Author Topic: What Is It About Wearing A Brassiere That You Like?  (Read 3684 times)

Offline Evolver

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Well, who wouldn't enjoy wearing something like that? 😀

Offline Sophie

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OMG!!! That's such a pretty color! I love the lace overlay. It looks like you have a great fit and it gives your girls a nice rounded, feminine shape!


Offline 42CSurprise!

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Once again I took a sabbatical from wearing a brassiere AND once again, when I put one on I was thrilled by the experience... seeing my breasts so proudly on display.  It turns me on... like Birdie, it feels HOT.  Comfort is fine but this is something more... clearly not something every person here is interested in or even if they are probably won't admit.  We're not supposed to be having these feelings, right?  We're men after all... at least most of us are on the masculine side of the gender continuum.  But there really is no arguing with how my body/mind responds to wearing a brassiere.  I'm stacked!  

Glad everyone is having fun.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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  • Posts: 898 buying a bra becomes normal as buying a belt or socks.
That is not exactly how I experience it!

I find shopping for brassiere MUCH more exciting than shopping for socks.  I check out the photos and imagine how MY breasts will look in this or that color, this or that design.  Am I trying for cleavage or minimization?  Of course, I'm not going in for a fitting so the whole experience has an added dimension... waiting for the package to arrive so I can try the brassiere on.  Sorry... buying socks will NEVER be that exciting...  

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Absolutely the same!

...But a bra is like buying a tool, it's fun, it's enjoyable, and it's nice to take the time to make sure its the right one you need. Rather than just getting one to get the job done.
You have a way with words my friend... comparing buying a tool with buying a brassiere...

I can definitely get excited buying tools but it will never stir my erotic juices the way a sexy brassiere can.  That is what actually having breasts can do to a guy.  They are not random appendages but rather connect to a lifetime affection for breasts that appeared on women who excited me.  I marvel at the reality only ONE of the women I've been in relationship during my life had breasts as sumptuous as the ones now being held by the brassiere I'm wearing... filling the front of my turtleneck.  A ratchet will NEVER give me this kind of satisfaction...

Offline Johndoe1

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There's nothing erotic to me about my breasts, though it has become comfortable seeing them for what they are rather trying to persuade myself they are just gynecomastia as if calling them breasts on a male are any different than just acknowledging them as breasts. I feel comfortable and attractive when supported and awkward and insecure when not. Though it is funny and I do agree that is what having them as a guy can do to a guy.
I agree that I find nothing self erotic about my bust either.

 I also agree that not calling them other than what they are is just kidding yourself. I have found very few women call them anything else but boobs outside of polite situations. They're pretty Laissez-faire about it.  No big deal. They're boobs. And that's how we should be as well. No big deal. They are what they are. Call them what they are.

And I also agree that we should be as happy with their appearance as women. I try very hard to present my chest in the best way possible. I find I get less stares and more comfort, mentally as well as physically. I see that as a win/win. And I too feel awkward and exposed when I am not properly supported and/or contained. Women are the same way. And why not? We both have the same issue. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline 42CSurprise!

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There is something a bit disingenuous about this conversation.  Women know full well the impact their breasts have on men they encounter in life.  Breasts are not simply elbows.  If they were we'd had thousands of commercials of women showing off their elbows.  But what we have are images of cleavage clearly intended to capture the eyes of men who might click on the offered link.

Yes, we have breasts developing on our chests.  And yes, we are men who aren't supposed to have breasts on our chest.  That is why we're here having this conversation.  It is important to find acceptance since apart from having them removed, we need to find some way to contend with the reality in which we find ourselves.  But, please, let's not delude ourselves by suggesting breasts don't have an erotic place in the minds of most men.  Yes, the fact they're on OUR chests is problematic, but that is the challenge we're here to address.  We don't have the opportunity to play with our endowment to titillate others since in all likelihood they would be offended... but we really do have breasts and most of us have some experience fantasizing about breasts that enters the equation.  They are not elbows my friend.

Offline Johndoe1

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There is something a bit disingenuous about this conversation. 

I don't know about disingenuous. All I know is my own experience and what I have seen and been told.

Women know full well the impact their breasts have on men they encounter in life.  Breasts are not simply elbows.  If they were we'd had thousands of commercials of women showing off their elbows.  But what we have are images of cleavage clearly intended to capture the eyes of men who might click on the offered link.

Yes. You are correct. Women weaponize their breasts all the time. They do so in the clothes they select. They are a very powerful sign of sexuality. Are they sexually excited with their own breasts? I am sure some are, but most I know, aren't. I suspect the same is true with men with breasts as well. And anyone who is sexually excited with their own breasts, then I see nothing wrong with that. It's just I don't. That's me. And I believe I stated such.

Yes, we have breasts developing on our chests.  And yes, we are men who aren't supposed to have breasts on our chest.  That is why we're here having this conversation.  It is important to find acceptance since apart from having them removed, we need to find some way to contend with the reality in which we find ourselves.  But, please, let's not delude ourselves by suggesting breasts don't have an erotic place in the minds of most men.  Yes, the fact they're on OUR chests is problematic, but that is the challenge we're here to address.  We don't have the opportunity to play with our endowment to titillate others since in all likelihood they would be offended... but we really do have breasts and most of us have some experience fantasizing about breasts that enters the equation.  They are not elbows my friend.

I don't believe the conversation was one of men do not find eroticism in the female breast. I am here to say, breasts are the number one sexual attraction women use towards men. That's why we in the gynecomastia community have the societal issues we have today. Breasts are powerful. Can our breasts do the same? I see no reason why not. In my case, a man's breast does not excite me sexually in the same way a women's breast does. But I am not judging what others may or may not be turned on by. I only know me.

And you are correct. They are not elbows. They are breasts. And yes, I would not be surprised if many, if not all of us, have at one time or another, whether we want to admit it or not, have fantasized what it might be like to to have our breasts excite someone in an erotic way. It would be only natural. How many would carry through on such a thing, I can't even begin to guess, but then, I can only speak for myself. That's all any of us can do. To some it is totally academic and to others it may be a practical thing. Your mileage will vary.


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