Author Topic: Compression garments...  (Read 5198 times)

Offline nomoretucking

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Hi all, i had the first of two operations done early last month. the doctors said that i no longer need to keep wearing the compression garments that they have supplied me with. however, he did say that i should still keep my chest compressed with clothes that are skin tight.

if you're wondering why i am having two operations it's because the doctors said, due to the severity of my gyne, that there would be very large scars left after if i opted to have it all done in one op. so i just had them lipo one liter of fat out of my chest. i still have noticeable moobs, but it's mainly due to the glandular tissue that's still there. there is still some fat, but i can work it off.

anyways, back on topic.

my doctor said that i can buy athletic compression garments from sporting goods stores. i know brands like under armour, nike and reebok have these clothes, but i'm not sure which type is the right one for me. do you guys know what line of each brand that can be used for compression? underarmour's line is turf gear i believe. have any of you used these products, and if so, are they any good?

i'm also considering buying the garments from underworks.

another concern of mine is that the garments will ride up because of my gut. have any of you had any difficulty with the garments, or are they pretty good about staying down?

if you have any input or suggestions, i'd love to hear them.
First Op- 10/5/05

Offline AUSTIN

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First of all congrats for the op. I guess I will be following in 6 months or maybe 9 !!!

Second, unfortinatly I'm not posting this reply to answer any of ur queries, actually, I'm posting to ask you some of my own questions concerning your operation as apparantly my case is severe too and the PS actually told me that It will be like what u described, "LARGE SCRAES", so here comes the questions:

- How large those scars that u have exactly . Regular gyne operations as I undertood from the PS have just a fine small scar, sever cases however get a big scar across the the breasts. My understanding is that it will never go away, best that can happen is that it will be covered a bit with hair. Is that true, is it that bad?

- How old r u, u see, I'm 35 and I fear age is a factor in how the operation scars heal.

- How does doing it on 2 times help, what did u want to gain from this. Isn't just doing it and getting it away once and for all better.

- Did the doctor give you the option to do it with the fine small scar with the consequence of having the extra sking and the silly look. Were the "LARGE Scars" ur choice, coz I choosed that too, favoring them to the extra skin.

- The PS described this procedure as the procedure done for ladies with breast cancer, that was really BAD news for me, mentioning cancer is not a good sign, now that u've had one surgery done, how do u evaluate it, is it worth getting the scar and the num/dead nipple.

- Do u know how much the doctor got out.

- Sorry about this question, but how sever was ur case, R we talking cup-c sever or what.

Finaly, despite this is very obvious, could the advertisements placed here on help u find the compression garments ur looking for, specially this site  

Thanks man and good luck with the next operation.  ;D

Offline nomoretucking

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sorry man, but i think you may have read my thread wrong, or i must've not made it clear enough.

i have had only the first operation, which just consisted of lypo and nothing else. the doctor removed 1 liter of fat total. i still have rather large moobs, but they are no where near as a severe a case as it used to be. I used to be a C cup and I'm 22. The doctors said I had two choices, to go with two ops or one, with the latter leaving large scars behind. I opted for two operations because they said that the chance of having to have the scars would be reduced by a good amount. this all depends on if my skin contracts enough. they said it would because i was young, but there's always a chance that it won't. there is still some swelling in my chest but no bruising. there was hardly any bruising at all after the op.

the doctors said that if they heal up right, then they'd probably be able to remove the glandular tissue via a small incision on the nipple.

my suggestion to you is to lose as much weight as you possibly can before you go through with the op. this way, you'll lose some of the fat that surrounds the glands and your skin will probably contract as you lose weight. i lost some weight when i got the operation, but i should've lost a lot more, because it would've helped.

as for scars, the only scars i currently have are two quarter inch scars near the bottom of the moob from the lypo machine.

i hope this answers some of your questions.

also, you should visit a few more PS's and see what they think they can do about your case.

Offline AUSTIN

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Thanks man, u just offered another alternative of doing it (on 2 stages), guess I need to discuss that with my PS, thanks again dude.


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