Author Topic: Estrogen effects much more than just your bust.  (Read 2480 times)


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As I experience low T, and estrogen runs freely to work its magic on my system things beyond just boobs begin to change. 

I have always had gynecomastia since my teens, but my youthful T levels kept the effects to a minimum. A and then B cup breasts and very curvy body shape was the extent for most of my life. I did notice my emotions were slightly off from most of my peers, but not a lot. Women actually liked my curvy ass and complemented me on it back in the day. 

Now a I approach 60, my T levels are now longer there to keep the estrogen in check. The estrogen is free to work its magic. The last year has been interesting with my chest reaching a 60" bust measurement (50" base). 
But the most dramatic effects I have seen are emotional. 
Crying if you have trouble getting the bag out of the vacuum?, Starting to like bright pastel colors, like light green and blue pastel t shirts. Hair all of a sudden started growing like crazy and my balding spots have all but filled in except for one thin spot (not bald) on the back of my head. 
I can not longer watch a sad movie around my buddies because I might break out in tears. Many of my interests have changed. 

How many of y'all are going through the same?

Normal boobs1

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Apologies if I am wrong but I smell troll - 8 especially as it is April fools day


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Apologies if I am wrong but I smell troll - 8 especially as it is April fools day
No April's fools day. 
Didn't mean to upset anyone and I guess I'll just keep my feelings to myself. 

Sorry if I bothered ya'll 😐


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Apologies if I am wrong but I smell troll - 8 especially as it is April fools day
This forum was recommended by my social worker as a way of talking about my gynecomastia with others that are going through the same things as I am. 
I apparently have upset someone here on this site and will tell my social worker on Monday that it didn't really work out for me. 

I'll figure it out on my own. I always have in the past so it can't be that hard now. 


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Not everyone is fond of this day, and sometimes it comes out in not so nice ways. Please continue to share as you see fit. The snarky people that lack filters either find a way to play nice or get ignored enough to leave.

Normal boobs1

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I was man enough to apologise in advance if wrong. It was just that your sudden appearance on so many threads has all the hallmarks of a really troublesome poster some years back. 
Again if I was wrong I apologise. 


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I was man enough to apologise in advance if wrong. It was just that your sudden appearance on so many threads has all the hallmarks of a really troublesome poster some years back.
Again if I was wrong I apologise.
Apology accepted, however I still think I'm going to keep my posting down to a minimum.

It might just be safer to read posts from other members rather than posting my feelings. 

I would rather not put myself out to be shunned again. I can relate to other read posts just as well without putting my own feelings out there. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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This forum is all about sharing our thoughts and feelings. Please continue to share. It’s healthy to get it out.
I'll second that suggestion.  Certainly, I'm aware you're relatively new to this site and you have been quite active... but I interpret that as indicative of your need to share and your appreciation of this group of men who are experiencing things similar to what you are.  I'm delighted to hear there is at least one social worker familiar with this site who can make a referral to a client in need.  Personally, what you've shared thus far resonates with me and your responses to what I've posted seem authentic and respectful.  I take Normal boobs apology at face value.  Stick around and share in the conversation.  This place can be as slow as molasses in January.  We need all the support we can get.  Welcome.


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👍 I'll be back here "reading" posts. I'll throw in my two cents worth of I feel the need.

Normal boobs1

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Peace to you. And sorry again.
As you will see I have been one among a number trying to respond  to you. But nearly 30 posts in a 2 or three days is somewhat excessive.
Most of your posts are much the same and have been inserted into a number of threads.
As with any group, I try to be polite and wait for responses. I have known it take 3 days for a conversation to take off. Even an immediate response can take 24 hours given that this community is literally  spread right around the world


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 But nearly 30 posts in a 2 or three days is somewhat excessive.
Most of your posts are much the same and have been inserted into a number of threads.

They didn't have a forum like this when I was a teenager and my buddies couldn't be talked to about it. I dealt with it alone back then best I could. 
Now my recent "growth" plus other "things" happening again leaves me unable to talk to my buddies about it. My wife decided she doesn't want any part of it and other medical conditions and then left.
 I do attend an adult day center 5 days a week due to several past strokes, so I have access to a social worker this time. She recommended I join the forum. 
I finally have a means to "get things off my chest" (pun intended), and I immediately get shot down for doing so?
Forgive me for being so outspoken, but I thought that a forum like this was where we could talk openly about it?

Well, I have decided to stay however I think I'll be replying on other people's threads from now on. I am not going to put my feelings out there unless someone else has placed the same before me. 

If my posts are much the same, take into consideration that I have been waiting a long time to get these feelings out. 

Offline Herbert

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Brdy64,  Please continue to share.  You bring up good points that older members have forgotten and new member need to hear.

Normal boobs1

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Charli - 1st I prefaced my post with an advanced apology it case I was wrong and the fact that it was April fools day in UK.(All fools day) - a day for winding people up!

Just for the record. I have certainly have been here far longer than yourself. It is just that it has been under 3 ID'S over a period of more than a decade.
I left when there was a major update to the website that scrambled my  account when I was very close to senior membership.
I also have been subsequently trolled and insulted of the site by a vicious campaign by two members who never made a new thread but wanted to show up on every thread started by others with almost verbatim repeats of opinions they had already done to death.
I only showed up again a month ago because the site has settled and I thought it had settled and had something to offer.
I do not have any desire to spoil what we have and nor do I want to spoil it for others.
I am well settled and completely sorted personally re gyno and have no ogoing need of the site.
I will take a few days to reflect, but do not be surprised if this is my last post.
If it is, please do not lie wake worrying about it. Life is just too short

Too short in fact to waste another hour on this, so
Best Wishes, thank you and Farewell. No hard feelings.
I hope you all  will come to fully accept and enjoy your Oestrogen as much as I do!

« Last Edit: April 02, 2023, 03:51:25 PM by Normal boobs1 »


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The hormone stew we all experience is quite strange. Our reactions to events change as our hormones are changing. 
Strange how just talking for hours becomes something we look forward to. Or how tears can run from the smallest inert situation. Our interests and choices change a well. 

I guess we just hang on and enjoy the ride. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Thanks Charli.  I appreciate your taking a stand on behalf of this fellowship.  I too was disturbed by that post but wasn't inclined to comment beyond what I said.  I would hope that everyone who wishes to participate in this conversation would register and stand by their comments.  Guests really have no place in this conversation.  I'm a relative newcomer, having been here for about three years, but I feel a commitment to the men here.  We've lived with enough shame.  We deserve more.  


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