Author Topic: Thread shift  (Read 3552 times)


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A sports bra is pretty great when running. I am not nearly large as you and worry if I ever do become lol but it is good to feel secured rather than feel the movement when in a good run. And Cant make a good sauce if you don’t stir the pot lol. This forum is definitely a sauce of sorts that comes to life a bit when the pot is stirred. 
I know I used to become annoyed or frustrated at people who stirred the pot a bit on topics of dressing across the aisle as it’s often mentioned as and feeling this forum was just becoming contaminated with fetish and others alike. And then I gave some stuff a try and realized nope all the talk about just general comfort and such is pretty on point. 
Most men who cross dress have zero interest in being women full time and often are straight. I believe many do it just for the ease of male stresses. To let go in a drastic way of the male ego and persona and just enjoy the relaxing life of being feminine. Some powerlift to escape reality a bit, others work in the garage, some garden, others put on heels a dress and some eyeshadow and just enjoy the day being someone else. 

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I think you're right on about the stress releasing that comes with playing with gender non-conformity.  The crossdressing websites I've visited have a range of forums simply because these behaviors can represent different things to the folks involved... most of whom are men.  There are threads devoted to crossdressing in one forum, threads devoted to transitioning in another forum and threads devoted to non-binary expression in another forum.  So most men want to take a dive into crossdressing from time to time, with or without the participation of their partners.  A few want to make a complete transition to becoming a woman, as Sophie did some time ago.  Then a much smaller group includes men who want to present themselves without clear definition of whether they are a man or woman.  Those who want to present more fully as woman aren't interested in a full transition, but want the freedom to step out of their binary role as men.  Some of these men will do hormone replacement therapy to elevate their estrogen and suppress their testosterone... something that men here are experiencing naturally.  Funny to think about the fact our hormonal stew leads us to a more feminine presentation without our making a conscious choice to go there.  Yes, the decision to wear a brassiere, or to choose a woman's blouse because it offers more room for our breasts, or to buy women's jeans because they fit our curves better... all take us in a non-binary direction.  That is what I concluded for myself.  I'm not interested in transitioning but my body is much happier when I'm wearing a brassiere that both cradles and shapes my breasts in soft unlined cups.  That doing so makes my breasts more obvious gives me pleasure even though I've no interest in flaunting my breasts to people I encounter in the world.  I won't be wearing a brassiere when I visit a dear friend this afternoon... despite the fact I've told her about my gynecomastia and she knows about my history of crossdressing.  In fact, she doesn't see a problem with that behavior, though it has never been something she's witnessed in the decades we've known one another.  But, as I've said before, when I'm wearing a brassiere MY attention becomes focused on my breasts and I'd prefer to be focused on simply hanging out with my friend and playing gin rummy.  Life... ;)


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Lmao totally understand that. There are times when I’m at work and talking to a co worker and while wearing a bra has become quite second nature now days there are moments where i start to think about my bra more than that dialogue. Whether it’s a strap or just general adjustment in the cups or just acknowledging my own bra. Sometimes no bra is a better time in focusing on other things. 

Between needing to hold things in and not really having the same privileges women have in speaking, feelings, support, clothing, pampering and such I totally understand why a guy would have a breath of fresh air when having time to himself to explore that side of things. As someone who hasn’t developed curves but has developed fairly mild impotence with no intent to be tmi I’d be boggled why a otherwise average Joe kind of guy would experiment or supplement with estrogen to induce certain effects. I’d imagine some would find a calm of sorts with it but I’d imagine many would go wtf this is too much for me. But typing this I assume it’s those who find a calm in it the ones joining whatever forum you found lol. 

It’s nice ya got friends who know about gynecomastia and even wearing items. I envy those who do if I grow much more my friends are gonna know about gynecomastia cause I’m gonna have to explain it to them lol

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I'm dealing with diminished libido myself and my penis has definitely gotten smaller as my breasts have become more pronounced.  That was the reason I broached the subject with my doctor.  My guess is this happens more than most of us are aware of.  This is definitely not the topic one would raise with buddies while watching the Super Bowl...  But we talk about such things here, which for me is a relief.

