Author Topic: Fat flaps to fix crater  (Read 581 times)

Offline Helpme55

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I felt it was important to come on this forum to maybe help someone out there in the world that has a crater issue from a prior surgery.

I had a surgery nearly 20 years ago which resulted in a crater that drove me crazy as time progressed.  The craters existed on both sides but was much more apparent on the right side when I raised my arms or flexed my chest. I did A TON of reading over the years and went to many doctors for consultations.  What I quickly realized was that only a handful of people had any clue what they were talking about and most suggested fat transfers which most likely would have done very little to help the situation.  It is a shame that someone would suggest a revision surgery on another person's body in a field they are not an expert in.  I cannot comprehend how a professional who is not fully versed in a particular craft would feel comfortable doing something that would not guarantee positive results.

After speaking to quite a number of doctors I narrowed my choices down to Dr. Babak Dadvand in Los Angeles who seemed very knowledgeable and down to earth on our Skype call and Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC.  I decided to go with Dr. Jacobs who performed the revision using FAT FLAPS, and while I am only two weeks out from surgery I can tell already that HE FIXED THE CRATER.

If you are considering crater revision surgery and are bothered by your craters I will stand by the fact that it can be fixed.  When I woke up from the operation Dr. Jacobs said he would grade my results as a 98/100 and while I do have a bunch of healing to go I would agree with him that the surgery was a legitimate success.  I am really happy with my decision and have no issue having spent the money on fixing something that bothered me for so long.  Do you research, and try to find someone who understands the FAT FLAP TECHNIQUE when it comes to a crater revision. I believe it made all the difference.


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