Author Topic: Push-up bras  (Read 6332 times)

Offline Gotboobs

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I have never tried a push up bra. But I do wear padded bras. I live in the northern Rocky Mountains where it is cool in the summers and very cold winters. I like the soft cupped padded bras for warmth and also for protection for those times when they get in the way and get hit. The padded bras make my breasts protrude more but to me it’s the only way to go. I put a tank top on over my bra and then a button down shirt. Another reason for the padded bras is because I have developed very prominent nipples that are hard all the time now even when it’s warm. I really can’t stand them showing through a regular bra and shirt. That bothers me more then if someone sees my bra. Before I started wearing a bra people’s eyes went right to my chest because of my nipples. I tried compression shirts,vests and tank top type shirts. They just didn’t work for me. A bra is so much better. Took sometime to wrap my head around a male wearing a bra or even developing breasts for that matter. But I have gotten used to them and the bras. With the support, warmth and hiding my nipples it is well worth it. I will always wear a bra as long as I have boobs. I’m only 20 lbs overweight so I don’t see them going away. Luck of the draw I guess. Have to play the hand got has dealt me. Glad I found this site. A lot of very useful information.

Busted (and happy)

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Back tracking quite a bit on this thread there has been a fair bit of good natured exchange regarding styles and where the lines are drawn between acceptable excursions into women's clothes in general and shape defining bras in particular.
As a male (and presenting male) I would just add that if you are just seeking comfortable clothes that fit or that you like and are happy wearing, does there have to be any lines drawn?
As to push up bras, they are for me a very practical and sensible option when hiking or running, but I am coming round more and more to liking the extra inch or so. 
As discrete as I might be in choosing women's outer clothing It is pretty obvious I have boobs and cannot really hide them so why not?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 07:30:50 AM by Busted (and happy) »


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I would say as long as your comfortable and doing it for comfort purpose and not for intent to identify as something other than, than you are fine. I wear some clothing from the other side of the aisle as it’s been called and it’s for comfort and cause not because I have some thrill to seek or secret to hide. Just over time come to find some items are more comfortable to me and that is that. 
I think push up bras are fine some add an inch some add two some add not really any. I find when in one i have more bounce in my chest probably cause of the push up shelf but I find my chest looks more flush even if more full on top and find it more comfortable some days and without the projection expected from a push up from the one I have I’m cool with how it may be seen. 


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Back tracking quite a bit on this thread there has been a fair bit of good natured exchange regarding styles and where the lines are drawn between acceptable excursions into women's clothes in general and shape defining bras in particular.
As a male (and presenting male) I would just add that if you are just seeking comfortable clothes that fit or that you like and are happy wearing, does there have to be any lines drawn?
As to push up bras, they are for me a very practical and sensible option when hiking or running, but I am coming round more and more to liking the extra inch or so.
As discrete as I might be in choosing women's outer clothing It is pretty obvious I have boobs and cannot really hide them so why not?
Hi guys 🤗🥰

As most of you know. I definitely blurred the gender lines for many years. I had been wearing ladies tops, slacks and jeans for a couple decades before transitioning. It was sort of an androgynous look. However like many of you here, there was really no option for camouflaging my boobs, let alone my bra. I presented myself as male but wearing clothing that fit and would flatter rather than hide my figure. 

As time went on, I became more adventurous with my style. I opted for brighter colors and bold patterns and prints. This, of course led to more feminine styles and accessories. 

As long as you like what you are wearing and how it looks and feels, I say go for it!!! I love my push up bras and what the do for my overall figure and how the girls feel in it.

Be happy, be bold and be YOU!!!!

Sophie ❤️ 


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For sure. Comfort comes before compromise or should. Of course some cannot have comfort at all times and must compromise due to whatever the situation may, friends, social life, etc. But comfort should reign supreme and be ok in doing so. I think the blurred line at times can be is the individual finding comfort in general wear, or finding comfort in the attention it brings. I feel if it is for the attention it brings, then well, I'm not so sure about that lol...but if a guy is wearing items that are associated on the womens side of the department and it's due to honest comfort then I say let them be. Which is a bit different from my perspective a year ago lol

Offline Gotboobs

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I read the thread from the beginning. If men want to wear women’s clothing for more then just comfort, I say that’s fine. I’m very open minded and non judgmental. I don’t care what people wear. Its totally up to them. We live in a world of wars,fraud, deceit and a doomsday scenario. Just listen to the news. So what ever makes people happy without stepping on someone else’s rights or space. I say go for what makes you happy!!
And Sophie, YOU GO GIRL!😊

Offline blad

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There is a lot of philosophy going on with this thread of what is right to wear and what crosses the lines.

What lines? It's the wild west out there. Do what you are comfortable doing and what is in your comfort zone. Your views may shift and morph over time. There will be the "I strictly wear a plain bra for support group" to the "I find absolutely everything on the other side of the aisle more comfortable including nail polish" group.

Do what you want, its your life. You do not have to justify it on forums or to anyone. (Except maybe a wife)

Whether this site was meant for that is another question I can not answer. Some may think this site should only discuss bras as a garment for needed physical support. Some may think other sites are best for discussing total wardrobe makeovers based on "the other side of the aisle". I don't care myself if there is a mix as I am intelligent enough to filter what interests me right now and what doesn't. Ultimately it is the people who run this site who have the control.
If the bra fits, wear it.


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So we'll put Blad ❤️❤️❤️❤️

It took me most of my life to figure that out. I knew from the very beginning that wearing a bra was right for me. A few years later, when I went for a fitting and the SA asked if I needed panties as well??...Both myself and my mother knew the answer to that one ☺️. Of course, everything else followed and for me, eventually womanhood. 

