Author Topic: Bumpy chest 6 weeks post-op (third operation)  (Read 713 times)

Offline randomuser123

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I have already gone through three surgeries

May 2020 -> Doctor 1:
- Left side mostly gland, right side a mix of a bit of gland and more fat
- Procedure: Cutting and liposuction
- Results: All was good on the left, but the right didn't seem to change at all. No steroid injections helped, the doctor decided to repeat the surgery

January 2021 -> Doctor 1:
- Procedure: Cutting
- Results: My chest got swollen the night post operation, most of it was immediately pressed out by a nurse. Then, the swelling decreased a bit, but a big part of it stayed, and the chest felt all lumpy, especially behind the nipple.
- I decided to go for an ultrasonograph scan, and they said it seemed like a lot of smaller pockets of blood, none of which big enough to be treated with any type of injection.

Mid July 2021 -> Doctor 2:
- I lost trust to the previous doctor, and I asked another surgeon for his opinion. After USG, he immediately said there is some gland left, and I should undergo another surgery
- Procedure: Laser cutting. The doctor said there was a lot of gland behind and around the nipple, he said some of it reached as far as my 3rd/4th rib. All of it was removed by him.
- A few days post-op my chest got really swollen (I mean woman's breast-like swollen). It went down with time, and during massages the scar got a bit open, and I was able to manually push out a lot of blood clots. (it was so much that my chest became indented after that). Nevertheless, a few days after that the area became bumpy again...

I know patience is key after every operation, but I have been patient after the first and the second operation, and it didn't really pay off... I am becoming a bit depressed, tbh...

I am attaching the picture of when my chest became indented after manual pressing (Aug 13th), and two pictures of my chest from today (Aug 31st).

Will my chest ever look normal?


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