Author Topic: HAHAHA I FEEL GREAT!  (Read 2970 times)

Offline drumminfool87

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Hey guys--
I am new here, but I wanted to thank all of you that posted threads and stuff here, because by reading some of them it encouraged me to get this surgery done.

I am 18 years old, and I have not taken my shirt off in public since probably 4th grade. I am not fat by any means, I am very athletic and in good muscular shap, but I've always had these puffy, pointy nipples...It comepletely embarrassed me, but I did a good job of hiding it...actually, when I told my parents I wanted to get surgery for it, they were bewildered-they had no idea i had it...

Gynecomastia made me have bad posture in order to hide my puffy nipples, and just about every shirt i own is black. It hindered me from going to swimming events, and I was always thinking of a new excuse as to why I could not go to the beach.  

I am so glad i did some research and found this site, because first off, it let me know that the glandular tissue was something i could not control and that no amount of running was going to get rid of it. Second, it encouraged me to talk to my parents and get the surgery.

I had the surgery a week and two days ago, and I feel so good about myself. Of course, I see now that I have alot of work to do to get my body exactly where I want it, but the surgery drastically changed the way I look, and words cannot express the relief and joy that that brought me.  

I am looking forward to finish healing (i still have alot of bruising, but it is going away) and getting my body to where i have always dreamed it could be.

To anyone thinking about getting this surgery, that is scared to tell someone: my advice is DO IT! Tell someone! Telling my parents about this was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I felt so good after it and they were so good about it.  

Thanks once again to all you guys, even though I do not know you, I feel like you all sort of helped me make this decision!


Offline Paa_Paw

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You mave made two very good points.

First, it is not only the chubby guys that have this.  A lean athletic person is just as likely to have it.

Second,  Talking to your parents.  For some guys this is a major hurdle.  Do you really think your parents are so dumb or uncaring that suffering in silence is justified?  Depending upon your age, this is a conversation you must have before you can do anything else.

Congratulations on your great attitude.
Grandpa Dan

Offline 2poor2deal_w/

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Congrats on the results man. How much did your surgery end up costing? I recently told my parents about it but they took me to an endo which has done absolutely nothing for me. Did you go straight to a plastic surgeon?

Offline GodWasAngry

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Congrats... I can't say I'm not jealous...
I recently told my mom too, as I expected she doesn't really give a f*ck, she thinks it's all in my head (because I'm also doing a pretty good job hiding it). I told her I want to see the doctor and see what medications he thinks I should take, she didn't even bother giving me the phone number... Anyway my point is: Telling your parents doesn't always do the trick/Change anything.

Offline aux513s

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Good point godwasangry.

Many people have self-absorbed or downright neglectful parents. It's also something that's shameful and the parents might want to deny it exists.

Offline fl3a

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I had surgery in August, I havent been on this forum in a very long time and am back here randomly lol. But let me just say this surgery is truly life altering. I had a fairly bad case. Puffy nips with huge areaolas, the man boobs especially started to stick out like a sore thumb after I lost a lot of weight. I had the surgery done and I am a completely different person, I feel whole. I don't have to live every moment of my life being so agonizingly self-concsious. I am very fortunate to have parents who paid for my surgery. But it took a couple months of pushing the subject until they finally understood and approved. If your parents are acting absolutley hardheaded... just try to show them how deeply affected you are by this condition. Anyway, I am a totally different person and absolutley CANNOT even entertain the thought of going back to the way I was. I feel like I never had gyne at all now. I'm a far more confident, socially comfortable person now. My only shame, I gained 20 lbs after surgery    :'( but hopefully Ill get back into good habits of diet and exercise, lean up, and go back to my old weight. I had to comment cause it feels so good to know other people are out there ridding themselves of that horrible condition  >:( but to whoever wants to have surgery... DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! RESEARCH DOCTORS AND THEIR TRACK RECORDS BEFORE MAKING A DECISION.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2005, 06:07:52 PM by fl3a »

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'm sorry to hear the bad news of those who had a somewhat less than favorable reaction from their parents.

I find that as a grandparent I have more time and less responsibility which means that I can devote more time to my grandchildren that I was ever able to spend with my own children.  From what I have observed, this is a fairly normal situation.

If you need a soft place to land, try the grandparents!

Good Luck!

Offline drumminfool87

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Hey guys thanx for the replies--
my dad is a dental cosmetic surgeon and he has a plastic surgeon that works with him, so we kind of had the hook up there. i think it cost around 5000.


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