Author Topic: On Low Testosterone...  (Read 2216 times)

Offline WebbMuse

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Ok so I'm surfing the web and I come up on this article about how many males, even seemingly healthy and athletic males may have low testosterone and may not know it. The claim is made that one of the main symptoms of low testosterone  is a lack of nocturnal and early morning erections (EME) and this may be a precursor to erectile dysfunction(ED) .

I've never had performance problems(I'm 27), but I'd have to go back to my teens for a clear memory of an EME.

I am however moody (according to my G.F.) and  tire easily, which are some of the symptoms of low testosterone.  

Makes me wonder if I should get checked out and whats considered normal testosterone count.

Offline Worrier

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I went through a period of this  problem with erections. I even had trouble getting them during the day...  :-[

I though it was low testosterone as well. I went for a blood test and my results were normal. I asked if a bit extra testosterone would help and the endocrinologist said no as erections are not a great indicator of low testosterone .Low libido is however. so do you want sex and can't get it up ? if that is the case then is a sign it is maybe not low testosterone and your libido is fine. If you have no energy and never want sex which means your libido is low then that is a sign of low test.
           Also things like body hair amount in places like the testes and under arms and how often you shave can be signs. As little body   hair in those areas and not needing to shave often can be signs as well.
        difficulty getting an erections whenever can be caused by so many things. Physical and psychological. my problem went  when I stopped thinking about it so much. I was also depressed but that was from the ED ;D
       That is not to say this is the case with you. So maybe go to your doctor if you are worried .


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