Author Topic: Gynecomastia???  (Read 660 times)

Offline wonder

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Around 4 months ago I came to discover my nipples were very sensitive sexually. I, without thinking, started to experiment with nipple clamps and using them on my Areola as well as my nipple. I obviously applied to much pressure as it caused some pain. After about a month I stopped but the Areola remained painful (tender) when squeezed or pressed. That pain is still present as well as a tingly pain is  present in my nipples that comes and goes a lot. This tender Areola below the nipples has a circular rubbery feel about the size of a dime. I am a 77 yrs old male.

Could this be self induced Gynecomastia? What would you recommend?

Offline Miguel Delgado MD

  • Miguel A. Delgado,MD,FACS
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  • Miguel Delgado,MD
    • Gynecomastia Specialist San Francisco, California
Your age is 77 and may be experiencing low tesoterone or low-T. I would suggest getting your hormones check and a concultation with a endocrinologist. 
Miguel A Delgado,MD,FACS
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Fellow,American College of Surgeons
450 Sutter, San Francisco, California


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