Author Topic: Do you like wearing a bra  (Read 17548 times)

Offline TracyH

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Wearing a bra is one of the great joys in my life. I started growing boobs when I hit puberty. I always heard the comments about how I should wear a bra or being asked what my bra size was. The funny thing was that I did know my bra size. Today I wear a bra almost full time. The only time I don't have a bra on is when I am at work.

Thank you all for being here


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Tracy H. I'm glad your here.  Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey. It's not always a pleasant one at times but we keep moving.  When people comment it just reinforces and  proves their ignorance.

As for wearing a bra,  I quite enjoy it also.  Like you there are times when a well fitting flattering bra isn't, and shouldn't be, done.  I tone things down when I have to just to keep peoples minds where they should be.

Offline Sophie

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Wow! I was looking back on this thread. I was still under my old username. 

Do I like wearing a bra? I have been wearing a bra full time for 35 years. I like my bras. I love the work a bra does for me. I sincerely enjoy "the hunt" for the perfect bra. I'm a 36G in most of my bras and it's not the easiest size to find.

Shape, support and comfort. Those are the functions of a bra. However, as a woman of transgender experience, fashion is just as important. It's always best practice to wear a blouse with slacks or a skirt. I know that most here won't wear a skirt to go bra shopping. Bear with me, sometimes a new dress requires a new bra.  The only way to get the right look is to try them on together. It's not the most convenient way to try on new bras but. The end result is better than going back and forth to the boutique or store until you get the right look. Sometimes when you're bra shopping you may want to wear or at least bring whatever top or tops that you are going to be wearing over the your new bra or bras with to make certain that they work together. 

I know the frustration that most of you face and the struggle is real. Comfort vs. Concealment. You want to be comfortable, however, most of the time, a bra will increase your projection, making your girls more pronounced. The confinement of a compression style sports bra is less than ideal to wear for 12 hours, but, will reduce your projection. 

I think that everyone can agree that if you have breasts, a bra is simply the best way to manage them to get the best shape, support and comfort to get through your day with confidence. 


Offline Puna

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As many others said, I my self was always teased back in my youth and early adulthood. Now I looked back, I wish i did tried bras then. I hate it when I don't have a bra on. Later in my mid 30's. I decided I wanted to be more open about it. I opened up to a lot of women friends and they agree them self's that they hate going braless them self's. They like wearing a bra much of the same reasons why we wear bras. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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...I know the frustration that most of you face and the struggle is real. Comfort vs. Concealment. You want to be comfortable, however, most of the time, a bra will increase your projection, making your girls more pronounced. The confinement of a compression style sports bra is less than ideal to wear for 12 hours, but, will reduce your projection.

I think that everyone can agree that if you have breasts, a bra is simply the best way to manage them to get the best shape, support and comfort to get through your day with confidence.

I've always appreciated the fact you chose to continue posting on this side of the website after making your transition.  You and Birdie fill out the story of what it means to be identified as men while having breasts.  Those of us whose bodies were confused as hormones found how they wished to be expressed while we were teens have never been manly men.  We may have striven for that along the way but probably our bodies didn't allow us to get there.  I recall the years of working out at the gym in the hopes I'd develop a more masculine physique.  It didn't happen.  I didn't have the breast development you and a few of our companions did as teens but I was different enough that I was always uncomfortable about how I looked.

The question has been asked on this website whether we'd prefer to have developed without breasts.  Honestly, if given the choice I would take a conventional male body with a flat chest.  I would have been happy to just be one of the boys and not have to think about what my body looked like when I put on swimming trunks.  But alas, Mother Nature had other plans for me.  It has taken a long time to come to terms with reality and fortunately, as I've reflected on who I am I was fortunate enough to come upon this website where other men were reflecting on the same subject.  Clearly, Mother Nature chose to make me a feminized man... something that often makes manly men uncomfortable.  But I won't apologize for being who I am and since I happen to have breasts that fill a C cup I've chosen to appreciate them and occasionally show them off.

Thanks for hanging out with us Sophie.  You may be the only person among us who made the choice to fully transition, but my guess is you're not the only one who has thought about it.  Different strokes for different folks... all good and all worthy of respect.

Offline blad

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Once I discovered, as a teen, how well I fit a bra I began to adapt to having breasts. I came to even enjoy my breasts as long as I could properly manage them by wearing a bra. I just did not like the sensations of being braless and with a bra I usually forget they are there.

But life would have been less complicated, particularly in those teen years, had I not developed breasts. 

If the bra fits, wear it.

Online Justagirl💃

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I love wearing a bra!

I love the support, the style choices, the matching my bra with outfits. 

