I love these conversations and it is definitely comforting to spend time with men who contend with breasts developing on their chests. The question of whether it is time to wear a brassiere will be asked over and over again simply because new men arrive who have the same concerns. There is no doubt that wearing a well fitting brassiere can profoundly change our relationship with our breasts. Yes, it can contribute to greater comfort but it does other things as well... opening to a more feminine attitude is certainly one of them... though that can be a road not everyone wants to take. For that reason we talk about sports bras rather than underwire brassieres with lace trim.
The celebration of acceptance has made all the difference in my journey. My relationship with breasts and brassieres may be a bit different but I couldn't have come to freedom about it all without the support of men here. I'm quite mesmerized by my surprisingly voluptuous breasts and I love how they look in the unlined, underwire brassiere I'm wearing at the moment. Clearly, we each find out own way to acceptance and if we choose to wear a brassiere we will have our own approach to presenting ourselves... breasts and all. I admit to the erotic dimension of the journey for me but I have no expectation that exists for others. I'm delighted there is enough room on this board for us to explore the way we choose to do so... whether we wear a brassiere full-time or not. Have a lovely day everyone!