Author Topic: The more weight I lose, the worse my gyno  (Read 2482 times)

Offline Nowler

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Hello all.

I am a 31 year old Male who has had gynocomastia for a number of years. I went through a bout of depression over the last 8 years and piled on weight.

At my heaviest I was 300lbs @ 5ft 10
Now that I'm getting my life back on track, I am down to about 240lbs.

The problem I'm having now is my breasts!
It's absolutely soul destroying...

It's like the more weight I lose, the more prominent my breasts are. I cant keep living like this... it's not worth the pain... I need to do something about it, and surgery is not an option as I'm poor.

Getting a loan would put me in debt for years to come, and I'd just be replacing 1 depressing thing with another.

The motivation to keep losing weight is getting piledrived by my breasts

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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When you gain weight, some of the fat tissue produces estrogen, which in turn stimulates the growth of breast tissue.  When you lose weight, soome of the fat in your breasts will diminish but the established breast tissue will remain.  And as you lose weight and your body thins out a bit, your breasts look more prominent.

The truth is that no amount of diet or exercise will remove your breasts -- only surgery.  Therefore, set a goal for yourself to work and put money aside in order to have the surgery performed.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Alchemist

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I am a 31 year old Male who has had gynocomastia for a number of years. I went through a bout of depression over the last 8 years and piled on weight.

At my heaviest I was 300lbs @ 5ft 10

Now that I'm getting my life back on track, I am down to about 240lbs.

The problem I'm having now is my breasts!

It's absolutely soul destroying...

It's like the more weight I lose, the more prominent my breasts are. I cant keep living like this... it's not worth the pain... I need to do something about it, and surgery is not an option as I'm poor.

Getting a loan would put me in debt for years to come, and I'd just be replacing 1 depressing thing with another.

Hi Nowler,

Jr High was hell with the biggest breasts in school.  I peaked at 325 after injuries.  I lost 2+ cup sizes from loosing edema and lost 1+ cups from fat loss.  I ended up a cup size larger at the lower weight of 195.  In 2 years at jr high I was ALWAYS, 100% of the time, put on skins with the rest of the boys with gynecomastia.  The gym teachers rigged the countoff numbers when they were assigned what numbers were ours for the semester., on the skins side, along with the other guys with breasts. 

My back was broken and nerve damage at 24 started my life of severe chronic pain because of a daydreaming truck driver running a red light.  Like many others having dominating life changing health problems for the next 49 years breasts were the least important feature of my life.  In college my girlfriend (who became my wife)  18 months later we married, was founder of the school nudist club.  Look at reality TV.  Lots of gynecomastia to be seen, some fat and some not, even news anchors with gynecomastia these days on scene might be in a t-shirt in the field. Look around you. If you see us older folks too you will notice that more or less 2/3 of men have mammary gland growth and another 10-20% have visual breasts without any mammary growth.

I've been skinny dipping since childhood.  I have been a nudist club member of one club or another for more than 30 years.  Spend  a week at a nudist club or resort.  You will notice that men with breasts are very common, like 2/3 or so of males depending on day, and some have very outstanding breasts (literally), unless it is mostly younger folks.  Then you might only see 30-50% or whatever, and it will vary with weight and age and day..

I don't think anybody enjoys full frontal fat.  I hated it.

Also notice that only a very small percentage wear 3 heavy duty oversize shirts, compression vests and the like to hide the breasts even at 100 degrees.  It a sign to bullies, "Kick me" it announces from 100+ feet away.  "The problem I'm having now is my breasts!  It's absolutely soul destroying...".  Fear and malignant body shame as a response to breasts or however you think of things, is life destroying and soul destroying.  Breasts are just two  more chunks of flesh of obviously very special meaning to you.  For a lot of guys even surgery is not satisfactory.  They                transfer these fears to the scars that "they will know I had breasts" and they don't change their behavior or fears.  And those of us with larger breasts haven't seen satisfactory outcomes of guys with breasts like some of ours. Further it is expensive.  I had a friend die of anesthesia and my father badly damaged by a small but botched surgery.  Breast reduction has all the usual hazards of surgery.

