Author Topic: Sizing?  (Read 7868 times)

Offline Johndoe1

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Besides the food supply and the medications there is also genetic factors and other conditions like hyperestrogenism, like 8 have which causes men to have secondary female sexual characteristics like breasts and hips and buttocks.

I suppose, technically, if I am reading the definition of  hyperestrogenism correctly, a presenting symptom is gynecomastia. So if you have true gynecomastia, you in essence have hyperestrogenism. Which makes sense. Too much estrogen in the male body will cause a feminization of sorts for some physical characteristics, like breasts, hips, waist and even some emotional characteristics like being overly emotional. Works for those who are transitioning.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline SideSet

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 My doctors have said that my blood work shows that I have an inordinate amount of estrogen.   Extremely low testosterone.  I have to admit that I prefer that because testosterone tends to make people too aggressive 

Offline Athena12@

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I have high Estrogen level and high Estradiol levels but my Testosterone level, according to my Endocrinologist is not as low as he expected.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline Seanodonovan

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I have never had my hormone levels tested so I can only guess but there are some clues.
When I was six years old I had a bout of glandular fever which damaged my testes.  I didn't know this until some twenty-nine years later when I had fertility tests done and was proved infertile.  My parents then clearly thought it was time to inform me of my childhood illness (I just had a vague memory of being "ill").  They would have made my early life easier if I at least knew I probably had a problem.
As a child (and of course later) I lacked the usual boyish "drive" that pushes boys into adventures etc.  As an adolescent, following a delayed puberty (which cannot have been helped by malnutrition at the boarding school I went to) I didn't seem to have the same attraction towards the opposite sex that my fellows had (nor to the same sex either in case you are wondering).   Approaching sixty years of age I appeared to exhibit the symptoms of what is sometimes called "the male menopause" which did not particularly bother me...I was a rather disinterested observer at this stage in life...but it also coincided with growth of the breast.
My assumption is that I was never high in testosterone to begin with and the prevalence of oestrogen in food and water therefore had a greater adverse affect on me than it might have on others.  From the figures published here (30% of men over 60) I am hardly alone.  It is anyone's guess if my breasts will develop further.  

Offline Johndoe1

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I was tested and they found my estrogen was way above what is normal and my testosterone was half what should be. That answered a lifetime of questions.


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After the loss of my testicles and stopping the HRT, there is no question about my hormone levels, lol. However, when you talk about male menopause, that is real!

And it is no fun either!


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My testosterone is blocked by the medication Spironolactone. I have a condition that makes me lose potassium, so this drug fixes that, but blocks my androgen receptors and slows production of my own testosterone.

I am currently on testosterone injections, but I think much of it is converting to estrogen. Although, having the T injections does make me more motivated and energized. I also have estrogen levels way past normal upper range for a male.

I will admit, I do like the calm I feel when my T is low and my estrogen is higher. Maybe it makes me more tender hearted? I dunno, but, I dont like feeling tired all the time. The T injections give me energy and ambition. They are also keeping my bones from withering. I was developing low bone density.

I wanted to try a very low estrogen dose, rather than the T shots, just to see if it would level me out and prevent the bone loss. My endo was not willing to experiment on that with me. Plus, it would basically be on a transgender drug regimen. That might take me to all kinds of places I probably don't want to go.

The human body is a fascinating machine.:)


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Since I lost my testicles I have had a couple bone density scans to see how I was doing! They have come out fantastic! As far as energy, I have way to much for what my disability can handle! My mind says go, go ,go but my back and legs say the hell with you!


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I had a couple of bone density scans as well. This was because of being on prednisone for a number of years for an autoimmune disorder. 
The scanner was at the breast care center where I get my biannual mammogram.


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Back to sizing. Just wanted to street the importance of getting a proper fitting. I was in Torrid yesterday and one of the SAs who had helped me before, wanted me to try a new bra they just gotten in. In Torrid bras, I had been wearing a 38G so I tried it.  I ended up trying an H cup and it was perfect.  I'm very glad I had tried it on in the store otherwise I have the hassle of returning it. Like the old adage of measure twice and cut once.


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Back to sizing. Just wanted to street the importance of getting a proper fitting. I was in Torrid yesterday and one of the SAs who had helped me before, wanted me to try a new bra they just gotten in. In Torrid bras, I had been wearing a 38G so I tried it.  I ended up trying an H cup and it was perfect.  I'm very glad I had tried it on in the store otherwise I have the hassle of returning it. Like the old adage of measure twice and cut once.


Offline Johndoe1

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Back to sizing. Just wanted to street the importance of getting a proper fitting. I was in Torrid yesterday and one of the SAs who had helped me before, wanted me to try a new bra they just gotten in. In Torrid bras, I had been wearing a 38G so I tried it.  I ended up trying an H cup and it was perfect.  I'm very glad I had tried it on in the store otherwise I have the hassle of returning it. Like the old adage of measure twice and cut once.

That is one of my biggest reasons to getting fitted. No two bras fit the same and I don't want the hassle of sending something back that doesn't fit and then waiting for the replacement and it may not fit either. So while it may seem like costing a few bucks more to buy brick and mortar, in reality I am saving money on shipping back and forth and time wasted. Plus, if a new style comes out, my fitter knows it and I won't by buying on line. Unless you are buying the same exact bra, buying on line might not be the best route. YMMV.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 07:11:35 AM by Johndoe1 »

Offline SideSet

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 I agree. I buy all my bras in person and only after trying on.

Offline blad

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I too have learned that there is no substitute for trying bras on in the store to confirm fit.
If the bra fits, wear it.


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I agree.  There is no longer any shame in bra shopping.  The sales associates are willing and able to help us. All we have to do is ask. I was at Torrid yesterday and  the regional manager was in the store. She took an intrest in me. She said that Torrid is aware that more and more men are needing bras and even though they don't currently market their bras for men, Torrid stores welcome men for any of their clothing.  I  ended up buying this bra. She told me that life is definitely not fair. She said she was wearing the same bra that I am in this pic. She said "I'm in a 38B, and you're here rocking the 38G in the same bra!".  
I guess we are who we are.


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