Author Topic: Updated photos. Surgery completed with Dr Vik Vijh 22/03/18  (Read 8424 times)

Offline kilroyrichard

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Hi all,

Had my surgery with Dr Vik Vijh on 22nd so will keep a diary on here.
He was absolutely great and my chest looks very good, although I know it is early days and i'm only 48 hours post surgery. Will put pictures up.

The nurses were lovely but left me compressed tightly for the night stay, despite Vijh writing 'keep loose' in big red letters for their notes, so I'm hoping it hasn't affected anything, one pec seems a little more impacted than the other as the muscles are asymmetric. I have no fears about this, the results are already astonishing and I'm super happy.

Few notes:

most painful part is top of the pec, below the incision, it is v tender from being cut off from the compression wrap and slightly swollen. Hopefully will all reside with time.

Important note: Vijh informed me i would need lipo below my ribs due to the way my fat was stored there, it would look unnatural with flat chest and big belly, this is v painful. Anything that tenses stomach muscles - sitting up or down, trying to wee or pass gass etc, all hurts. But looks great, smooth, and will eventually subside.

You will definitely need some help after showering to dry off and put your compression garment back on.

Was given paracetemol, codeine, morphine, antibiotics, laxatives.

Was given paracetemol and codeine together in hospital but I'm finding it too strong all in one go, making me dizzy and incredibly dried out. So I plan to spread out the timings more effectively.

My compression top came in post which is to be put on a week after surgery but looks so tiny that i don't think i'll get in on! A friend wore theirs for 12 weeks as precaution. I don't know if i can do that long.

Have given myself three weeks off work to recover, so fingers crossed!

Photo attached shows within 48 hours after. Can only seem to upload one at a time on my phone.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 02:02:11 PM by kilroyrichard »

Offline kilroyrichard

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Before pics of my chest. Vijh classed them as stage 2a bordering on 2b due to sagging.

Offline wakenbake123

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Hi mate
Looks good result to me, apparently anesthesia can make your stomach area/abdominal region more swollen. 

I had my op on the 19th and my lower stomach is massive ATM and he suggested lipo on that. But reading around than it should be may settle down after 2 weeks.
Did he leave any post op instructions?

Offline HLLR

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How did you get in contact for a consultation mate?

Offline kilroyrichard

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How did you get in contact for a consultation mate?

Julie Wilkes
Personal Assistant to Mr Vikram Vijh and The Beauty Gurus
Consultant Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons
The Beauty Gurus Ltd

07595 895 851 / 

I rang Julie for a consulation booking (£200). They can do either in Birmingham or London.
 I live in London so did mine there and then came up to Birmingham for the op.

A good thing to note, they asked me and a friend who also had the op to come all the way to Birmingham for a pre-assessment. I went and it was just a form and blood pressure, and then the nurse there told me I should have just done it at my local GP and send it over to them. So check this!

Offline kilroyrichard

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Hi mate
Looks good result to me, apparently anesthesia can make your stomach area/abdominal region more swollen.

I had my op on the 19th and my lower stomach is massive ATM and he suggested lipo on that. But reading around than it should be may settle down after 2 weeks.
Did he leave any post op instructions?

Hi wakenbake123, kinda relieved to hear I'm not the only one. My belly is considerably swollen post op, haven't passed stool in nearly three days now (last one just before the op midday 22nd), so trying not to panic about being constipated, I know the codeine will be a major player in this! Taking laxatives before bed as instructed but not seeing an effect yet.

Only post op instructions were to rest for a few weeks, didn't mention much specifically in terms of lipo, just keep the compression belt on. It definitely looks smoother below ribs and vijh made the right decision to lipo it.

Offline Web8008

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Looks like he's done a good job mate! I was the same, in the end I had to buy some glycerine suppository laxatives as it had been a week since I passed anything! Did the job though! And the swelling went down, mind you I did take all the meds in the first week! 

Offline kilroyrichard

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Day 5.

Have finally passed (v large and dry) stool today and last night, but still huge bloated belly for now.

As I had lipo below ribs, the compression belt given only just about reaches that area. The pains from lipo have died down a lot now.

I have hoisted up the belt so it is only 1cm or so below the incisions. It is very easy for the belt to ride down depending on many things like seating position and activity, i'm slightly paranoid about the swelling indents from the edge of the belt but I'm sure it will settle.

Have reduced painkillers, hoping to come off the codeine in next day or two, not having much pain at the moment but still early days.

Offline kilroyrichard

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So it is a whole week since my operation and I can finally change to a compression vest, so I thought I'd post a photo update.

This morning I noticed that the flesh of the side of the pec, the small area beneath the incision but above the compression band is starting to firm and lump a little, it had a slight 'muffin top' over the edge of the band sometimes. I found this hardest of all to successfully balance the band at the right height across my chest, as i didn't want it to interfere with the incisions. This is the main thing I am paranoid about as I'm presuming this becomes the scar tissue that needs to be massaged out. Any experienced advice welcome!

I switch to my purchased compression vest today, and thank god, it feels so much nicer to wear. Still super tight and no more worries about the edges digging in and leaving marks!

