Self-acceptance and self-expression... gifts that keep on giving ONCE we're able to embrace them. It really is okay to be exactly who we are. Those who argue with that are not my friends.
It's a
discussion forum, thus I value all opinions, even if I don't share some of them. An example (not forum related): I know a man in his 60s who developed cancer and was offered a therapy with an estrogen to slow down the progression. But the side effect was a pronounced gynecomastia as mentioned in the patient information leaflet. Only for this reason the man refused to take the estrogen and died after only a few months.
I would have taken it, but I value the decision of this man including the shorter life-span.
In the surgery section of this forum I sometimes read the opinion of some members that breasts in a man are an absolutely no-go. It reads "Get surgery but don't wear a bra, this is not manly" and similar comments. I value this although I have another opinion. What I don't like is, if people say "I don't talk to you, since you're left (or right, religious or non religious, a follower of the corona rules or a non follower, and so on). This is division. In politics there is a saying "divide and conquer".