But it's even worse for women - from infancy on females are looked at (quite literally) differently than males. With us, generally, the focus is on what we do - hence the emphasis on physical strength / prowess. With the other half of humanity the primary focus is on appearance. I get this: with me how a guy looks is not as important as how he does - I don't choose mechanics or plumbers on the basis of their looks. Women, even when working, are super focused on how they look. One of the odd things about us guys with developed breasts, curvier bodies, softer muscles and smoother skin is that we start being concerned about our appearance in similar or even the same way. I never used to give a second thought about what to wear:to the store, mowing the lawn, swimming, etc., etc. But now!? Yup - second (or even third !) thoughts. As I posted in another thread, I've finally started to become comfortable in my shape. Time and estrogen can do that.