Author Topic: my story.....good read  (Read 6784 times)

Offline Paa_Paw

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I am thankful that my somewhat harsh rhetoric was taken so well.

I would hope that every young man who is contemplating the use of any drug or supliment as part of their body building regimen would be able to read crager's post and my response before they take the first dose.  Those products have many side effects, and we deal with only one of them.

The harsh reality is that there are no short cuts that are both safe and effective.  

But that is now in the past.  We are all now in the same boat, regardless of what got us here.  Hopefully my earlier comments did not convey the impression that I lack compassion for a fellow with a problem that is the source of much embarassment and torment to us all.

Crager took the comments well,  He was man enough to face the fact that in his case He had responsibility for the problem.  I had the feeling that his anger was mis-directed but he owned up to that.

Lets now return to the business of supporting one another.
Grandpa Dan

Offline crager

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The harsh reality is that there are no short cuts that are both safe and effective.  

in life period........anything worth while attaining just takes good old fashioned hard work.......i spent thousands on steroids, and thousands removing what they did to me. and the surgery still wasn't done to my standards....which means that's probably another 4 grand i'm gonna have to dish out for another surgery by a more qualified doc.....hmmm......

and the part that gets me, is i knew what i was doing; down to the T.

so for all you know it alls, who may in the future, read this thread....realize this. once you put certain etsers into your body - at a relatively high dosage, remember, the hormones will flow through your bloodstream, at a nice, slow pace, regardless of what starts to form underneath your nips.

(the 'know it alls' comment was NOT directed to you guys who have been chiming in so far, it was more of a refelection of my former-self...if that makes any sense)

peace to all...and happy thanksgiving....:)

Offline Paa_Paw

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Congratulations crager. With your present attitude, you are sure to do well.

Offline crager

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thanks man...i want to be a motivational speaker in my spare time. besides gyne, i also battled a hardcore drug habbit on & off for years.

clean now, and happier than ever.


Offline NEWB

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I am thankful that my somewhat harsh rhetoric was taken so well.

I would hope that every young man who is contemplating the use of any drug or supliment as part of their body building regimen would be able to read crager's post and my response before they take the first dose.  Those products have many side effects, and we deal with only one of them.

The harsh reality is that there are no short cuts that are both safe and effective.  

But that is now in the past.  We are all now in the same boat, regardless of what got us here.  Hopefully my earlier comments did not convey the impression that I lack compassion for a fellow with a problem that is the source of much embarassment and torment to us all.

Crager took the comments well,  He was man enough to face the fact that in his case He had responsibility for the problem.  I had the feeling that his anger was mis-directed but he owned up to that.

Lets now return to the business of supporting one another.

Well I guess this is directed at me...all Im trying to say is I know what I did and now have to face the facts(if thats what is causing it)I take responsibility for what I do,nobody made me take it.But what gets me is I have never done the hard core stuff,just over the counter stuff.So I guess I thought it would be ok,never thought it would have this type of side effect. Anyway Im more pissed at myself for not taking into consideration the effects of it.And Im not mad at anyone for their comments at all,just kinda like a ( I told ya so) so I really didnt want to hear at the time ::)  And I know everyone has heard that before.... believe me I appreciate any comments you guys have...peace out brothers ;D  
« Last Edit: November 25, 2005, 05:09:45 AM by NEWB »

Offline daddynubbie

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I dont think anyone was really tring to say i told you so, but a few are tryng to get the message out that even the over the counter (safe) stuff has potential side effects.

I feel bad that people have to suffer when they really didnt know they were taking something that could have pretty serious side effects. That is why i am saying we should never just think somthing is safe without really making pretty sure that it is. The only way to make absolutly sure is to just stay away from it.

As far as perscription drugs, they most deffinetly have their place and are needed buy people with certain aillments. That being said there are way to many drugs being consumed as a easy fix for problems that could be taken care of in much more natural and safe ways.

I am not an extremeist, and i dont live in a commune.

Most of all, my hope is that many more people will be more skeptical and cautious about things.

One more thing, I have made many mistakes in my life and have paid some very steep concequinces because of them. The thing that i have learned is to really listen to advice and counsel from the people around me, and ask for that help sooner than later. But dont follow anyone blindly, always do your own research and make you own educated decision.

This board is a great resource filled with tons of great information and some that is not so good. The overwhelming majority of posts are written be people that care and want to help other people and that is pretty cool.
Suffered For 20 years, 36 years old
Had 1st Surgery October 2005
Had Revision August 18, 2006
Looking Good So Far

Offline Paa_Paw

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Very well said.

Offline gynosucks1

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i'm still not giving any of you guys hugs :)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2005, 08:40:18 AM by gynosucks1 »

Offline crager

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hey bro's, glad i could start a some what decent post. i won't be around anymore. peace to all and best of luck in all your endeavors. late.

Offline markashleigh1979

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i'm sorry but some of u need a little f**king compassion towards people who get gyno from roids.

Very true!!!!!

I was a silly 20 year old who got sucked in by the guys at the gym......5 years later and i am at the lowest point in my life...bring on the surgery

Offline ItsOK

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>> Lets now return to the business of supporting one another.

One of the most important forms of support is sharing mistakes so that others can learn from them.  This thread has done that in at least two ways -- dosing yourself with chemicals is dangerous, and surgery doesn't always provide the results you want.

Some people can read about others' experience and learn from them.  Other people have to make their own mistakes.  I really hope that there are a few folks here who can read and heed.

Offline colinosmar

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I dont think that people are using the word supplement correctly in this thread so far.  Things like protein supplements, creatine, and glutamine are different then roids.  They are legal, and except in extreme circumstances do not have crazily adverse side effects, i think the worst ive suffered is bloating  :-[ In other words there are supplements you can go on to increase the efficacy of your exercise regimen and diet, things that are not illegal, things that do not make crazy changes to your hormones, things that are considered to be generally safe (as long as your kidneys are in good condition etc) Before anyone rushes off to start on these products, please look into them to make sure there right for you, I did.  I personally have noticed a drastic change in gains made at the gym for musclebuilding, recovery time is cut down, and thanks to using ephedrine/caffeine/aspirine as a thermogenic i get plenty of extra stamina (something that the gym will naturally sap if you were used to a sedentary lifestyle)



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