Author Topic: Whats Changed?  (Read 2403 times)

Offline Worrier

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When I was at school I did not know a single person with gyno. Not one. I know peoplecan hide it but i used to go swimming with those guys ;D.

And there was no getting out of swimming or forgetting your PE kit.  That was only ten years ago. Seems to be  alot of young guys getting it in puberty. Not just on this site but my endo told me more youngsters were coming in to see him, than ten or so years ago.

He said he believed it was caused by possibly two things. One more estrogens generally in the environment at a time when young people are more suseptibe and the second reason was the increasing prevalance obesity in teenagers.

I take the obesity thing as a given I don't see many youngsters in the parks anymore kicking footballs like me and my friends used to do. my  cousins kid said that they had a choice of football ,cricket or ten pin bowing with a free burger ??? in pe. You can guess what most went seem bigger now as well.

But the hormone thing is interesting. Anyone know anything about this?Endo said he thinks it effects teens rather than adults due to puberty as he has not seen an increase in adults. I went to see him recenty as hypochrondria playing up again but as usual nothing wrong.  :P

Offline gynosucks1

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the reason u didn't notice anyone having gyno is because your mind wasn't focused on anyone's breasts at the time.

even if somone did gyno back then u woudln' thave noticed it.

i too can't remember a single person having gyno 6-7 years ago when i had no clue about the condition

now what are the odds that i didn't come in contact with anyone with gyno... and i mean i lived in florida during my early teen years and i'm talking about EVERYBODY not just in my school...

Offline gynosucks1

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point here is anyone with gyno and who knows about the condition has bdd like it or not.

you'll never get your mind off it, and never get back the mentality that you used to have before u ever stumbleled across this website, or a definition of gyno.. or whatever blalbalba

kinda sad

Offline Worrier

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Yeah I get what your saying ,  you really do become focused on chests when you find out about this condition and it can consume you if you let it.

I see quite alot of guys now with it, and you are right if i had never heard of it I proably wouldn't notice it or think they need to lose some weight at worst.

It's just my school was a pretty bad school to say the least... and if anyone had gyno people would have noticed swimming or whatever and their life would have been made pretty hard. There were a couple of guys who were overweight and they got it everyday.

no one would have understood what it was about but Iam very sure they would not have been allowed to forget it. I just can't remember hearing of or seeing anyone having that kind of problem at school.

Offline gynosucks1

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Yeah I get what your saying ,  you really do become focused on chests when you find out about this condition and it can consume you if you let it.

I see quite alot of guys now with it, and you are right if i had never heard of it I proably wouldn't notice it or think they need to lose some weight at worst.

It's just my school was a pretty bad school to say the least... and if anyone had gyno people would have noticed swimming or whatever and their life would have been made pretty hard. There were a couple of guys who were overweight and they got it everyday.

no one would have understood what it was about but Iam very sure they would not have been allowed to forget it. I just can't remember hearing of or seeing anyone having that kind of problem at school.

me either, but then again if i was attuned to the condition as I am now, i would have noticed it.... Sure it would have been slight cases..

the thing is though.. People who have HUGE cases where it's quite obvious if u know nothing about the condition tend to be overweight.  And the chest just gets attributed to the overweight problem.

I mean i've never seen a guy in real life with a huge GYNO problem who was not overweight.  In fact i've never seen a guy in real life with an obvious gyno problem period who is not at least hefty.

the kind of gyno you see on skinny guys is just pointy nipples which is i personally think not even a big deal.  I wouldn’t even notice it now if a teenager had a slight case.

another thing...  We can thank bodybuilders for this.  A chest.. or boobs on a male has become an aesthetic quality.  I mean i know through high school i only got compliments on my chest.  Granted i had the dispersed kind of gyno with no kind of protrusion of the nipples.. Basically i had a chest that looked like a bodybuilders.. however i did not have the body to go along with the chest.  Even though i had gyno, and looking back at myself with the knowledge i have now it's plainly clear.. No one ever said a negative word about it.   And to say the least I was quite the loud mouth in highschool and frequently had verbal arguments on the football/hockey team about various dumb highschool conflicts.  There was plenty of times my chest could have been used against me.  

i'm rambling but my point was..

bodybuilders built up this notion that males with chests/boobs is ok

it's very rare to have an individual be very thin and have full out breast growth.

fat people who have a huge case don't usually get it about their chest, more about their physique overall
« Last Edit: November 06, 2005, 07:05:59 AM by gynosucks1 »

Offline GuckFyno

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LOL that is a very good piont gynosucks, I dated a girl who liked my chest and thought I just had great pecs. If you were to look at pictures of male models they all have fairly big chests.

Offline gynosucks1

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hehe but to answer ur topic question..

the thing that's changed is ur mentality.

i don't know if u fully grasp exactly what i'm saying.. but you're into lifting at all compare urself once you got into lifting and when you were a kid.

you didn't size people up and check out guys.. ya lol, and basically look at people in the same manor.

Offline gynosucks1

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LOL that is a very good piont gynosucks, I dated a girl who liked my chest and thought I just had great pecs. If you were to look at pictures of male models they all have fairly big chests.

haha ya.  The funny thing is though everytime i see those abercrombie models i think to myself about how shitty their chests look.  

i guess it's all in the eye of the beholder


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