Author Topic: Why I shaved off my beard  (Read 2843 times)

Offline Moobzie

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Lotta guys I see (maybe I'm noticing more?) with gyno remind me more of the Beast with boobs rather than Belle ....


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Lotta guys I see (maybe I'm noticing more?) with gyno remind me more of the Beast with boobs rather than Belle ....
Funny how many men there are walking about with boobs, and not just moobs. It's rather common and it's everywhere if you look for it.
Not everyone is wearing support, but many I see could definitely benefit.
There are about 150 participants at the center I attend, and one CNA told me that many of the men have boobs. Maybe not as advanced as my case, but do have boobs. It's not just fat deposits.
Gynecomastia is very common, it's just not mentioned much in conversation.
One of my good friends admitted he had some growth on just one side, and receives testosterone treatments to keep it it at bay.

Offline Evolver

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I have never had a full beard, but I did sport a goatee in my 20's for a while. In my 40's I grew one of those little ticklers under my bottom lip a couple of times. My normal shaving routine used to be every second or third day, but since I started growing my hair, I shave daily.

Clear choice: Most men who grow their hair grow their facial hair too. I guess it is to remove all doubt about their gender. I've gone the other way. ;)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2023, 07:42:19 AM by Evolver »


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I did not say that there was anything wrong like a Disneyland Fairy just that it wasn't for me.
If anyone is brave enough to go down that route I look forward to when they post the photos!
At my age I'll never achieve "Disneyland fairy" status, but will strive to look my best leaving the house everyday. 😉

Offline gotgyne

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I like my moustache. My wife too. She even urges me not to shave it. She says without it I'd get a very cynical aspect around my mouth.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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