Author Topic: Other stuff, maybe due to estrogen, that we haven't discussed yet.  (Read 4271 times)

Offline Busty

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Mine started with removing the hair from my chest and being amazed at how feminine my breasts looked.  And so big!    And I liked it.  A lot

Online Evolver

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So, here's another sign that I'm probably a bit further along the rainbow than I maybe thought I once was, even if I still don't know why I'm there.

Apart from the Taylor Swift concerts, the hottest ticket in town recently was to see the Matildas, our national women's soccer team. They have become hugely popular since their efforts in the World Cup last year. My wife and I went to their Olympic Games qualifier last night and I already knew that the vast majority of the crowd would be female, but there were still lots of young families and couples too. But by far, the biggest cohorts were groups of teenage girls or young women, or female couples. The stadium is also the home venue for our Aussie Rules team and we usually get to a few games per year, but it is rarely memorable. But last night, I have never felt more at home. Once again, I found my tribe!

Online Evolver

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Rambling a bit more about that soccer game, I think one of the things that pleased me the most about the crowd was that there were so many obviously gay female couples present. What a wonderful time it is to be alive, where no-one cares about making a scene about that sort of stuff anymore, people are free to associate with whomever they like, everyone in the crowd is accepting, and once again, it was the sort of crowd that I felt very comfortable mingling with. Most people were there to focus on the game and the team I guess, but it was so pleasing to see that no-one cared about the other stuff.

I noticed a societal change about a decade ago. Maybe it existed long before that but maybe I just didn't notice. I admire Gen Z'ers so much. I was very fortunate to work with a whole bunch of them in my final years at work. In my experience they are so unfazed about gender or sexuality. They totally accept variances of either and don't even see it as a point of discussion - as it should be. I have known some that are chauvinistic or misogynistic probably due to their upbringing, and there will always be the odd redneck, but by and large, they are very accepting of the other stuff. I am very confident about them ruling the world one day.

I just wish that I was 40 years younger so that I could be one of them and take proper advantage of it. 😞

None of this has anything to do with the thread title of course, except to repeat that I felt very comfortable there.

Offline Pendulums

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What lovely replies. There's so much to unpack here, and so much yet to discover. That's the thing. We never stop learning about ourselves, I know I overthink things so I'm always questioning, why why why?

Hormones are an influence but not the mold. I like that! I know that our character as adults is a product of environment, teachings and experience, but I just wonder, if the influence of our hormones could be measured, how large a factor would it be?

Yet, it is, I agree, mostly due to the wiring of our brains. There can be no other explanation. There is a whole world of people who at some stage or other, admit that they have always been the way that they are. Proudly, I'm one of them. Hormones complete the physical and emotional features as a byproduct, no doubt, but now I'm wondering if it is the wiring of our brains which tell our hormones to stew in a certain way?

 With two semesters of anatomy,  and physiology I can affirm that the hormones are the chemical messengers. A body system will tell another body system how to behave by sending a hormone which then instructs the other system how to behave. 
In essence we are Electro/chemical beings. 

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Estrogen has a funny way of creeping up on changes that are outside of the physical.

For me the biggest thing I can pin on estrogen dominance was my attraction to women in a sexual way. I blame this on the libido collapsing from estrogen dominance and sex just not being a thought in mind where it was rampant prior to. But more so, my attraction shift from noticing no longer drawn to women in a sexual thought but an admiring way. I found my interest in women went from arousal to admiring.

Other areas I can pin on estrogen dominance has been my emotions, nail care and grooming habits primarily the shaving of legs and under arms consistently.

I also notice I feel more intimidated around men. If at the gym I let guys grab weights I was going to grab even if I was there first. If at a bar grabbing food and having to wait a moment I feel a little uneasy being by myself and if a random guy just sparks conversation where I used to just boastfully add to any topic I feel I’m more shy. 

I feel when estrogen dominates a wave of calm and peace is over an otherwise testosterone driven body and it allows for seeing things in a much clearer perspective and opening one up to experience and explore things they otherwise never would have cause they’d be too busy worrying bout it being “gay” or “sissy” or being made fun of in some other stupid ridiculous male bravado way. 

Offline taxmapper

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Estrogen has a funny way of creeping up on changes that are outside of the physical.

For me the biggest thing I can pin on estrogen dominance was my attraction to women in a sexual way. I blame this on the libido collapsing from estrogen dominance and sex just not being a thought in mind where it was rampant prior to. But more so, my attraction shift from noticing no longer drawn to women in a sexual thought but an admiring way. I found my interest in women went from arousal to admiring.

Other areas I can pin on estrogen dominance has been my emotions, nail care and grooming habits primarily the shaving of legs and under arms consistently.

I also notice I feel more intimidated around men. If at the gym I let guys grab weights I was going to grab even if I was there first. If at a bar grabbing food and having to wait a moment I feel a little uneasy being by myself and if a random guy just sparks conversation where I used to just boastfully add to any topic I feel I’m more shy.

I feel when estrogen dominates a wave of calm and peace is over an otherwise testosterone driven body and it allows for seeing things in a much clearer perspective and opening one up to experience and explore things they otherwise never would have cause they’d be too busy worrying bout it being “gay” or “sissy” or being made fun of in some other stupid ridiculous male bravado way.
I had this experience before that I posted on regarding a LE seminar in our building. 
When all the SWAT guys were in the men's room, I literally felt like a subjugated piece of meat that had to hide. 
The level of testosterone could be smelled in this. 
Aggression for me now comes from deep thought rather than spark of the moment. but it still happens from time to time. 