I have a few friends who are crossdressers and a couple who are transitioning. There are also women on this site who I privately message with, for different reasons have to currently live as their assigned gender as male.

It doesn't matter what you are born with or what department or store that you shop at. We aren't here for a long time so enjoy life.❤️

I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Your sister always, 

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Every time I read in this thread I'm given at the bottom of the page, a list of other threads I might want to consider... and they are ALL about PUSH UPS... not push-up bras.  I have to laugh.  We're not concerned about whether we can do pushups after surgery... we want to talk about whethere a sexy brassiere will work with OUR breasts.

I appreciate that this side of the website has become much more accepting of the myriad of responses there are by men who are contending with breast development.  We've chosen NOT to put ourselves under the knife.  We are accepting the fact of having breasts and negotiating a world that isn't celebrating our situation.  Yes, there is the practical matter of finding brassieres that give us adequate support.  We begin there... but few of us end the journey there.  There is the reality of changes happening in our bodies, from breasts that continue to grow to changes in our shape that make wearing clothes designed for women's curvaceous bodies reasonable.  How to explain such things?  We really can't.  The only question is whether we're willing to accept the unfolding of these things... both in how our bodies change and in how we relate to ourselves.  There is nothing wrong with being men on the more feminine side of the gender spectrum.  We know there are men who crossdress, often using breast forms to emulate feminine bosoms of the kind we have naturally.  We may or may not wish to present as men or as women.  We may or may not wish to change our gender through transitioning.  As Sophie notes, life is short and the one we have is the only one we'll get... at least during this lifetime.  Perhaps if reincarnation is real we'll have another chance, but right now... THIS is it... breasts and all... brassieres and all... however we choose to present ourselves.  As my breasts continue to grow it seems they want to be given more rather than less attention.


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Oh to have breast forms instead of breasts lol. It would be nice that at the end of the day I could take my bra off and along with it use some glue removal stuff and just pop these off until next time. While they are fun and I’ve grown to enjoy them I caught myself in the mirror this morning in my just regular t shirt I put on when I wake up and passed a mirror and my breasts definitely have grown more. It seems weekly I see something different whether it’s size or an angle I haven’t seen much of or from and go son of a b—-h lol. While I’m content with my breasts it is getting to a point they are getting more and more tough to hide. Especially as fullness seems to stall on the sides and gains more across the chest giving a much fuller shirt than weeks before. 
Breast forms would be nice but im to a point I just don’t care lol. 

I definitely thought the journey was just that. I have breasts they have grown more the last year than for few years before when they began and if they don’t stop soon then idk what imma do. But I know this forum has opened me to new views of clothing. I wear other items now I never thought I would and now wear regularly. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Yesterday I spent part of the day with my former wife, who remains a good friend.  We'd talked about the possibility she could cut my hair... something she has done during the pandemic.  When it was time she insisted I remove my turtleneck shirt.  I wasn't wearing a brassiere simply because I NEVER do when visiting her.  I've made reference in the past to changes in my body, even mentioning gynecomastia.  I was wearing a rather tight tee shirt and was aware as I sat in the chair in front of the bathroom mirror that my breasts were showing.  I was also aware when she brushed hair from the front of the cloth draped over my body that she was touching my breasts.  Nothing was said during or after.  I put my turtleneck back on and the over-shirt I was wearing.  Had I been wearing a brassiere as I am at the moment, my breasts would have been much more prominent, shaped by the unlined cups of my brassiere.  She is aware of the crossdressing in my past and even noted such behavior is not a problem for her.  She might be fine with my substantial breasts held in my brassiere, but that is a road I'm not prepared to take at the moment.  But my breasts are real... even substantial when gathered in an underwire brassiere.  I was aware when I removed my turtleneck that they would be visible... there is no denying mother nature and what she had given me.  Quite a journey, right?  :o


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It does make me wonder at times if it is honestly ignored and not seen by those we are close or closest too or others in general cause contrary to those of us who have breasts that clearly indicate it as so, that it’s just ignored cause being a dude. Or if it’s out of clearly seeing what they are but writing them off as man boobs, even if the gut isn’t hanging but the chest is it is just man boobs lol. Aging being the other thing. Or the more common theory to me is just don’t want to bring it up cause he probably is sensitive about the obvious. Which to us here probably is funny cause I’m sure many of us have gone through the motions landing on a sense of pride of what we have. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I decided to wear a brassiere beneath a rather tight turtleneck yesterday when I went hiking in a nearby watershed.  I work a polartec vest and a light weight rain jacket.  As my body warmed up I unzipped the vest, then removed the coat and tied it around my waist.  With the vest open my breasts were visible in the tight cotton.  I wondered what passersby might think but there were few people on the trail... until I was on the last leg when I saw approaching a woman I've met on a number of occasions.  I tried to adjust the vest but without success.  We didn't stop though we exchanged pleasantries as we passed one another.  She was wearing sun glasses so I was not aware of whether she noticed my breasts.

I mentioned gynecomastia with a friend earlier in the day and he said he has it as well.  Perhaps we're the new normal and no one cares.  Perhaps I can simply enjoy my breasts without concern.  Of course, there is a part of me that is an exhibitionist who wants people to see my breasts.  A push-up bra would do that... if I wore an open shirt.  I don't quite know how to wrap my mind around that one.

Offline Gotboobs

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I don’t think anyone really cares. There might be a few out there that might say something or snicker. There are a lot of things I might think are abnormal, I guess you could call it. I don’t really care either. I applaud people who step out of the box the way they dress and present themselves. 20 years ago or so was different, in today’s world, men with boobs wearing bras is not that shocking compared to so many other things we see.

Offline gotgyne

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Do what you want, its your life. You do not have to justify it on forums or to anyone. (Except maybe a wife)

For some of us in the forum this is the biggest problem.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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