Author Topic: For those with medication induced gyno...  (Read 5112 times)

Offline Z-Man

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did the gyno stop and did you return to normal after stopping the medication?

What was your situation?

Offline Worrier

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Yes mine has stopped and also went down a little as well when I came off the drug.It went down gradually over a period of around six months.

There is still something a little odd on one side but neither side is breast like any more.  The drug made me put on a lot of weight as well. this has completely gone.

I think it does depend what drug it is that has done this though as drugs cause the gyno in different ways.
If this is affecting you or someone you know it might be worth having a blood test done on your when I has still on the med my testosterone and prolactin were a little off. Although no where near needing TRT. I have had my t level measured recently and I am fine now that Iam off the drug.

Offline Z-Man

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Thanks for the reply.  I had a bad reaction to Avodart and about 3 weeks later I started to feel a burning sensation in my nipples.  The sensation then turned into a dull ache in my right pec.  I also had testicular pain.  I can feel lumps around my nipple but nothing directly under it.  There isn't any puffing of the nipple but I can definitly feel breast tissue.

Was this similar to your situation?

Offline Worrier

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mine wasn't quite in the nipples, it was below the nipples where the pecs attach to the ribcage. I think the pain happened first, then the nipple puffed. After a while the pain went went even though I was still on the drug but the gyne remained.

There was only a change when I came off it. Are you still on the drug, if so this may be a prelude to the dreaded puffy nips. If not now you are off it things should get back to normal, apparently they do imost cases. I never got any pain in the testicles. As I said these drugs are different and cause gyne in diffeent ways.

Offline Z-Man

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Yeah I'm definitely off that sheisse.  The weird sensations and pain come back every couple of days but each time they seem to be shorter in duration.  What drug caused yours?

Offline Worrier

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Quetiapine. on it two years before the gyne developed. Think it had to effects on my liver.Anyway like you off the drug now. Noy a nice side effect is it? . Just glad I didn't have to stay on it, permanent gyne  :couldn't live with that.
     no point having sugery if the drug could cause it again.

Offline Paa_Paw

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From what I have heard, Timing is a major issue.

The sooner the relationship is established between the medication and the breast enlargement the better will be the self resolution when the medication is withdrawn.

There are over 200 medications that are capable of producing gynecomastia in some cases.  In most instances there alternative drugs that do not produce gynecomastia.  

We are all individuals, so what works well for one person and has no side effects will not have the same results on another person.

Grandpa Dan

Offline brm

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To Z-Man
I guess you were on Avodart for a problem of hairloss. So am I, or was I. I've been on Avodart from may to october at a rate of 1 pill every three days (+ 1 daily propecia) and developped gyno lately. How long is it since you stopped Avo and did you recover a good looking chest? BUT what did you do in order to avoid a predictable shedding? What did you replace Avo with? :-/ :-/

Offline Z-Man

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I didn't replace Avo with anything since I plan on being off DHT inhibitors for at least 6 months.  I definitely shed while on avo but the shedding has stopped since I quit taking it.  So far I haven't got any drastic gyno effects but they are sore once in a while.  It's been about a month since my last pill and about 2 weeks since I started feeling gyno.  I got lumps that seem to swell up and go down but nothing drastic.  The pain kinda sux but the symptoms seem to decrease everyday.

Anyone know about over the counter estrogen blockers?  I know bodybuiders use them to prevent gyno when taking 'roids but I don't touch that crap.

What's your gyno like?  Lumps?  Puffy nipples?  Explain how it started and if it went away, how long did it take?  Thanks...hope that helped.  

Offline Paa_Paw

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Finasteride; Whether you call it Propecia, Proscar or something else; is bad news.

Over the last months I have seen many postings from men who develop Gynecomastia after using Finasteride,

The drug comes with a caution that it should not even be handled by women and that it can cause genital deformities in developing babies.

The local Blood Bank will not accept blood donations from anyone using Finasteride.

It has to be the number 1 cause of medication induced Gynecomastia.

My bald head never caused a problem with the women in my life so I never allowed it to bother me either.

Obviously there are a lot of men who use it without problem,  But the list of possible side effects include diminished libido etc. and I wouldn't touch the stuff.

Offline Z-Man

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Hell yeah Pa.  I'm glad to hear that you're not letting MPB get to you.

Offline Z-Man

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The more I read, I find that Fin and Dut both increase free testosterone by blocking the conversion to DHT.  this in turn raises estrogen or estradiol levels because the excess testosterone is converted into these male no-no's.  It's a smaller-scale version of what happens when body builders stack with 'roids.  All that excess testosterone gets converted into estrogen and gives them bitch breasts and shrinks their testes.

If pharms want to really create a useful product, they'd create a balanced drug that limits the active and reactive processes so it doesn't throw the body out of whack.


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