Author Topic: glandular gyne on only one side.  (Read 5550 times)

Offline siul6666

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I had gyne on and off when i was in my early teens but it seemed odd that i still had it when i was 17.  I went to the docter twice and they told me just to wait because it would probably go away but only the right side went back tobeing normal.  the strange thing is that i only have gynecomastia on the left side of my chest.  It is tender right in the center of the glandular mass and it hurts when i bump that center area. i am now 19 and have had gyne on one side for about 6 years.  Has anyone else had gyne on only one side and has anyones gyne hurt like mine when you get hit on that area?  Sorry for being all over the place but i have never talked to anyone about this problem and it feels good to ask these questions and get it all out.  thanks


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I had gyne on and off when i was in my early teens but it seemed odd that i still had it when i was 17.  I went to the docter twice and they told me just to wait because it would probably go away but only the right side went back tobeing normal.  the strange thing is that i only have gynecomastia on the left side of my chest.  It is tender right in the center of the glandular mass and it hurts when i bump that center area. i am now 19 and have had gyne on one side for about 6 years.  Has anyone else had gyne on only one side and has anyones gyne hurt like mine when you get hit on that area?  Sorry for being all over the place but i have never talked to anyone about this problem and it feels good to ask these questions and get it all out.  thanks

Tenderness can be a sign of breast stimulation and enlargment.  

Gynecomastia can be one sided (unilateral).  Having breasts of different sizes is very common.

Here  is one such example of a patient with photographs before and after surgery.  Here is another example of someone with unilateral gynecomastia.  One sided gynecomastia can be harder to sculpt since you are trying to make an operated side look "perfect", like the side that did not need surgery.

Here is another example of a massively different size to each breast:;action=display;num=1106752056;start=0#0

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Daveo

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  • Surgery with Dr. Bermant January 28, 2005
That last link that Dr. Bermant posted is of my case...sounds like you have a very very similar case to mine, and let me just say that I feel your pain, man.

I wouldn't say that it "hurt" when it got hit, but it was slightly sensitive.

You're getting to an age when it PROBABLY will not be going away (I'm 20 and just had surgery).  I'd say start considering surgery if you want to get rid of the problem.

I'm 10 days post op and very happy with the results!


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