Author Topic: Areola size  (Read 1096 times)

Offline Beeches

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Does areola size alway increase with gynecomastia? In my case my nipples have become extremely sensitive and considerably larger, occupying most of the areola, which in turn has only enlarged slightly

Offline Beeches

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In hindsight, I don't think I outlined very clearly what I am trying to ascertain. 

When my breast growth started, one of the first things I noticed was that my nipples were getting quite a lot bigger and harder - they stayed more or less erect and so projected a lot more. They also  became very sensitive. This soon became a problem, even before the breasts started to enlarge, because they were very noticeable under most clothing, and the abrasion from my shirts became really painful at times. I had read somewhere that nipple and areola enlargement are quite common with gynecomastia, so I was expecting the areolae to get correspondingly bigger. This has not happened so far, however. The nipples remain prominent and very sensitive, and I can feel an area of tissue below them which seems a little lumpy or stringy in texture. The general tissue around the areolae has grown, but feels relatively smooth, and is softer than the tissue below the nipples. My assumption is that the tissue under the nipples is glandular, and the surrounding breast is probably mostly fat.

I am hoping others might be kind enough to share their experience in this regard. Did your areolae get bigger and more female in appearance, or have they remained male in appearance and much the same size? What changes did you notice in how the breast tissue felt as it developed?

Obviously for those who developed their breasts during puberty, they probably won't recall exactly how these changes took place. I'm a late developer, so for most of my life have experienced a standard male chest. My condition started up later in life due to hormonal issues, and I'm hoping to get an idea of what is normal as the condition develops, and what I can expect in the future.


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