Some of the men in the non-binary forum at also using electrolysis to remove facial and body hair.  That together with hormone replacement is clearly intended to give them a more feminine appearance.  We talk about our bodies becoming more curvy.  I know I've lost hair on my legs.  Removing my breasts would do nothing to deal with  the way estrogen is working in my body.  I'll live with the curves even as I'm learning to live with my breasts.  Of course, I'm retired so I don't need to put on a uniform and head into the office while pretending those breasts aren't hiding beneath my sports jacket...  This is easier...

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But, as I've said before, when I'm wearing a brassiere MY attention becomes focused on my breasts and I'd prefer to be focused on simply hanging out with my friend and playing gin rummy.  Life... ;)
If I don't wear a bra my attention becomes focussed on my unsupported breasts. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

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To let go in a drastic way of the male ego and persona and just enjoy the relaxing life of being feminine.
Every now and then, pearls of wisdom are displayed on this wonderful forum. This ^ is another one.

If someone uttered the phrase to me "Slip into something more comfortable", rather than put on a silk robe and a pair of fluffy slippers, I would immediatetely let the pink half of my brain take over instead.

I can relate to what you said, dwb. For me it's not drastic though and doesn't include dresses or lipstick or anything like that. What happened with me was that over time I adopted some physical mannerisms, some of which I originally wasn't aware of at the time that I was displaying them (limp wrist, among other things) to match my mental ones, that could give some people a reason to label me effeminate. But, I don't care. I'm happy at my level, and feel absolutely lovely when slinking around the house, or wearing nighties in bed, or puffing my chest out in public, or when looking up different hairstyles that I imagine getting one day. I'm not transitioning or trying to 'pass', but when I allow myself to be consumed by the pink half of my brain, it really does have a calming effect. Although I love my male mask, complete with body hair, deep voice and the ability to carry out very physical tasks at work, what we perceive as the benefits of being feminine is something that I genuinely feel. I wonder though, generally speaking, do women feel calm because they are women? I suspect not.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2023, 06:55:19 AM by Evolver »

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But, as I've said before, when I'm wearing a brassiere MY attention becomes focused on my breasts and I'd prefer to be focused on simply hanging out with my friend and playing gin rummy.  Life... ;)
If I don't wear a bra my attention becomes focussed on my unsupported breasts.
I am the same way. If unsupported, I feel every jiggle and bounce and bump. But when supported, I never pay any attention.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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 Retirement would be great. 35 more years here lol. My job has been great in dealing with my growing chest. Cubicle in the back only 5 in the office and none near me. It’s really slowed me to enjoy the need for a bra as it’s become that and restrooms nearby allow easy traffic in passing maybe one person a day and easing into being relaxed in wearing a bra as it’s become time for a new size or relaxed in how they look in my work shirts now. I start a new job in a month in my community instead of two towns over and my insecurity’s are bit high thinking of what my desk will be like work area etc and if I’ll have the same confidence to wear where people in my town may work and if anyone I don’t know but knows my wife sees me and says something. Retirement would definitely be nice lol. 

Mannerisms is something I’ve noticed myself. Very subtle changes, sitting and immediately crossing my legs. Instead of hand on knee or leg hands sit in my lap a lot. Little bounce in my wrist as I notice my right hand specifically seems to stay relaxed. 
Imagination of things is much easier too when just letting it run it’s course and not trying to convince something is wrong with self because guys who are guys don’t think or get interested in this stuff. But removing that has been relaxing and eased anxieties that used to pop up when the pink side pops in to say hello lol. 

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And a simple reminder that how we present in public can be deceptive.  I mentioned before the question asked at one crossdressing site... how many men working in public safety... read police officers... were participating at the moment.  There were TEN.  So imagine those fellows in uniform wearing pink panties.  We definitely are not alone with our secrets...


