Yes, hopefully the consultant will see you leg and take some action. I'd like to suggest that you pretty much shove it in his/her face and tell them how painful it is. It sounds quite serious, and I'd be concerned about it.
The nurse sounds pretty useless and clearly has about as much imagination as a caravan site. It could be the blood thinners aren't working, but she seems to be struggling with that. It sound like she's written you off and isn't interested, which is bloody appalling for a health professional!
Best of luck with it, but make sure you push people. Hard.
Ok rant over, but it makes my blood boil.
I did have a similar problem getting diagnosed as bipolar. All the evidence was there, but the psychiatrist I saw was having none of it and neither was my GP. Eventually, I saw someone who understood and I was diagnosed and got on to meds that helped.
I used to work hard and fast all day and into the night, going to bed at 3am. Then up at 5am to start again. Like this for a few weeks then crash and I lay on the sofa for days.
Sometimes you have to kick some serious ass to get what you need out of some people. Irritating, but I guess that's life.
Best of luck with it! Let us know how you get on.