Author Topic: Told you should wear a bra  (Read 15017 times)

Offline Johndoe1

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Ah, I see. That makes much more sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline SideSet

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 How wonderful she recognized that your C cup size breasts belong in a bra  and that she wanted you to wear a bra.  Did she say it was for support or appearance or both? What kind of bra(s) She get you? Did she measure you? 

Offline SideSet

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That was really good of her.  I would guess that after 10 years, it has become second nature for both you and her that you wear a bra just like her and other women. 


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I know that for me, after 30 years, it has become second nature. It definitely feels weird without a bra.

Offline blad

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Early in our marriage, my wife told me I needed a bra more than she did. But I already knew that.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Dale Warnio

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 That was very helpful of your wife. How exactly did she say it? 

Offline blad

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That was very helpful of your wife. How exactly did she say it?
Initially it was a bit sarcastic. A bit surprising in that my breasts were fully developed when we married. I think at first she was under the impression that I just needed to loose weight, even though I was only about 180lbs at close to six feet tall.

But it did lead to further discussions and I did clarify that it was true gyno, as per my medical tests as a teen. It was not going away with exercise. She was sorry for being blunt. 

Offline Dale Warnio

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What did she say/do then?

Offline blad

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What did she say/do then?
This was an opportunity for me to wear my bras more openly around her. This spurred further conversations and ultimately lead to an understanding that if I felt more comfortable wearing a bra then it was ok to do so. I think she wanted to be sure that this was a functional thing and not some bigger issue. 

Offline Dale Warnio

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Your wife sounds pretty special. And you handled it well, also

Offline blad

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I think that’s my main concern is having my wife understand it’s for function not fetish or some seeded opportunity to ease in to more feminine attires. I can only imagine how one may need to process and come to grips with a husband or man who has suddenly developed breasts and now asking for a bra and going what’s next panties, dresses, etc. I wish I had breasts while we were dating it would have been much easier to approach I think given there was nothing at risk if she said I can’t do this.
I think this is a big consideration for most wives when first confronting the topic. They skip the logic part at first and their mind investigates all kinds of alternate possibilities. It takes some discussion to focus the topic back to logical need and function.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Just imagine how disconcerting it is for wives who learn their husbands are in fact crossdressers.  The angst those men experience in raising the subject with their wives is close to what is discussed here, but obviously our NEED for brassieres is very different from their NEED to express themselves using women's garments.  But this is a delicate topic to discuss with anyone in our lives.  Understanding the feelings of those who share our lives is critical.  And there is no guarantee we'll be met with kindness.  Sometimes caring for our needs becomes a minefield.

Offline blad

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I don't think this forum was ever really meant to share with the wife. It is where guys feel more safe to discuss a common issue among themselves and open up when normally we are closed off. 

As they say, you can't please everyone.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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You've mentioned before bringing your wife to the thread and being concerned about what she would encounter.  I don't understand why you would WANT to invite her to this website.  If you want to simply educate her to what gynecomastia is you can show her the Mayo Clinic pages describing the condition and the Breast Life article titled Why Guys Wear Bras Instead of Going Under the Knife

This is a website where you have the opportunity to explore your feelings and needs.  Absolutely, men here are each finding their own relationship to the simple fact of having breasts but this is not one size fits all.  You know what you want so it hardly matters that some men wear panties because they are more comfortable, or women's jeans because the same hormones that gave them breasts affected other parts of their bodies.  Since that isn't relevant to you, share with her what will help make your case.  I take it you don't want to go under the knife.  If you did and money is a problem, you could say that to your wife and the two of you can find a way to save or borrow the money.  If you don't want surgery but do want the support of a bra... the resources above will get you there and you don't need to introduce her to this site.  I certainly am not sharing this with anyone else, even though I've told a few people about my breasts.

Yes, this is a dicey topic for a number of reasons.  I think it best that all of our complex and evocative conversations be kept among us.

Offline blad

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Hell I wouldn’t mind if joining you had to have a picture of what you’re dealing with accepting and living with to show you aren’t just lurking but actually can contribute based on experience. But idk. I’m just talking lol
Just to have fun with this;

We could have the "Gyno Adjudication Council", or "GAC". Prospective new members here would submit 3 different views of their chest with and without their favorite bra on to the GAC that would the rule if your gyno was significant enough to join. 

I can see some of the replies now; 1) Are you kidding, that's only an AA cup at best. Come back after you grow some more. 2) Nice rack, you're in. 3) Breasts forms! Nice try weirdo. 



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