I have a dark hematoma on one pec which is obvious and hoping it will clear up with time.

I seem to still have sensitivity in one nipple which hardened in cold water. That is my left pec which seems to have taken less impact from the surgery.

Stopped painkillers after 4/5 days and didn't really need them. Didn't even touch the morphine. Most pain is beneath the ribs where they lipo'd, which felt like recovering from a day of a thousand stomach crunches.

Before op and one week post surgery photo attached.

Offline Web8008

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Offline kilroyrichard

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Two week update

Things seems to be going fairly well!

The armpits incisions seemed sealed since mid second week. One has tiny threads poking out which i have only just noticed this minute, presumably will dissolve over time. Accidentally reached out in instinct to stop a roller blind rushing up which was a painful sensation for a while.

Two weeks recovery period:
Now it is two weeks gone I can look forward to a hot shower! Drinks and sexual activity are now allowed although tbh, trying to perform with a partner is rather infuriating / impossible with limited movement and a paranoia about affecting the area still. Even cuddling is still fairly limited still, this is probably the most frustrating thing with a partner, apart from feeling v unsexy in a compression vest that constantly rides up.

I've definitely gained weight around the middle from lack of movement and boredom snacking (on top of healthy protein meals). Looking forward to regaining activity and correcting this.

Compression vest:
I currently have large indents on my ribs beneath the chest because of the compression vest, I'm paranoid they will become permanent because there is no time out of the vest for weeks except 15 min for daily shower. It makes the gaps between some ribs feel sunken and deep, surely will fade in time. The top of the chest does not get compressed as much since the top can ride and lose it's compression in the shoulder areas. I keep pulling down at the back to keep it all tight.

As predicted from reading other people's posts, the swelling started middle of week two. The area is larger and firmer as are the sides of my ribs. Keeping all compressed. It is not painful, but a little uncomfortable. I have tried to walk around outside a few times to the park / cinema and this seems to be what makes me swell up. Taking bromelain, arnica and pineapple juice to help with this and generally doing sweet f.a in my flat.

Pain / Scar tissue / Adhesion / Bruising:
The lumpy scar tissue areas are definitely forming and feel quite gross, like tablespoon sized jellyish hard lumps at the side of the chest and center where my large bruise is. Will aim to massage from week six onwards as directed by Vijh. I'm praying these break down considerably as they literally obstruct my arm when reaching across the chest. They are not visible to the eye anyway.
I suspect I have an adhesion on my right pec. It had all the classic symptoms - an indented appearance above the nipple when flexing that I noticed mid first week, odd feelings of numbness, some pins and needles and even a whirring feeling for a little while as the tissues recover. When I looked yesterday however an indent did not seem noticeable. But, my nipple is lower than the pec, and flexing makes it apparent. Photos don't show this. Everything is so compressed and swollen still that it is too early and hard to judge. The crimson bruising has really begun to die down. I am excited to be topless in the park in summer. I can see myself laughing off a slightly offset nipple as opposed to the constant anxiety and insecurity I had before surgery with moobs.

The pain from the liposuction below the ribs has mostly gone now thank god. That was the most painful part to be honest and I thought it would never go.

I was concerned about losing feeling in the area. It only seems to be the skin surface that has lost sensation, everything underneath still tingles with goosebumps (one nipple hardens a little on reaction). It is not like a numbness of the area at all. Rather more like wearing a top and trying to feel through it, so it doesn't bother me at all.

One things no-one mentions - they shave your pits and chest. The regrowth, coupled with the sticky tacky sensation from the surgical tape was v irritating the first week. Two weeks in this has gone and I can finally use deodorant again!

I have a follow up schedule with Vik Vijh on the 30th april (5.5 weeks post surgery) so I suspect that will be the next time I update.

As you can see in photos my vest compression is causing indented streaks across and below the chest, so hopefully these will vanish.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 08:09:17 AM by kilroyrichard »

Offline wakenbake123

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Looks good to me m8, everything looks even. 

Offline kilroyrichard

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Three weeks in: Small update.

Picture shows stages:

Two days post op - The side that i suspect has an adhesion.

Six days later - my favourite stage ha, before swelling kicked in

Two weeks in - swelling and compression indents

Three weeks (today) - much reduced bruising, still v swollen and a bit of weight gain has softened the appearance.

I've just ordered another stage one compression vest, this time one with adjustable shoulder straps as the upper half of the chest just does not feel compressed enough, I find myself pulling it to make it tighter all day and I think it has lost some elasticity slightly. Would recommend the same to anyone who is considering a compression top.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 10:53:15 AM by kilroyrichard »

Offline Cristalis

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Was that crease on your left pec an adhesion or it went away? Do you have any deformities when moving hand, rising them and when flexing chest?

Offline kilroyrichard

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Was that crease on your left pec an adhesion or it went away? Do you have any deformities when moving hand, rising them and when flexing chest?

It is a loss less significant now, but when i rising my arm or flex it yes it dimples in the middle of the chest, so i strongly suspect it is an adhesion. I have some creasing across from the compression still. When i tense the muscle my nipple is below the muscle, rather than on the surface of it.


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