Author Topic: Girlfriend noticing  (Read 6976 times)

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Aye oh! Haha glad y’all had fun. Developing boobs when being intimate can be a stressing thing I feel. Wife and I haven’t been intimate in a year Ive grown almost 2 cup sizes. It’s gonna be interesting like hey babe can you hold these in place for me lol.
Breasts develop with elevated estrogen and diminished testosterone which concurrently leads to reduced libido.  Perhaps the fact you haven't been sexually intimate in a year is part of a larger picture and may be the new normal.  I'm not the only man here who has reported diminished libido along the way.  Hormones have their way with us... a reality that can take time to understand.


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My libido is on fire my wife’s is not she is over worked under staffed and when she’s not running a business she’s running the house while I work and then during event seasons I’m working most Saturdays also the bigger picture is just too busy and too tired both of us. Overall though my libido is def in good health. 

Offline Evolver

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My libido is on fire my wife’s is not she is over worked under staffed and when she’s not running a business she’s running the house while I work and then during event seasons I’m working most Saturdays also the bigger picture is just too busy and too tired both of us. Overall though my libido is def in good health.
An all too common occurrence. Work sucks. People should work to live, not live to work. Do you need to consider a career change to take the pressure off your wife?

Not that I'm an expert, but it sounds like you both need to step back and smell the roses.


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I work in finances and as an event photographer. I don’t have a university degree I worked as a steel worker for 12 years prior to landing in a bank for a career change. My resume will get me not too far per words to get on HRs radars I’m happy where I’m at. 
The pressure she’s under is she owns a business and staff just hasn’t been the best this year. She’s working on that but she has to train post job ads work on classes programs schedules etc all while taking care of the kid when I’m at work. I take the pressures off where I can when I can do she gets a break and time to relax and breathe. But idk. Sex just hasn’t ever been too important in our relationship since having a kid. Not anything anyone complains about with us but just something that’s fallen absent. Part of me thinks because she’s too tired and over worked and her down time is needed to just exit reality a bit in a book or a game. Part of me always felt it’s cause I’m pretty inadequate in bed. I make a minute man look like a marathon man lol. So always felt it’s like a why bother when it’s over so soon to her. But with all factors I’m sure it’s just a mix of all. 


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I had a very, very low libido when I still had my penis. My vagina, now heeled and fully functional enjoys a much healthier sex life. Part of it may be the newness of it all but,still very happy with the increase in activity. Sorry if it was TMI 🙄🤗


Offline benusa

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Hi Dude,
I agree with Aussie. It might be time for a vacation. Or even just a mini vacation. I’m certainly not one to give advice on a solution to job stresses and schedules. If you haven’t looked for a better opportunity in a while you may be surprised by more competitive offers. She also may have a hormone issue and her loss of interest has nothing to do with you.
Hi 42C,
My testosterone is normal to high. My estrogen is also high. I’ve been on testosterone for years. I have high libido. My boobs have also been growing nonstop this year. I had to discontinue an estrogen blocker over a year ago. I don’t think the estrogen has put a dent in libido.
Hi Sophie,
Maybe you’re just more comfortable now. 


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My initial note wasn’t a complaint just a general statement. We are very happy. While sure sex is great and enjoyable we just aren’t overly sexual people. Thanks for the concerns and insights. But yes if vacation was an option we’d surely enjoy one as would anyone


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Hi Sophie,
Maybe you’re just more comfortable now.
I am definitely more comfortable now!

It's not that my breasts fit my presentation better, even though they obviously do.

My breasts never had anything to do with what was between my legs. My breasts were just super convenient and I feel so fortunate that I never had to have any HRT or top surgery. For the last year, my E and T levels are within the normal range for women of my age. It's almost as if womanhood was my destiny.

your sis,
SOphir 🤗💋👭

Offline brock123

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This is probably an unwanted interjection to the thread, but my wife and I have been "at odds" for a long while now (not related to sexual orientation), but I extended an Olive Branch this evening, which resulted in some much welcome and all-too-absent "cuddling". My input here is that she almost immediately started fondling my (little/pseudo) man boobs.

Women are complex creatures that seem to fall outside of the norms and understandings that men tend to impose upon themselves. As a male, would you arbitrarily pass (negative) judgment on a fellow male that has boobs, or would you feel bad/sympathize with him?

To me, "boobs" are essentially a whole lot of fun for all involved? As a male, it's something that I cannot fully appreciate, but I do enjoy what I have. I can speculate that females have a much more intimate relationship with their breasts. Men aren't supposed to have "them", but some of us do. How we interpret this reality is important? Do we accept and/or embrace this, or do we shun it?

Can we admit that no human is upset about having access to another human's big "chest" and our shared desire to fondle it? It makes us feel good, gender notwithstanding. 

Offline SideSet

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I think it is wonderful she fondled your breasts

Busted (and happy)

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There is no natural law that says men should not have (noticeable) breasts, nor that women's breast ought to be. 
Plain fact is we all have them. Size is just a matter of the hormonal stew we are born with or acquire with age or more recently from environmental factors. 
Most women just enjoy their breasts and I intend to as well. 


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