Author Topic: Sorted  (Read 2520 times)

Offline dude007

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So Its over (or just begun)

        Had the op last wednesday(NHS). All that worry for nothing. The whole experience was a breeze. No probs with anethsetic, woke up feeling as though I had great sleep. I was on my side with my ass showing to all passers by, that was just amusing, some big nurse came and covered me up.

Had some tea and toast and was on my way home within an hour and a half. I took the drain with me which was cool. i was booked in to see the district nurse the next day to have it removed(oh by the way, dont play with the drain stuff too much or you may end up with a pool of blood and goo all over your floor, my parents were not amused)

I have just taken the bandages and plasters off for a quick peek and as of this time it all looks good. twenty million times better. I even managed to go accross the road to the pub yesterday for a coke, The silly almost non volentery habits you pick up to hide gyne are still there but its such a relief when you think "I dont have to do this anymore!!!!".

I have slight pain when I move my arm in a particular way, and it feels a little itchy but all in all I feel 100 times better than I thought I would.

So three days after I feel fantastic, My main problems will be forgetting about it, over confidence or one of my mates giving me a purple nurple(imagine that).

So bring on the beach!!!!!!

One thing the nurse on the ward pointed out to me was that this condition is becoming more and more common, possibly because more people report it and want something done! She also pointed out that amongst all the common asthetic anomalies that hound us blokes this is one of the easiest treated and arguably the one of the least embarrising. I can only imagine what else she has seen!!!!!


Offline limaecho

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Nice to hear you're pleased mate. I'm about 75% for going down NHS route. I'm gona wait until markashleigh has reported back on his results from Poland, as I can probably afford to pay £1k, but I can't afford the Levick fees.

Do you have any Pre and Post op photos to show results from NHS surgery?

Do you mind if I ask what area you're in as well? And how far you had to travel to the surgeon?

Thanks mate, and congratulations!

Offline markashleigh1979

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  • I've had my final operation :)
Congratulations mate . I am really pleased for you.....shame it aint beach weather :)
Nice to hear you're pleased mate. I'm about 75% for going down NHS route. I'm gona wait until markashleigh has reported back on his results from Poland, as I can probably afford to pay £1k, but I can't afford the Levick fees.

Hey,  am i the guinea pig........Lol.....I think i will tell me surgeon that if all goes well he should expect an influx of british patients.......and i want commision :)

Off to the pub now....:)

Offline dude007

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I'm really lucky in the fact that I live a ten minute walk away from the Hospital I had it done in, It is the Royal South Hants Hospital in Southampton. The Surgeon was Mr Royle (Dont know why they dont call them docotors).

I have no pictures but I am 6 ft 4 and am of slim to medium build, The gyne was the about the same mass as a golf ball just spread out a bit, and my nipple was incredibly puffy, To wear all my tops I used to tape it down. Now I am back to being pigeon chested again LOL. So a good canvass to start with those dumbells I bought last year.

I cant really see how the nipple is going to look at the moment 'cause its still tapped at the bottom, But it looks good and is the same size as the other one so far, witch is a mammoth improvement.

Offline phantom

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Some medical practitioners are called 'Mr' or 'Miss' because they are a consultant, which kind of ranks above 'Doctor', but some consultants keep the title 'Doctor'.  They use what they prefer.  It is usually the consultant that heads up a team of medical staff comprising of senior and junior house doctors, registrar doctors and nursing staff.

In the early days of medicine, it  was just the surgeons' job to do the cutting (ie. operate internally). They were not Doctors, they were the butchers of medicine and it was just there job to do the cutting.

Offline geg100

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Some medical practitioners are called 'Mr' or 'Miss' because they are a consultant, which kind of ranks above 'Doctor', but some consultants keep the title 'Doctor'.  They use what they prefer.  It is usually the consultant that heads up a team of medical staff comprising of senior and junior house doctors, registrar doctors and nursing staff.

In the early days of medicine, it  was just the surgeons' job to do the cutting (ie. operate internally). They were not Doctors, they were the butchers of medicine and it was just there job to do the cutting.

absolutely.once we become dr we have to work up to being MR again.
some consultants dont like being called dr for that reason as they arent a doctor.theyve worked harder and longer to be called mr and some can get uptight about that. :)


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