little more growth coming :(

Offline Paa_Paw

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My wife is a 36HH, and I am a 46B.  No matter, my wife has to pass on the clothes I wear to make sure I do not show overly much.  She has a good eye and will not allow me out of the house wearing something that will show too much.   When I was a very young man, I almost married a young lady who had smaller breasts than I, but it was not an issue. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline jdb

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Moe and JDB was there ever a reason for growth? I take pics of myself here and there when I feel I'm growing for comparison sometimes it eases my mind others it scares me when I see they have grown. Especially being dd. My 38a cups are now close to spilling out and a 36b fits comfortably with a little space and I'm a bit freaked. I can' imagine seeing them cross in to c d and beyond

About sixteen years ago I had bilateral orchitis thought to have originated from chronic urinary tract infections.  My testicles where destroyed and my breasts grew quickly and painfully helped by a high level of prolactin. With that combination gynaecomastia was inevitable.  The growth has not completely stopped but has considerably slowed down.  My endocrinologist has said that they would probably continue to grow slowly as time passes.  I am sixty five so I don't really care that much.  I do remember at the beginning being terrified that one day I would have a pair of double Ds swinging in font of me and now I am nearly an E it doesn't really bother me!


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JDB, when you had the issues with your testicles did you also have pain with it? I was 32 when I had a vasectomy, and I started to get a lot of pain about a year later, and eventually it was discovered that my testicles had rotted and died! It was discovered that I had years of untested diabetes during this time as I have a blood disorder that mask diabetes.  So the two reasons the doctors came up with that the testicles died,  were years of untreated diabetes and the one I agree with, is my auto immune system attacked them because they no longer worked properly. I also have hypothyroidism!

With having gyno I as a teen, my breast then grow like well watered weeds after that.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 04:54:17 PM by hammer »

Offline jdb

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JDB, when you had the issues with your testicles did you also have pain with it? I was 32 when I had a vasectomy, and I started to get a lot of pain about a year later, and eventually it was discovered that my testicles had rotted and died! It was discovered that I had years of untested diabetes during this time as I have a blood disorder that mask diabetes.  So the two reasons the doctors came up with that the testicles died,  were years of untreated diabetes and the one I agree with, is my auto immune system attacked them because they no longer worked properly. I also have hypothyroidism!

With having gyno I as a teen, my breast then grow like well watered weeds after that.

Hi Hammer, while I had orchitis my testicles swelled to the size of tennis balls.  Did they hurt?  You bet!  Not only that for about a year after, what was left which was not a lot was incredibly tender, just walking was something I had to be careful with.  They have calmed down now but are only about a quarter of the size they were and produce negligible testosterone.  I do have hormone replacement therapy but that did not stop the gyn. and now it looks as if I will have to stop that as I am having prostate problems.  It never ends.


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JDB, when you had the issues with your testicles did you also have pain with it? I was 32 when I had a vasectomy, and I started to get a lot of pain about a year later, and eventually it was discovered that my testicles had rotted and died! It was discovered that I had years of untested diabetes during this time as I have a blood disorder that mask diabetes.  So the two reasons the doctors came up with that the testicles died,  were years of untreated diabetes and the one I agree with, is my auto immune system attacked them because they no longer worked properly. I also have hypothyroidism!

With having gyno I as a teen, my breast then grow like well watered weeds after that.

Hi Hammer, while I had orchitis my testicles swelled to the size of tennis balls.  Did they hurt?  You bet!  Not only that for about a year after, what was left which was not a lot was incredibly tender, just walking was something I had to be careful with.  They have calmed down now but are only about a quarter of the size they were and produce negligible testosterone.  I do have hormone replacement therapy but that did not stop the gyn. and now it looks as if I will have to stop that as I am having prostate problems.  It never ends.
I'm sorry to hear that!
I did the injection for awhile, but I didn't like the side effects that came with them! This was back in 1995 so my wife and I along with my doctor decided to stop them. I had a heart attack right after that at the age of 37, but as I said that was in 95 and they were not linking and heart issues to HRT to that, but knowing what I know now I truly believe that's what it was as after a week in the hospital, tons of test, going into  Vtack, (sp?) and having those paddles used on me, all my EKG's being bad, and not two alike they never could figure out what was wrong! I'll be 60 in January and never had another problem with the heart!

I hope you can get the prostrate problems under control without surgery!


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I know that this is an older thread but ill.chime in on it.
I'm about a cup size larger than my wife in the same band. I'm a 36H in most of my bras. She's in a 36G in most of her bras. However I have a couple of 36G bras and she has a couple of F cup bras as well. A lot of our bras, we can share which we do. We aren't in a competition. We shop at the same boutiques. We go to the same breast care center for mammograms and breast exams. 

It's not exactly ideal , but we make the best of it. I am grateful that she understands the fact that I'm more comfortable wearing a bra than going braless. It doesn't matter to either one of us how frilly, or lacey, or girlie my bra is. We both know it's just a bra, it's supposed to be girly. Besides, chances are, she might end up borrowing it from me sometime. 
« Last Edit: December 27, 2017, 07:27:59 AM by aboywithgirls »

Offline HairyKnockers

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Fortunately my breasts are smaller than my wife's who has very ample size.  I did have a couple of small chested girlfriends in high school and college.  As long a you pay proper attention to them and their breasts you will likely not have any complaints from them.  One girl had maybe A cups on a good day and I had easily a B cup, she really liked working my breasts. We enjoyed each other and that was all that mattered, didn't care who's were bigger.

Online Johndoe1

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My wife is one band size larger and one cup size smaller than I am which makes us about the same in tissue volume, but our breast shapes are completely different giving us totally different looks in our bras. She is more full on top and centered, where I am more shallow and wideset making us look like we are not the same size even though we are about the same volume of breast tissue. Her bands are a little loose on me, but my breasts, while filling her cups, the style of the cups are wrong for my shape and so doesn't work for me.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Goodnplenty

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At 38C I'm one cup size bigger than my wife.  But I don't think that she realizes because she is narrower with more projection and I'm wider and shallower.  

Offline prc7966

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I'm a good deal smaller than my wife. I'm 42b, she's 38i. 

Offline SideSet

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No wife, but a long time GF. 

She is a D cup.  I was smaller than her, and we were ok.  But then I had significant med-induced growth to a DDD cup. 

She said she no longer wanted to be GF/BF, but instead BFFs. 


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Sounds like she was ok with it until you passed her up. My concern was my wife was a b cup and fearing I’d pass her up given a b cup isn’t much of much. Then we had a kid and now she’s a large c cup and now I’m more comfortable knowing I am still smaller than her at a 34b cup. We never have sex so I just fear removing my shirt next time we do if we ever do and her going omg what happened 


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