Author Topic: SUGERY DONE! Karidis - 20/02/18 - New Technique - pre/post op pics  (Read 5236 times)

Offline Neergs

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left and right nipples (obviously)
can kind of see the scabbing on the left nipple here but looks a bit worse in real life

Offline sawyer

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Congrats on the surgery! Looking good so far.
Glad to see he's advancing techniques to improve the surgery as I developed a haematoma after surgery with Karidis which lead to life threatening complications, a night in ICU and a blood transfusion. Definition worth the prevention!

Would you mind telling me when he haematoma arose? How did you know the difference between it and scar tissue? Sorry if it's a dumb question.

I'm currently raising funds for surgery with karidis which I plan to have later this year but I never knew that such side effects were possible. Regardless I will have to bite the bullet and get it done some day so I might as well get it done earlier than later.

Also OP would you mind posting some further pics to see how you're getting on?

It happened directly after surgery, when I was taken back to my room. The right chest area was a lot more swollen than the left and wouldn't stop bleeding, which obviously caused them concern. They tried to literally push the blood out of me, which caused me to lose a lot of blood. Karidis then came up to the room and tried to remove the clot whilst I was still awake, causing immense pain. It was advised I'd have to be put back under to have it properly removed, and would have a slightly larger scar that side. All in all, Karidis and all the nurses handled it really professionally. It was scary as my blood pressure dropped really low, loads of healthcare people rushed into the room and the machines were all beeping dramatically. In hindsight I'm lucky to be alive.
I'd never heard of it either, but apparently it's not too rare and can happen to anyone really. This new technique looks like it's preventing it which is reassuring, so I wouldn't worry too much about it happening to you. The good thing is Karidis has dealt with this enough now to spot it early, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you have any more questions, just ask. 
Good luck with saving!

Offline PositionQ

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Congrats on the surgery! Looking good so far.
Glad to see he's advancing techniques to improve the surgery as I developed a haematoma after surgery with Karidis which lead to life threatening complications, a night in ICU and a blood transfusion. Definition worth the prevention!

Would you mind telling me when he haematoma arose? How did you know the difference between it and scar tissue? Sorry if it's a dumb question.

I'm currently raising funds for surgery with karidis which I plan to have later this year but I never knew that such side effects were possible. Regardless I will have to bite the bullet and get it done some day so I might as well get it done earlier than later.

Also OP would you mind posting some further pics to see how you're getting on?

It happened directly after surgery, when I was taken back to my room. The right chest area was a lot more swollen than the left and wouldn't stop bleeding, which obviously caused them concern. They tried to literally push the blood out of me, which caused me to lose a lot of blood. Karidis then came up to the room and tried to remove the clot whilst I was still awake, causing immense pain. It was advised I'd have to be put back under to have it properly removed, and would have a slightly larger scar that side. All in all, Karidis and all the nurses handled it really professionally. It was scary as my blood pressure dropped really low, loads of healthcare people rushed into the room and the machines were all beeping dramatically. In hindsight I'm lucky to be alive.
I'd never heard of it either, but apparently it's not too rare and can happen to anyone really. This new technique looks like it's preventing it which is reassuring, so I wouldn't worry too much about it happening to you. The good thing is Karidis has dealt with this enough now to spot it early, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you have any more questions, just ask.
Good luck with saving!

One last thing, how did you fair in terms of scar tissue? I have minor gyno but I've been reading around the surgery as you do when you're planning for it and one common thing I've noticed is a lot of patients complaining about scar tissue.

Does karidis perform surgery in a way to minimise the amount that forms? I know that scar tissue is normal after any surgery but it's still on my mind I can't help but thing I'd be swapping out one problem for another.

If you would give me the details as to how scar tissue looks (does it make nipples puffy?) and how long it lasts, I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance

Offline Cristalis

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Hey brother, please keep us posted and add some pictures too! How are you?

Offline hauser99

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Looks really good.

Quick question but how long were you in the Hospital on the second day to have your stitches removed and what time were you able to leave?

Offline 1spawn1_

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Hi. I hope all is going well.
Can you please post some update photos?
Really curious how it turned out as I'm planning it for later this year.

Offline Gixxy

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Congrats on the surgery, looking good!  
Brilliant to see he is trying new techniques. I had my surgery pretty much the same date but one year earlier.  Time goes VERY quick after surgery so keep doing the best you can for recovery.
Sawyer a very similar thing happened to me - not quite as servere though.
My right side was very swollen with blood that when the nurse took my blood pressure, my armpit incision blew spraying blood everywhere (was like a horror movie lol).  The staff were great and kept everything under control after some mass panic.
My right side is still slightly bigger than the left but results are still life changing.
Anyway good luck with your recovery!


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