Author Topic: my photos. please look and advise.  (Read 4299 times)

Offline md

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   Hello. I am 17. Did not really suffer from gyne during puberty.  Have been working out a few years (weight training) and since ive stopped about a year ago ive noticed some gyne forming. Or at least i think its gyne forming. I do not feel any lump under my left nipple however i do feel a small one under my right one.

Ive been told that it could be hormonal changes happening as im still only 17. What do you guys think?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)

Here are links to my pics.

Offline silly_guy

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I'd say so, especially if you feel a lump.  Nothing to worry about unless it grows bigger.

How do you feel about it?

Offline GodWasAngry

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it's gyno... looks like what i have.

Offline **Gynefor**

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Yes it looks like gyno. As the others said, wait a bit and see how it evolves.

Offline md

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Thanks for the comments and advice guys, really appreciate it :)

I've also talked to one of my parents about it and it really helped just talking about it. Anyways what ive decided is that im going to wait until i am 18 to see if there is any change. Since it could be hormonal stuff and could go away after i hit 18 or so.

Some of you guys have suffered with it for a very long time so waiting a few months in my case i shouldn't really complain.  
  However, if my situation doesnt improve after i hit 18, im going to consider getting surgery.  I live in Toronto, i hear that Dr. Fielding and Dr. Lista are the best ones around here. If anyone has had experience with these 2 i would appreciate some comments. I think Lista charges about 5,000$ while Fielding only about 1500$. Is this true???

Again thanks for the advice guys. So i guess the thing to do for now is just wait until i turn 18 and see if there is any change/improvement and then consider surgery if its still there?  Oh and weird thing is i only feel a small lump under my right nipple, yet the left one still appears puffy. Not as much but still does.

Offline md

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   Also, i think the gyne mainly is making my nipples appear larger and pointy, not really affecting more of my chest...just the nipple area. Will the surgery (if i get it) reduce the enlarged puffy nipple look? OR is this a seperate surgery? Because i heard of some people getting a ''nipple reduction'' with their gyne surgery. I thought getting rid of the gyne gland reduces the nipple size and puffy look? Am i wrong is that a seperate surgery that has nothing to do with gyne? Im confused???

Offline md

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I dont really have  much fat on my chest, its just the nipples that are looking puffed out so yes i guess youre right gland excision should do the trick.

Offline tonysoprano

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  Also, i think the gyne mainly is making my nipples appear larger and pointy, not really affecting more of my chest...just the nipple area. Will the surgery (if i get it) reduce the enlarged puffy nipple look? OR is this a seperate surgery? Because i heard of some people getting a ''nipple reduction'' with their gyne surgery. I thought getting rid of the gyne gland reduces the nipple size and puffy look? Am i wrong is that a seperate surgery that has nothing to do with gyne? Im confused???

So you reckon if the nipples were "scraped off", the rest of your chest would be fine the way it is? Like, youre happy with the shape and size of your pecs?
Its just the nipples?

Do you lift weights for your chest or is that the natural shape?
... and the saga continues

Offline md

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Yeah i used to benchpress quite often but i stopped now a few months ago. And yeah its just the nipple area that i dont like. The puffyness basically.

Offline md

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 I've started to save up money now and decided that if i still have gyne after i turn 18 im gonna get the surgery done. I think i will choose Dr. Lista, even though it is 5000$ as opposed to Dr. Fielding with only about a 1500$ price( as OHIP covers the rest) The reason why is i feell more comfortable getting it done at a clinic then a public hospital. Lista also uses a more advanced technique i think.


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