Author Topic: Experiences with Dr. Jabs in Bethesda, MD?  (Read 1462 times)

Offline Basement

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Hi everybody,

Totally get that a lot of people read up on surgery, get it done and then disappear... but hoping some of you that have had experience with Dr. Dean Jabs are still around to talk about it! Looking for any feedback on the practice or dr that you may have! Thanks!

Offline Basement

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Hi everybody,

Totally get that a lot of people read up on surgery, get it done and then disappear... but hoping some of you that have had experience with Dr. Dean Jabs are still around to talk about it! Looking for any feedback on the practice or dr that you may have! Thanks!

Bumping this back up... Anybody? Reviews of the practice itself (has a couple other doctors) seem solid. Just curious about Jabs himself.


Offline Basement

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I did a quick internet search. In essence, I wouldn't recommend going to him. He doesn't have any reviews on realself or anywhere except his clinics website regarding gynecomastia procedures. This also could be why no one has responded either. His clinic shows around 15 before and after shots, but I saw a few with folded nipples, but the biggest red flag is that you don't know what doctor performed on who since the clinic has 3 doctors tat work there. You are at a big risk of getting a consult with said doctor and be shown pictures that were indeed performed there at the clinic, but the doctor may be another employed at the same clinic or doctor that has since left. Be very careful. I'd personally recommend you go with a doctor that posts frequently on these boards to get an excellent result.

Thanks for your opinion! Good points that you make. I thought a lot about what you call out but it’s tough because 1) we know a lot of guys vanish once they get the operation, 2) safe assumption a lot of guys don’t even visit these forums... they just pick a doctor without the help of these forums, so we never hear from them at all, 3) in my experience, it feels like there are only a handful of doctors that really participate here... so out of the thousands of doctors that perform gyno surgeries there must be many more who are decent that we just don’t hear from, 4) I haven’t heard any negative reviews either. So not saying the absence of bad reviews = good... just that the reviews we do have of the practice are good, he has a ton of experience and qualifications, etc.

I dunno... I’m not close to the handful of doctors that are active here so just trying to find someone near me whose practice has a solid rep.


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