Author Topic: Shirt that hides boobs well  (Read 1229 times)

Offline benusa

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Hi guys,

I found these shirts with double front pockets that hide boobs well:

I got mine a little baggy. The material tends not to cling especially if a little wrinkled. Maybe you guys have found something similar in another brand or different store? If so let me know.


Offline 42CSurprise!

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I always wear a long sleeve shirt with double pockets over my tee shirt or turtleneck.  The pockets do an amazing job of masking the fullness of my breasts.  This looks like a great shirt for that purpose though I'm more inclined to wear cotton that nylon.  That said, nylon might feel nice in my hand...  mmmm.

Offline Parity

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I have several of those shirts and they do hide the fact that I am full chested and wearing a bra.
Note suited for every occasion however for a nice casual shirt they great.

Offline jan1north

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I have several similar shirts from Eddie Bauer that are favorites and carefully chosen to hide both boobs and bras - all with double pockets, nice casual outdoor styling, and patterned.  

The double pockets and plaid patterns are great hiding features!  I have quit wearing polo shirts and t-shirts.

Offline gotgyne

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Why hiding our breasts at all? As long as we do this, it will never become normal, that men have breasts too and wear bras for the same reason a woman does.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline blad

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Why hiding our breasts at all? As long as we do this, it will never become normal, that men have breasts too and wear bras for the same reason a woman does.
In a perfect world it would be desirable not to hide our boobs and not be concerned if our bra straps show through. I wish I had the nerve not to worry about excessive exposure of my bra to the world. I would like to wear shirts without second thought of their stealth ability. 

But when you have built up network of friends and neighbors and relatives etc it does take nerve to be on open display with your bra. I know it is obvious that I am "chesty" as my mom used to say but having my bra show through takes it to a new level.

If I were to move away with no connection to the past maybe that would be a catalyst to show my bra straps with abandon, but that is not realistic.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Why hiding our breasts at all? As long as we do this, it will never become normal, that men have breasts too and wear bras for the same reason a woman does.
I'll echo what Blad says above.  In an ideal world a man wearing a brassiere and presenting his breasts to the world would not be a problem... but that is certainly not the world most of us live in.  Perhaps the only person who has navigated this territory with complete success is Sophie who transitioned fully and now lives as a woman.  We witness the apoplexy of so many people in the United States over transgendered folks and rest rooms.  It is hard to imagine those folks would be celebrating our breasts.  And so we invariably rely on the decisions made by men here about where and how to manage the reality of breasts.  My breasts fill the front of my turtleneck whether I wear a brassiere or not.  I dress so they aren't prominent and have for many years.  Wearing a brassiere, which pulls all the flesh into a thin cup held in place by the underwire frame, makes them more prominent.  I enjoy that, but I don't imagine anyone in my life would join in the celebration.  So I wear a brassiere at home or about town if I'm on my own... but not when with friends.  Acceptance is important but that does not carry with it any obligation about how we present ourselves to friends and family.  One size does NOT fit all.  I trust everyone to make their best decisions about these things.

Offline blad

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Once I realized how well I fit a bra in my early teen years it became a catalyst to accept and even enjoy my boobs. It seemed better to have boobs if I could wear a bra. Maybe as a young teen it felt a bit sensual to look down and see my boobs held in place in the bra cups. I also realized it just felt better to have the support of a bra and eliminate the background irritation it felt to be braless.

At a young age I came to realize that I would be happy to wear a bra for the rest of my life if there were no social barriers. Unfortunately it took time to move toward wearing a bra full time but I am very satisfied that I do.

Offline Parity

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Gorgyne,  I understand where your coming from.  Sharing what we have and for many embraced, to the world is as individual as each of us.  We all wish to see the day it is a none issue.  I share what 42CSurprise just shared.  When out with friends and family I try to wear things that tone it down.  Nothing is gained if everyone feels uncomfortable yet says nothing.  I guess that's what I like with the bras I have.  I can enjoy and take delight in how they shape me, subtle or loud and proud.  My call my joy always.  And colours... I chose those that make me happy.
Now that breast cancer awareness month is done I may not totally disregard my pink bras and coffee cup after all that was for me.  Two ways of reminding me, one way of reminding others.  No one saw the bras only the shape, which I controlled and selected for the occasion and will continue to do.


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