I too want the girls and myself to look their best and have found a zen when wearing a good fitting bra that gives me confidence I don't have when braless. When braless in public, I have this great fear people can see my breasts moving under my top or my high beams are showing. I completely understand the feeling women have where they complain about their bras but would NEVER be caught not wearing one. Yeah, they can be uncomfortable sometimes, hot in the summer, itchy, cause rashes, expensive, hard to keep from being exposed to the world, especially for us, difficult to clean, sometimes hard to hide the outline of the straps and band, particularly if you are a little puggy in the back area where the band will compress some of the fat. But women deal with these same issues all the time. They are not unique to males. There are solutions.
Most women who I have talked to about their feelings about bras, all say pretty much the same thing, they would prefer to not wear one, but they would not consider not wearing one for all the advantages we have outlined. And many enjoy wearing a bra for what it does to their mental as well as physical comfort and appearance. Something that many of us who wear a bra share with our bra wearing sisters. Of the women who know I wear a bra, and that is a small number by choice, they are very supportive of my decision, agree that a bra is not a bad thing for me, and have been encouraging about my wearing of a bra. They have not been judgemental towards me, and have nice comments to say if my top was a little tighter than normal and have been helpful with bra suggestions and how to wear tops with them. One female friend told me when she discovered my bra that a bra doesn't make you, it makes you a more comfortable person, and she was right.
After losing 100 pounds of fat, the girls didn't reduce that much, so as a 36DDD/F these days, a bra has become pretty much a necessity. And when I am not wearing one, I feel like I am not completely dressed. And other than a handful of close female friends, no one even pays attention if they even suspect or notice and I have not had as good a body self image as I do now since before my breasts developed when I was a teen. This has led to an overall reduction of stress over my chest and I actually am enjoying life where I would not do activities because I was afraid of what people MIGHT think or say due to my chest. That is not any way to live. And I refuse to live that way anymore. I dress my chest for the activity and go live life, just like 50% of the population has done forever. That doesn't make me any less a man.