Author Topic: is it possible??  (Read 1430 times)

Offline boournsforgyno

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to try and run off the fatty tissue??

ive had this for years and years, i've always been lean, yet, had this problem.  Now im getting into great shape, and i have noticed a slight difference but nothing major.  The more i run, the more fat i lose.  I also started working out in August to build up my upper body to try and get some definition in my chest.  Is it possible to just keep running, and working out, and the fat on my chest will go away?

I am 22 and had this since about 13 or 14.

Offline Worrier

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It all depends what is causing the gyno. if it is gland then you cannot run it off. ALthough weight training imo will help hide it.

If it is fat or even mixed fat and gland you should keep seeing an improvement the more fat you lose. Fat does not come off in the areas you most want first.

You lose fat generally in time. I have been exercising for six months now give and take. I run 5 miles three times a week at the mo as well as go to the gym. And I have noticed a huge improvement. The faster you run and the longer for the more cals you burn. I would give it a year and then see. interval traiing and  circuit training is good to and great for burning fat.

Maybe see your doctor who can tell if it is fat or gland. If you want to know for certain an ultrasound scan will do this.

Offline boournsforgyno

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i just put up pics on the other section...I am already fairly thin, so...not sure how much more fat i can lose, I am already 5'9" and 160
« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 01:44:15 PM by boournsforgyno »

Offline boournsforgyno

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You sound like you're in a similar condition to me.  I'm also 22 and have had gyno for over 10 years.  I suggest seeing a doctor or looking for a free consultation from a plastic surgeon.  Better yet, see both.  Try to get a professional opinion on what's causing those boobs.

yeah, i plan on going to the doc once im done my wondering if our healthcare here in canada would cover any treatments?


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