I can't stand being without one during the day, but I can't wait to get out of it every night. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Sophie

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I love wearing a bra!

I love the support, the style choices, the matching my bra with outfits.

I can't stand being without one during the day, but I can't wait to get out of it every night.
I hear you, girl!

A bra is a must! I've said it before. I never leave the house without an underwire bra. I know that it's a psychological thing, but I love the shape support and comfort I get from my underwire bras. 

However, even for bedtime, I prefer something for support. Whether it's a nightie or nightgown with a fitted bodice or even just a sleep bra with panties. 


Offline oldguy

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I know the frustration that most of you face and the struggle is real. Comfort vs. Concealment. You want to be comfortable, however, most of the time, a bra will increase your projection, making your girls more pronounced. The confinement of a compression style sports bra is less than ideal to wear for 12 hours, but, will reduce your projection.

I think that everyone can agree that if you have breasts, a bra is simply the best way to manage them to get the best shape, support and comfort to get through your day with confidence.



You got it.  Comfort vs. Concealment.  I believe most of us deal with this issue.

For me, having support is a necessity.  When out or exercising, I wear a sports bra which minimizes them.  At home, I wear a regular bra.  This allows them and my chest to breath.  I never wear a bra to bed.

It all starts with Gynocomastia.  We all take different paths to do what is right for us.  I am on the path that I took.  Make the most of your path and make every day count.

Surgery on Monday.  No, it doesnt impact my breasts.

Offline Johndoe1

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I know the frustration that most of you face and the struggle is real. Comfort vs. Concealment. You want to be comfortable, however, most of the time, a bra will increase your projection, making your girls more pronounced. The confinement of a compression style sports bra is less than ideal to wear for 12 hours, but, will reduce your projection.

I think that everyone can agree that if you have breasts, a bra is simply the best way to manage them to get the best shape, support and comfort to get through your day with confidence.

For those of us who are more endowed like women, it is a struggle between comfort and concealment. As many of us who I think have discovered if you are C but definitely D and above, you don't need a bra to show projection. Not only is support a must for me, I need the addition of side support for added comfort. This increases projection since that side tissue has to go somewhere. Side support, like minimizers don't do away with tissue but redistributes on the chest. Projection is something I live with whether I am wearing a bra or not. In that case I side with comfort. I am not concealing anything. Why try? As Sophie found out years ago, long before she was Sophie, you have to do what you have to do. She was large enough that she wasn't hiding anything back then and now she doesn't have to and to be honest, neither do we,  if we don't want to. And I know several here feel the same as her and me. You just dress a little more modestly and life goes on and your comfortable!
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline taxmapper

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So I think this bears repeating.: 

If you are walking around braless it will be as obvious as a skunk in a flower shop.   

When wearing a bra, yes projection.  but also remember that like daytime headlights, after a while they no longer are effective.  

Its call habituation. 

Habituation is a psychological phenomenon where repeated exposure to a stimulus leads to a decreased response over time. It explains why things that once seemed novel or striking eventually fade into the background as they become familiar.

If you wear a bra that covers shape but produces a projection, most people wont even notice because of the commonality of women, and the massive blending of clothing and androgynous wear of today. 
At first, perhaps. After a while.. no one will care. 

Offline Passant

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When I wear a slightly thicker sweater and a tank top underneath, it's hard to see my breasts at first glance. At least that's what I think, or rather, perceive. It's possible that my perception of my body differs from the observer's perception. My breasts are usually a size 95 D. Here are two pictures. Both are with a thicker sweater and tank top, but only one is with a size 90 C bra. I believe it's not that easy to guess :D

Offline JKing

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Define 'like'....?!

I like what a good bra does for me. Controls the movement. Prevents the bounce when active. combined with the right clothes I am comfortable and secure.

Would I rather not have the issue where a bra becomes something I need for my own comfort? Absolutely yes. But Am I okay with my fate and actually make the best of it? Absolutely yes. 

Offline Johndoe1

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Define 'like'....?!

I like what a good bra does for me. Controls the movement. Prevents the bounce when active. combined with the right clothes I am comfortable and secure.

Would I rather not have the issue where a bra becomes something I need for my own comfort? Absolutely yes. But Am I okay with my fate and actually make the best of it? Absolutely yes.
I am fairly sure that if we didn't have to wear a bra, we wouldn't. But alas, I have crossed over to the need column. I have heard that sentiment from quite a few women as well. And like you and our fellow sisters, what a bra does for comfort and appearance makes it all worthwhile. What a bra does for me makes it worthwhile. 

Offline Traveler

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We need a “like” button! Thank you JD1 :-)


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