Author Topic: Bra Shopping With My Wife  (Read 12432 times)

Offline MychalBloodwing

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On a positive note, today my wife suggested I buy some women's pants. I have problems with men's sizing. After measuring me, she had me try on some of her jeans to see if they fit me. These were the very ones I tried on in secret a few days ago....and she was startled to see that I fit into her smallest size...which are too small for HER today. Officially I'm a size 10/12 Petite. Reluctantly, she agreed that I needed to shop in the women's aisle. So, I ordered a pair of black Starfish Mid Rise Straight Leg Pants from Lands End (which were on sale today 50% off).

(I took these two pictures of the size 10 Petite jeans during my secret try-ons.)

Offline SideSet

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Those pants fit you really well. I can see you definitely have wider hips. Can’t really tell about your bum😉

So good that your wife recognizes you have a shape more like a woman, so need to wear women’s clothes.  So, no more secret try ons.  As you say, from now on you’ll openly be shopping in only the women’s clothing sections. 

  Of course, you are already wearing bras, and now what about panties and maybe even shapewear?

Offline MychalBloodwing

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Those pants fit you really well. I can see you definitely have wider hips. Can’t really tell about your bum😉

So good that your wife recognizes you have a shape more like a woman, so need to wear women’s clothes.  So, no more secret try ons.  As you say, from now on you’ll openly be shopping in only the women’s clothing sections.

  Of course, you are already wearing bras, and now what about panties and maybe even shapewear?
Thank you. (I have a very flat bum. ;))
At lunch today, my wife smiled and almost laughed when she said, "You've almost got a full woman's wardrobe including bras." For practical purposes, with tighter pants I'll have to change styles from my men's boxers.

Offline SideSet

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Sounds like your wife has gone beyond tolerating/accepting to where  it is becoming second nature to her.  Have you talked with her about how you obviously cannot longer wear men’s boxers and get her suggestions on panties you should start wearing  as part of your “almost full woman’s wardrobe including bras?”

Offline Busty

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I think your wife is starting to enjoy and have fun with it even.  Please tell us all she says and does 

Offline Rich meier

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On a positive note, today my wife suggested I buy some women's pants. I have problems with men's sizing. After measuring me, she had me try on some of her jeans to see if they fit me. These were the very ones I tried on in secret a few days ago....and she was startled to see that I fit into her smallest size...which are too small for HER today. Officially I'm a size 10/12 Petite. Reluctantly, she agreed that I needed to shop in the women's aisle. So, I ordered a pair of black Starfish Mid Rise Straight Leg Pants from Lands End (which were on sale today 50% off).

(I took these two pictures of the size 10 Petite jeans during my secret try-ons.)
maybe she will let you have her smaller cloths no sense  letting them go to waste

Offline taxmapper

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Wow.. So I am glad that I am not alone on that. 

I started to keep track of my hips also and have noticed the same process of change where I see my hips fluctuating in size by small amounts but getting progressively wider. 

This tells me that the hormone thing defiantly affects the fat placement by the body, and if estragon is involved, expect the shape that comes with it. 

Offline MychalBloodwing

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Wow.. So I am glad that I am not alone on that.

I started to keep track of my hips also and have noticed the same process of change where I see my hips fluctuating in size by small amounts but getting progressively wider.

This tells me that the hormone thing defiantly affects the fat placement by the body, and if estragon is involved, expect the shape that comes with it.
Hi, taxmapper. If you're referring to my hips (in my pictures), I've always had wider than normal hips...I'm not on any hormones. My structure has always been a bit of an "hourglass" type.

Offline taxmapper

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Wow.. So I am glad that I am not alone on that.

I started to keep track of my hips also and have noticed the same process of change where I see my hips fluctuating in size by small amounts but getting progressively wider.

This tells me that the hormone thing defiantly affects the fat placement by the body, and if estragon is involved, expect the shape that comes with it.
Hi, taxmapper. If you're referring to my hips (in my pictures), I've always had wider than normal hips...I'm not on any hormones. My structure has always been a bit of an "hourglass" type.
Well for me the hormones seem to be screaming upward. 
I have been measuring them out and have increased by one inch in the past two months. 
I also realized that my pelvis is shallower than other males.  
I am glad it is working for you, as I am having to discover this myself.    My father called me "panty waist" when I was barely a teenager, and had a gym coach cream at me telling me that I walked like a girl. 

So not being the physiological expert, I can only guess. 

Offline Busty

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Sounds like your wife just sees you as having a more female shape overall and now second nature to her that, since you have a body more like a woman, women’s clothing feels and looks best on you.  Just not things that are not too feminine looking, yet. 


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