Author Topic: My First Bra  (Read 18192 times)


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Spent a solid chunk of time on the breast life before finding this forum years ago. Glad to see it’s still there and active. The author of the site is wonderful and the commitment to the male breast portion of it really helped me accept the initial development of my chest. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Spent a solid chunk of time on the breast life before finding this forum years ago. Glad to see it’s still there and active. The author of the site is wonderful and the commitment to the male breast portion of it really helped me accept the initial development of my chest.
I too found that site before discovering this site... but alas, though these threads about male breasts and brassieres are still available, they are all old.  The one John posts was written in 2015.  I posted on a few of them under a different username, but I noted no one had posted for years and no one responded to what I wrote.  I've no doubt that some of our friends on this board were active there.  Sophie even used the same username...  :)  There are only so many places where conversations on this subject are found...

Offline benusa

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I just looked up the site but don’t see a forum or a male section. Just a blog. Am I missing something?

Offline 42CSurprise!

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If you scroll down to the bottom of each article you'll find a great many comments from men.  It is many years old but the conversations are still worth reading.  You'll find Sophie's comments under the same username she uses here... A Boy With Girls.  I'm quite certain others from this site were involved in those exchanges.  If I recall there are perhaps three or four articles focused on men, breasts and brassieres... our friends...


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Yup I spent a bit of time there and recall seeing some names here later on that were there. It was nice seeing that cause it felt like an actual community and not just a random stumbled upon forum of sorts. It was nice to find other guys dealing with or have dealt with or coming to terms with what I felt I was experiencing. Back then I was just budding and feeling the itchiness and seeing subtle projection and shopping immediately for a surgeon to remedy it. But between driving to consultations and spending time looking more in to other areas of guys with this issue I learned to just deal with it. 
Over the last couple years of here I’ve made some friends and have DMd with some, had a small chat group on kik with a couple others where we’d talk more directly off the forum and when they exited over some time tried again to no avail. But this forum has been great and breastlife started it for me so wish they had more activity than what I’ve heard it is now here but still a great resource I think to check in on even if the most recent stuff is quite archived. 


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