Author Topic: Would I be a good candidate? (PICS)  (Read 1493 times)

Offline dan95

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Hello all, this is my first post on this forum! Unfortunately, I am fairly certain that i have a small case of gynecomastia. Unlike many, I didn't have any noticeable gynecomastia during puberty. I was around 21 or 22 years old when I noticed one morning that something was wrong. It hit me like a ton of bricks because it seemed to have appeared just overnight as it was never noticeable before! I'm 23 now so I'm pretty sure it is her to stay and I'm still not sure why it developed. 

Anyways, it seems to have developed a bit more on my left side than on my right. From what I can tell, it seems to be a fairly minor case. Would I be a good candidate for surgery knowing these things? My main concerns are crater deformities or asymmetry.

Also, does anyone know/recommend any doctors in the Chicago area? I'm pretty certain I will need surgery to correct this. I have heard very good things about Dr. Pensler. Also, I have been looking at Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong (anyone familiar with him?) as I have seen some excellent post-op photos on his website. Any input, suggestions, recommendations are greatly appreciated! 

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You have puffy nipples (and perhaps a bit more tissue surrounding them) and it would be worth a consultation with either of the two doctors.  Dr. Pensler, of course, has an excellent reputation and has been a major contributor to this site.

Do your homework, ask questions and don't rush into surgery.  Understand that even though your problem might seem small, surgery to correct the problem is quite tricky -- too much tissue removed and you have a crater while not enough removed and you still have a problem.  There is a fine line to get a proper result -- and it takes an expert to do that.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline dan95

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Thank you very much for your input Dr. Jacobs, it is greatly appreciated! As you said, even though the problem might be small, the correction could be tricky. That is exactly my concern. I'm fearful that I may be a difficult case to properly correct knowing that I don't have much to work with so to speak. In my case, I feel that it would be very easy to over or under correct as you mentioned. Of course, this is all just my own speculation. I suppose the only way to find out is to schedule a few consultations, and of course not rush into a surgery.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Sound thinking.

I understand your trepidation about surgery and ultimately you must make the decision to have surgery (your only option for permanent correction) or to live with your situation.  However, also understand that if you choose an expert in the field, your chances of success are greatly enhanced.

Good luck either way!

Dr Jacobs

Offline dan95

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Thanks, and yes I think with expert care I would receive a good result. I already like the nice square shape and development of my chest (minus the gynecomastia of course lol). 

I'm living with my parents and I have yet to tell them about the issue, but they are very caring and I'm sure they will understand once I tell them. Anyways, I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on what I decide to do!

Offline KuscoBusco

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Yo Dan, 
Please take what I'm about to say as you wish... But, I really think you could mess yourself up psychologically/physically if you go through with surgery. Judging by your photos, you' are 100% normal. Yes, you might have a little gland from the tail>head but it is, in my opinion, all in your head. 

In this day in age, guys our age (assuming you were born in '95 - I was '94) are impacted by instagram, facebook, snapchat, etc. where our looks seem to be the primary factor.
There is so much more to life than just how you look man. You do not have a problem. Do not buy into the gynecomastia nonsense that some people spread about this condition. Guys who have breasts have gyno - *that* is the real hormonal imbalance. You are perfectly normal.
I would honestly kill to have a chest like yours, and I know I could if I lost some weight. You are much leaner than I. But, check out my profile and look at my most recent post - you can see my pics there. 
Also, be wary of alcohol/sodium intake. It really can make a big difference - that, and gluten. Basically you just hold water behind the nipples/in your chest and it can really make it look worse than it is on certain days. 
Cheers mate.

Offline dan95

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Hey Kusco, thanks for your reply I really do appreciate it. I checked out your post and it looks like we're in a similar situation. The thing is, I'm mid bulk and I weigh about 190 and will most likely get up to around 200 pounds. Normally, i walk around at like 175-180 (my body likes to be quite lean). Either way, I still have the gynecomastia whether or not I'm super lean. Now what really PISSES me off is that I do have such a small amount of gynecomastia/puffiness. Like, I'm seriously on the fence about whether or not I will even do anything about it. That is what bothers me the most. My case is right on the edge of being acceptable. Some days it is hardly noticeable. Other times, like if I eat a big meal or if I'm warm, the puffiness is quite apparent. 
Anyways, I think it would still be worth it to go to a few consultations and see what the different doctors have to say. I already have a nice symmetrical chest and I'm fairly certain that if I end up having the surgery done with an expert, the result would be excellent.

Offline KuscoBusco

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Hey Kusco, thanks for your reply I really do appreciate it. I checked out your post and it looks like we're in a similar situation. The thing is, I'm mid bulk and I weigh about 190 and will most likely get up to around 200 pounds. Normally, i walk around at like 175-180 (my body likes to be quite lean). Either way, I still have the gynecomastia whether or not I'm super lean. Now what really PISSES me off is that I do have such a small amount of gynecomastia/puffiness. Like, I'm seriously on the fence about whether or not I will even do anything about it. That is what bothers me the most. My case is right on the edge of being acceptable. Some days it is hardly noticeable. Other times, like if I eat a big meal or if I'm warm, the puffiness is quite apparent.
Anyways, I think it would still be worth it to go to a few consultations and see what the different doctors have to say. I already have a nice symmetrical chest and I'm fairly certain that if I end up having the surgery done with an expert, the result would be excellent.

Definitely post here or let me know with what you end up doing. I also agree that it would be a good result. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from dude. Nothing is worse than having a shirt on, standing straight, and looking down only to see the SLIGHTEST amount of triangular shape to your nipples/chest area (especially from a side view). 

This condition has really f*cked my motivation in a lot of areas of my life. If you read my post, you know the deal. It just affects everything for me and makes me self-aware. I'm still not sure what to do about my case, even after going to three consultations with three different doctors. I'd say yes, definitely go to a consultation - at least do that much. See what they say - in my case, the doctors all told me I have a very minor case (which they will more than likely tell you as well). All of the doctors made it sound like no big deal - to just get it removed and forget about it. The only thing that isn't easy, for me, is the cost. Granted, I could cover it, but I'd be underwater unless I made some decent money in a span of a couple months (which I could do, I just haven't because I've been so focused on my gyno for the past year). 

I guess I'm just scared of doing it, like you, because I constantly think about the negatives. And this isn't necessarily the same thought process as just "thinking positively" in life - this is more of a "no seriously, 'this' could happen, and you could be even worse than before". You have to weigh in the negatives (even if they are greatly reduced based on the doctor you choose). 

Anyways, all the best to you. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll let you know if I ever book the surgery... 


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