Author Topic: New guy here  (Read 3258 times)


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Hello, I was accepted the other day and have been trying to learn how to set up my profile, etc. I still have some learning to do on that.

I am in my mid 50s and have developed breasts. I've had a small bit of "manboobs" most of my life but could still go shirtless without any embarrassment. Over the years, with weight gain (mostly around the belly), low testosterone levels (92 when I first got it checked), testosterone replacement, and prostate issues, I began to notice breast growth.

Now I have very developed and feminine looking breasts. I certainly do not go in public, i.e. swimming,  without a shirt and even a large, heavy t-shirt can't hide the bouncing and protruding mounds on my chest. I do wear compression shirts if not a bra to tame them at least a little bit.  At this point in my life I don't really care what people think but I don't want to make a spectacle of myself, either. I have some sports bras that I wear at work and a couple of regular bras when not at work. I don't wear them every day but they do smooth out my profile and actually make my breasts not so noticeable. And no one has ever said anything about noticing the bras. Even with a bra on it still looks like "manboobs" unless I want to show them off, which I don't do.

I'm glad to be on here and read about all the experiences.  im just simply trying to live with what I have and not be very noticeable.  I'll try to attach some pictures. I hope all is well in 2021.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2021, 07:06:20 PM by justwayne »

Online blad

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You have the same bra I do, a Warners T Shirt bra!

I have several of these in tan and white color for everyday wear. I am wearing one now.

And yes, your profile picture with the shirt on looks smoother and attracts less attention in the view with the bra on.
If the bra fits, wear it.


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Yeah, I like the Warners brand. Mine are the ultra soft contour bras. They're really comfortable and give a more natural shape than some I've tried before. The shirt in the pictures is a thin one. I dont usually wear ones that thin unless under another shirt. With most of my shirts, it's hard to even know that I have a bra on.
Thanks for the feedback!

Offline curiousk

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Welcome to the club.  It sounds as though you are well adjusted with wearing a bra and benefitting from it.  My breasts appear similar to yours.  I would look the exactly the same as you if I wore a t shirt with and without a bra.  I'm definitely more comfortable wearing a bra and really don't care if people see the outline of it.  I'm just trying to being supported and comfortable.  Feel free to chime in and join the conversations.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 06:57:24 AM by curiousk »


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Welcome to the club.  I sounds as though you are well adjusted with wearing a bra and benefitting from it.  My breasts appear similar to yours.  I would look the exactly the same as you if I wore a t shirt with and without a bra.  I'm definitely more comfortable wearing a bra and really don't care if people see the outline of it.  I'm just trying to being supported and comfortable.  Feel free to chime in and join the conversations.
Thanks curiousk. I think the hardest part of adjusting to wearing a bra for me was the self consciousness. Once I realized that no one else knew I was wearing one or, at least, didn't react to it if they did know it, then I was fine. As long as it fits and is comfortable I'm good to go. Again though, I don't want to make a spectacle of myself so I choose bras that don't accentuate the curves much. They just smooth things out.

Offline Traveler

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Welcome Justwayne! Know that you’re not alone and we’re here to help.


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Welcome Justwayne! Know that you’re not alone and we’re here to help.
Thanks Traveler! I appreciate it very much!


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Hey everybody.  I'm not sure what happened but my account got cancelled. I got it back, now just trying to get everything set back to the way I had it. So, yeah, it's me with the same username,  etc. Glad to be back on. I'll be posting some more pics asap. Here's a couple of my bras that I wear alot. The tan is a Warners ultrasoft contour bra. The other is a work bra that I really do like a lot. It's a Champion Curvy Sports bra. I'll be joining in more asap. Thanks.

Offline SideSet

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Those two bras look good on you.  They fit you well. And you definitely do need to wear a bra, too big to go around braless.   In the picture you posted wearing a top, but braless, you are doing some serious nipping out. 

 I completely agree with you that your breasts are quite developed and very feminine in appearance. What is your bra size? 


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Those two bras look good on you.  They fit you well. And you definitely do need to wear a bra, too big to go around braless.  In the picture you posted wearing a top, but braless, you are doing some serious nipping out.

 I completely agree with you that your breasts are quite developed and very feminine in appearance. What is your bra size?
I'm size 40B but that's getting tighter now. It seems that I'm growing again.  I do have a 40C Warners bra that fits pretty well but gaps a little when I'm moving. I'm sure that I'll be in it full time shortly.

I wasn't overjoyed at having breasts when I first realized they were getting big but once I accepted that I have them, I'm glad that they are shaped, at least, somewhat nicely. if I'm going to have breasts, I'd rather them look like breasts.Thanks for the support!

Offline SideSet

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How do you feel about your breasts growing?

And, they are definitely female breasts, not moobs. 

Offline Dale Warnio

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Oh, they do look like female breasts. And quite full-busted, too.  You need to wear a bra as much as any woman does.   Whether in a bra or braless,  your breasts are quite noticeable, but in your braless pic your nipples  are doing some serious poking through your top.  


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How do you feel about your breasts growing?

And, they are definitely female breasts, not moobs.
I'm actually OK with them growing a bit. Once I learned to accept them and people who knew me accepted that they were a part of me, I like them. However, as I don't want to make a spectacle of myself, I don't think that I want them too large. As a B, almost C cup, I think it would be nice to be a solid C cup. My wife even likes them. But, if they do get bigger, I'll just have to get used to that, too.

And yes, if I'm going to have breasts, I'd much rather have decent feminine looking breasts than moobs. Thanks again,  Sideset.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 12:43:07 PM by justwayne »


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Oh, they do look like female breasts. And quite full-busted, too.  You need to wear a bra as much as any woman does.  Whether in a bra or braless,  your breasts are quite noticeable, but in your braless pic your nipples  are doing some serious poking through your top. 
Thanks, Dale. I am glad they look feminine. As I told SideSet, if I'm going to have them, I want them to look good. Yes, they are noticeable,  with or without a bra and my nipples poke out whether hot or cold. If I don't have a bra on, I have to wear a dark, heavy tshirt with a button up shirt to keep them (the nipples) from showing.  Thanks again for the positive comments and support!

Offline Dale Warnio

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So good your wife likes you having breasts like a woman.  What did she say about them?  Does she tell you that you need to wear a bra?    What is her bra size?

Have you tried underwire bras?  Do you swoop and scoop ?


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