I recently had my bi-annual physical with my dr to which upon coming in asked how everything is going and did the usual routine of what brings you in and so forth. I mentioned just doing the bi-annual physical and I noted the gynecomastia that's been noted in the previous year has seemed to increase quite a bit in recent months and I was a bit concerned. Did the physical, did a feel around breast exam and noted there is quite a bit of fullness and dense tissue growth. Had me do some tests at the lab in the city next door to which results came back fairly normal. Before my E2 was a bit elevated but it seems it's come down a little. With no medication, no supplements, and a diet that is pretty dang good of plenty of protein fruits veggies and daily exercise...he said the cause is unfortunately not known.
I know there are medical things, that just cannot be determined and is just a "is what it is" situation. But I'm curious, as I'm fine with my breasts, I've come to be okay with them, but I'm also not a D cup or anything near it, and in recent months, the growth experienced has me a bit nervous that by summer time 2021 at this rate I'm gonna be unable to disguise what's going on. I've done my fair share of reading and searching when initially developing and to my understanding the body needs quite a few factors going on for quite awhile to grow breasts, especially in the male body, especially when developing a bit (currently a full b cup). My question, is, has anyone else been told their adult onset is idiopathic? I'm 34 and began growing at 32 and with things jiggling now, I'm a bit mind blown that a dr cannot pin point wtf is causing it. You would think boobs growing on a guy would be somewhat easy to find out why.
I'm not concerned myself, but with wife and kid i'm curious how things are going to be if they grow more, and how to explain whats going on. I cannot imagine telling a wife, who eventually notices her husband has actual noticeable breasts, that "I don't know how they got there" or "Doctor says they don't know why they are" is an acceptable answer. Idk...not to ramble, I've found comfort in the acceptance side of the forum, but a lot of frustration with the dr side of life. I just want to know why they are growing when everything else points to healthy and normal range for myself and explanation to others. Anyone else dealing with unknown causes to what should be a known cause? Or what to ask dr to look for?