So, you have breasts and they will stay.  So the considerations come down to "what can you do about it".  Putting more muscle on your chest can flatten the breasts to some degree but also increase yet again how far  they stick out.  My pediatrician said do push ups  HA!.  Bad joke.  They were more outstanding than ever.  I have been getting a lot of chiropractic right now for scoliosis.  As balance is returned my breasts are"pert" with the protruding nipples pointing somewhat upwards instead of down at my gut.  Suddenly they are much more outstanding, not something I expected at 71.

What you can do is get your nutrition adjusted to help you make cells and lose some weight.  It also can help with mood a whole lot.  I can point you in the possibly right direction if you like.  You know, bodies don't come with an OEM guarantee.

A lot of the cause of some guys having bigger breasts younger is often familial gynecomastia, which in that case often includes boys and girls for generations in both directions and can come down either or both parental lines.  Improving nutrition and mood could help you deal with the one real alternative you have, accepting your body and choosing to live your life and enjoy it.  The only thing you can really change is your "self".  You can't change the breasts except in certain little ways already done and that hasn't helped. 

You have set yourself up in a "can't win" situation.  My depression was the result of the genetic need for certain forms of nutrients which I wasn't able to get in large enough quantities and forms except in liver. I took 100 x 350 mg tablets of dessicated liver each day for two years and I hate liver and liver burp.  And then it made me too sick to continue and it took me 20+ years to learn how to deal with refeeding syndrome.

Change how you understand your life and you can change your future.  I've been in the position of hating my body and life because of having sizable breasts and lots of bullies.  But then my mother had brought me up as a bully target and destroyed my metabolism with how she fed me. I got fat and was sick twice as much.  She was anorexic and tried to make me be that with malnutrition.  I would have been a bully target without the breasts.  I changed that and many other things

It is a lot of work to change ones understanding.  Where you are sounds intolerable.  You don't have to stay in your present understanding. Be well.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 04:27:38 PM by Alchemist »

Offline Johndoe1

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Hi Nowler,

You are not alone. My own story is shocking similar.

I developed in jr high. I was picked on, bullied, and today we would call it assaulted. After I reached adulthood, I started to put on weight. Over several decades I ballooned to 330 lbs. This also increased my breast size but at least the stomach hid a lot of the look. But all "good" things must come to an end. Eventually I was told that I had to lose the weight or in the near future I was headed for a stroke or heart attack or both. After almost 100 lbs lost, my breast volume hasn't decreased much. Keeping my now more obvious bust hidden was getting harder and harder if I didn't want to wear clothes two sizes too large. My old fear was rising as my stomach shrank and my breasts became more prominent and now due to volume and weight moved uncontrollably. Eventually the discomfort grow to the point I had to do something. I found that surgery was not an option that was viable. After consultation, I started trying different compression and binding vests and soon realized the movement was less painful than the compression and binding vests, but the look and the controlled movement was drawing unwanted attention. While seeing a doctor another issue, I finally got my courage up and broached the subject of my breasts. After several sessions, she suggested I try a sports bra. I did and found the support brought comfort. Over time the compression of my breast tissue became uncomfortable due to the time I was wearing such a tight garment. I once again got my courage up and decided to try a regular bra. To my surprise, I noticed that my appearance was not drawing attention like it did when unsupported and I was much more comfortable with the correct support of my breasts than I had been in years. That was several years ago and I have been wearing a bra ever since and I very rarely get noticed. I also don't wear clothes that draw attention to my chest and I can go through life pretty normally.

The point I am trying to make is breasts are not a death sentence and surgery is not an absolute and you can have a good life with breasts. Many of us are doing it every day. Did this "comfort" happen overnight for me  No, it took time, to get used to the idea because society has dictated men don't have breasts and so don't wear bras, but that isn't true. We know that.  Don't let your body get you wound up. Because you have breasts doesn't mean you are different. Everyone is unique. Your breasts are one of the many wonderful unique things about you. Good luck.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 07:41:56 AM by Johndoe1 »
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Pichette

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Very inspirational stories fellas. More power to you for being able to rise above and cope with it. I hope I'll be able to get there some day too.


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