All I can tell for sure;
You need a new BMW M3
And a car bra.
If you're willing to donate, feel free to say so. In the mean time I'll have to make do with my lowly 2.8 Z3 though.
Does look like you’re a little rounded there. Could be the pants. You need to get smaller pants and belt. Looking pretty thin there!
I'm naturally built like a reed. The shirt doesn't show it, but I actually still have a decent amount of abdominal fat (at about 182cm and a borderline "underweight" 62kg). I have almost no muscle mass though, to the extent that I had to chew gum back in the day to strengthen my jaw muscles (doctor's orders). And of course with almost constant muscle pain in both arms (overuse injury 2 years ago), I can't do much strength training anyway.
And I'm currently wearing 34" jeans. I know they're WAY too large, going by the amount of holes and spacing I'm bringing it down to 29"(!). But with some jeans it's pretty clear that I can't even go down to 32", due to lack of thigh space. Not long ago I brought my jeans down to about 30", and they were actually snug around my thighs. That alone makes me wonder, as it's rather obvious the usual mens' cut doesn't fit right.