Author Topic: 1st time post - My thoughts and situation  (Read 1444 times)

Offline Deeceebee

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I have been a long time reader, and now have recently created my account and plucked up the courage to speak out and share my thoughts.  Finding this forum has been a god send to read other peoples experiences and stories and to learn that I am not alone in this.  I thought for so long that I was.
I am approaching 32 years of age now, and I have suffered with mild gynecomastia since my early teens.  I am UK based and I originally went down the NHS route back when I was about 20/21 as I didn’t even know what gynecomastia was.  Predictably I was turned away as this is a cosmetic issue and told the only way to fix would be private surgery.
Due to cost I didn’t even explore this avenue and kind of learnt to live with it and cover it as best I could.
Last year I decided enough was enough and I actually went and had a free consultation using Transform.  It is much more prominent on one side but only grade 1 according to the surgeon.  I was recommended both sides would need doing as if only the larger side was done the other side would then look larger as there was still some tissue there.  Seemed sensible and if you are doing one you may as well do both but the cost again lead me to park it.  I was quoted £4,750 with Mr Nathan.
I am again looking into the surgery route and was after peoples experiences of how they pay for the treatment?  Personal question to ask but I would love to know how people spread the cost. If you use the finance options that places like Transform offer etc? or just save up hard!
Has anyone had any experience using Transform and would you recommend them?  The fact you get 3 year aftercare included in the price is a really attractive proposition to me as it allays any fears of revision work if needed.  On the other hand should you go for the more popular surgeons that are praised on these boards in the UK – Karidis etc?
The other spanner in the works, is that over the last 2 years there has been trouble ‘downstairs’ and I have always just put this down to psychological factors, which still may be the case, however the link between gynecomastia and low testosterone seems too obvious to ignore.  I am booking a doctors visit in the coming weeks to discuss this and request a blood test to check my levels.
If the issue was due to low testosterone would you go through the hormone treatment first before any surgery?
Appreciate anyone who takes time to read, and offer any advice or experience in the matter.
Thank you!

Offline Cristalis

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Man, you said that you have the gyno from your teenage years and that indicates that the gyno has not developed because of a low testosterone level, its exactly the oposite.

At the puberty you have a spike of hormones, your body is starting to produce a great deal of testosteron and testosterons is comverted by your body into estrogen via a process called aromatisation. So big levels of estrogen are presnt too in the body, this hormon then bound to estrogen receptors in the breast and some people can develope gyno.

You go for the blood tests and see how you are but as you said the erectile problems can be psychological. Do you wake up with a bonner in the morning?

You should post in the UK sub forum to ask about the payment options, maybe you will get more answer there.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 06:20:01 AM by Cristalis »

Offline Deeceebee

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Thank you very much for replying, reassuring to have another opinion!
I am hoping like you say everything is normal in that respect but I will get some bloods done for my own peace of mind.  I'll let you know how it goes! 

Offline Alchemist

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I'm going to mention a possibility that nobody else is going to mention.  Nutrient deficiencies can cause all sorts of hormone fluctuations.  And the fluctuations also happen during puberty with multiple possible causes.  Good luck with your testing and followup.

Offline Gynogadge

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Iv just had it done with dr.vijh, simelar price to what you were quoted, I’m only 4 days post opp but already I know it is going to be the best thing Iv ever done haha. Why have to hide it, get it done and live free from the concern. It’s a lot of money yeah but you could spend it on a material thing and it not make you happy, spending it on freeing yourself of worry and improve your self confidence is 10x money better spent in my opinion!,
With vijh he does it at the Birmingham priory BMI hospital, you can apply for a bmi card which is 0% interest for the first year and I think 9.9% afterwards, so ideally just smash as much off the payments in the first year as you can then wether you want to refinance to pay the rest of etc it’s up to you


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