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I don’t think it should matter either way ones financial scale leans in wealthy or not or in the middle. I think most men in their life get curious and it’s the most basic and easiest item to wear get and hide. A girlfriends or wife’s. Under pants no risk of being seen really. And just underwear. I have purchased in recent months just 3 styles of 6 pack pantys and wear them exclusively. I haven’t worn men’s underwear in maybe 4 months. It’s everything to do with comfort and fit and nothing to do with it being women’s. I think more than 1 in 20 would happily wear panties over boxers if they just let go of the bs male ego of it being women’s underwear and focus only on is jt more comfortable than what you’re currently and been wearing. I think if men did that we’d see that number drop dramatically. 


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I tried a pair of my wife's lace panties out of curiosity and found that they supported the boys quite nicely.

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My guess is those police officers aren't wearing panties because they are more comfortable or fit better... unless we're talking about comfort between their ears.  There is something about being more feminine that is appealing.  Again, we're the ones with elevated estrogen and it is estrogen that affects our minds as well as our bodies.  We have every reason not only to try on clothes that fit our more feminine curves, including our breasts, but for appreciating the experience.  Yes, our male ego will resist.  That is the reason this self acceptance piece can be so challenging for men who come to this website to explore what is happening to their bodies.  Cutting off the offending breasts will make the male ego happy, but if estrogen continues to work in our bodies, there is much more to contend with than what might fill the cups of a brassiere.

Every man here has a long history of relating to his body, his family and community.  My experience is colored by the sexual trauma that included exposure to lingerie.  Others here had sisters and experimented simply out of curiosity.  Some had significant breast growth as teens that played with their minds.  Our response now to the reality of having this particular hormone stew is unique.  I respect that.  I'm enjoying the look and feel of the breasts that fill the brassiere I'm wearing right now.  Acceptance is certainly the key.  I'm glad I found this website and the men who are exploring this world.


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Yeah when I let go of the male ego of trying other items it didn’t just feel alright it felt almost welcoming and right. I think for most here we are ok with how things have progressed from accepting our developments and accepting a bra does the job it’s to do and while it may be not normal to majority it’s quite normal for us. There is no facade for a deeper lying issue or interest. Sometimes clothes are just clothes with no real defining cause as to why one wears what they wear. I found when I let go of that I found myself a bit more. 
There’s natural ways to combat estrogen increasing for any reason it may. There’s supplements and medications to do the trick too. But I’d rather not. Idk why. I don’t want bigger breasts. I’m not against it if they grow more but for family sake id prefer if my boobs stop growing lol. I don’t want to take a medication or supplement I’ve become comfortable in things and I’m just enjoying the ride per se. 


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Yeah when I let go of the male ego of trying other items it didn’t just feel alright it felt almost welcoming and right. I think for most here we are ok with how things have progressed from accepting our developments and accepting a bra does the job it’s to do and while it may be not normal to majority it’s quite normal for us. There is no facade for a deeper lying issue or interest. Sometimes clothes are just clothes with no real defining cause as to why one wears what they wear. I found when I let go of that I found myself a bit more.
There’s natural ways to combat estrogen increasing for any reason it may. There’s supplements and medications to do the trick too. But I’d rather not. Idk why. I don’t want bigger breasts. I’m not against it if they grow more but for family sake id prefer if my boobs stop growing lol. I don’t want to take a medication or supplement I’ve become comfortable in things and I’m just enjoying the ride per se.
I like the way you said that.
Its true, be true to yourself.  The only wrong is not being right with yourself.  

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A female friend who knows made an interesting comment over the weekend.  She said that I was feminine male. I asked what she meant by that and she quickly said it was a compliment and to please not be offended. She said you dress for comfort and that doesn't always mean cis gender, meaning my bras and tops that work and because of dealing with my breasts as women do, gives me a unique view of life, even though I am male, present male but don't act like a typical misogynistic male. She said she wished all her male friends were more feminine male, meaning being a male was totally fine, it was nice to have male friends who understood what she as a woman has to deal with with body image, clothing and how others judge her on looks. I thanked her. 


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