Author Topic: Coping decisions. A Pivotal Weekend  (Read 2623 times)

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Love this conversation.  I haven't been a member for a long time but along the way I experienced some of the narrowness referred to above.  I understand that for many men, coming to terms with breasts developing on their chest has frightened them.  They needed to stake out their masculinity by demeaning those of us willing to remain open to what is happening to our bodies AND our minds.  I've noted that those of us who've lived with fleshy chests since adolescence have had a different relationship to this topic than men who find themselves with breasts after taking drugs for this or that condition.  We've had many more years to step through shame into some form of self-acceptance.

Elevated estrogen and diminished testosterone does more to our body than give us breasts.  That is evident in things shared on this thread.  I'm really happy we can acknowledge that.  Thanks everyone for telling your truth here.  I find it refreshing to hang out with men who are open to their feminine qualities.  However that plays out in our lives is fine.  I probably won't ever want to put on a skirt, but it is a relief to be able to say I enjoy wearing a brassiere without feeling judged.  We may be a strange lot, but I'm happy this corner of the internet exists and that we can tell the truth about our journeys.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2023, 01:22:02 AM by 42CSuprise! »

Offline JoniDee

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I just wanted to add to this conversation.

I've always felt more feminine than masculine even though my body naturally developed in both direction. By that I mean I always had an hourglass shape, but I've always been extremely hirsute...a definite hormonal blending of Estrogen and Testosterone. However, I gained weight over the years which hide my feminine shape, and only within the past two years of steady, incremental weight loss (and shaving my body) have my developed feminine 36D breasts appeared along with my now 40/30/39 shape

Joni 🤗🥰💋

Offline Evolver

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What a wonderful thread this is.

I know it's been said often, that acceptance includes the mental aspect and all that comes with it as well as the physical aspect. This thread is proof.

Who'd a thunk it, that any one of us a few years ago could have even considered that a cohort of folk would come into existence here as a community, who are totally enjoying what's been dealt to them, not just their breasts but also the rest of their curves, as well as how their minds process it all.

Just day, if breasts on men are regarded as status symbols because it shows the world that the lucky owner who is proudly displaying them, has a mind that operates at a deeper level than 'normal' men! ;D

Normal boobs

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I already regard mine as as a satus symbol!!

It took a lot of courage to be so open in my OP having had some hassles years ago.
It is pleasing for me to see the greater openess being expressed in this thread.  It has been humbling to help others find a voice.

Most of our journey is like taking small hesistant steps whilst walking in snow and ice. Then our path is suddenly blocked by a chasm or stream and small steps will no longer get us safely across. Only a leap will surfice. Oh the relief of landing safely.
That is where I am in my experience after the weekend and with all male clothing now down at the charity shop!
. .
Now it only remains to keep walking.  Have courage my friends 
« Last Edit: March 07, 2023, 07:58:07 AM by Normal boobs »

Offline Busty

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So good to embrace what we have and make the most of it


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I just wanted to add to this conversation.

I've always felt more feminine than masculine even though my body naturally developed in both direction. By that I mean I always had an hourglass shape, but I've always been extremely hirsute...a definite hormonal blending of Estrogen and Testosterone. However, I gained weight over the years which hide my feminine shape, and only within the past two years of steady, incremental weight loss (and shaving my body) have my developed feminine 36D breasts appeared along with my now 40/30/39 shape

Joni 🤗🥰💋
Great job losing weight!

I'm working on mine, I lost 45 lbs but LOTS more to go. 

Very nice


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I still regard myself as male....

I have no desire to transition nor to be seen as a crossdresser....

The object is to be true to my inner self and be myself....

Never felt better.
Excuse me for cherry picking certain bits from your post, but those four lines describe me perfectly too. I fell in love with my inner woman last year after finally realizing that I didn't have to hate my maleness to give her some room. I had repressed her for far too long because I actually felt guilty for not being dysphoric. Now, I know it doesn't matter. Sorry if that's TMI for some.

My nails are a bit longer and rounder, and my hair is way past my collar now. And, loving it!

Our beautiful sister here was my greatest help. ;)

Good luck with your journey, Nb. 
I'm with Evolver on this one. I am most definitely male heterosexual. I do however have a feminine side to me that has been begging to get out since childhood. 
I won't be a crossdresser or trans. I'm not comfortable with that for myself. I could care less if someone else goes that journey. I wish them well. 
I have however embraced my feminine side allowing me to explore the many aspects of all the repressed feelings that society would deem "not masculine". 
I'll enjoy my sewing, cooking, and designing outfits. I'll go hunt the ladies down and engage in conversation. My hair is now growing into a mullet and the back has reached my collar. The girls say they can't wait until it's long enough to braid, I can't wait either. 
The ancient Jewish texts list a total of 6 genders. I fit within one of the 6 listed as I was born with a micropenis, and have developed breasts since my teens, so my place in the spectrum is clearly defined as well as fits. 
It works for me but might not work for someone else. I'm in my happy spot, and I hope that everyone else finds theirs too. 
Sophie has also been quite an inspiration to me as well. 


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