I am finding and now expressing my desire for lighter colors, and less desire to "go and concur" the world. 

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Smell is definitely something I pin to estrogen dominance. I know it was figurative in terms of smelling the testosterone but I feel I can legit smell a man when nearby or just in talking to a friend pick up on their “musk” in personal scent I noticed awhile ago after a long run I no longer have a for lack of better words, odor. And found I can often go most of the day without even realizing I’ve yet to put deodorant on. And when I do sweat it’s a much lighter smell. 

But definitely understand the aggression coming from thought rather than reaction now. Emotions I’ve become accustomed to processing them instead of presenting them in the moment. My brain just often feels in a fog and more calm when something otherwise would upset me. 

Offline WPW717

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I can relate to these remarks in a positive way and also have noticed them in myself. My trajectory to gynecomastia was though estrogen dominance for a long period as my T levels fell to zero. No kidding. I was also losing weight in a healthy fashion too so any T was aromatized to estrogen. T E ratio for many months was measurably reversed to estrogen dominance. Through this group I have learned much about support, garments, family & friends. Especially about myself and the changes the estrogen highway can make. Having no libidinous thoughts any longer brings me in line with all of the remarks by Evolver, Taxmapper, Dudewithboobs and others. I essence I have become an uncut eunuch. It’s an interesting perch to sit on and observe the world and myself. Could not figure why my breasts still felt ‘ growth’ with no sex hormones of any kind. Oh yea, prolactin! MRI showed a Prolactinoma, so tenderness and slow growth persisted. Finally the Endocrinologist recognized the risk of osteoporosis in me and the danger of Testosterone therapy in me and has prescribed low dose estrogen to start next week. This ought to be interesting as I re enter the estrogen highway. If any feminizing effects are to occur I am sure the effects on my psyche will be minimal if not welcome.  I ,too,  have been more comfortable around women having worked as an RN for 43 years. The male macho aspect of life was also experienced in the U S N for a tour in the 60’s. The ability to sense the     
  ‘ smell ‘ is real too. I have experienced this before.
I will keep the group posted on the outcome of this new avenue. Should be interesting to see if a libido of some sort returns.
Regards, Bob

Offline Justagirl💃

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Estrogen has a funny way of creeping up on changes that are outside of the physical.

For me the biggest thing I can pin on estrogen dominance was my attraction to women in a sexual way. I blame this on the libido collapsing from estrogen dominance and sex just not being a thought in mind where it was rampant prior to. But more so, my attraction shift from noticing no longer drawn to women in a sexual thought but an admiring way. I found my interest in women went from arousal to admiring.

Other areas I can pin on estrogen dominance has been my emotions, nail care and grooming habits primarily the shaving of legs and under arms consistently.

I also notice I feel more intimidated around men. If at the gym I let guys grab weights I was going to grab even if I was there first. If at a bar grabbing food and having to wait a moment I feel a little uneasy being by myself and if a random guy just sparks conversation where I used to just boastfully add to any topic I feel I’m more shy.

I feel when estrogen dominates a wave of calm and peace is over an otherwise testosterone driven body and it allows for seeing things in a much clearer perspective and opening one up to experience and explore things they otherwise never would have cause they’d be too busy worrying bout it being “gay” or “sissy” or being made fun of in some other stupid ridiculous male bravado way.
I had this experience before that I posted on regarding a LE seminar in our building.
When all the SWAT guys were in the men's room, I literally felt like a subjugated piece of meat that had to hide.
The level of testosterone could be smelled in this.
Aggression for me now comes from deep thought rather than spark of the moment. but it still happens from time to time.

I am finding and now expressing my desire for lighter colors, and less desire to "go and concur" the world.
Estrogen has been a part of my life since puberty, and the presence of testosterone fueled actions were always sensed as threatening and aggressive. I have always avoided "hanging out with the guys" for that very reason. You can even smell it on them as a pungent musky odor. 

It's funny how the hormone balance effects the body scent. 

Birdie 💖
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flaunt them! 💃

Offline Johndoe1

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OMG! I thought this was only happening to me! I have been docile in a feminine way for a long time. I have never been aggressive, much to my detriment at times. And like several here have stated, I do not enjoy being "trapped" within a group of men. And as far back as I can remember, I find I put up a defensive shell similar to women; looking for escape routes and protecting chest and groin. These last two have increased as my chest has increased in size. I do feel much more comfortable and safe around women. Less threatened. More accepted.

I have a close female friend who knows ask me how I looked at women. I had to admit my first thought was not in a sexual manner but their hair, makeup, clothes and how they fit and how she wore them. She laughed. She said, you aren't trying to bed them, you're checking out the competition! She admitted that she has sensed a feminine aura about me at times and had wondered did the mental go along with the physical and that's why she asked. 

And I too have become aware of men's musk over women's. Not in a sexual way. As was stated earlier, I sense the presence of a man in a way I never did before. And sometimes it's scary. I can almost read his intentions. Women practically sneek up on me now. I don't sense them in the same way I used to. I have discovered I "think pink" more often than I used to. I pay attention to clothing and shoes more. Fashion means something to me in a way it didn't before. I am not sure if this is a result of having to dress my chest or due to what caused my chest in the first place. Both I suspect. And like others, I pay attention to my nails. I do wear them slightly longer than men but not as long as women. And to break a nail IS THE WORST! During COVID I did experiment with longer nails and found out fairly quickly that it doesn't take much length to inhibit the usefulness of your hands. One time at a self serve gas pump I inserted my debt card in the pump and was unable to pull the card out owing that the length of my nails prevented my fingers from firmly grasping the faces of the card due to the depth of the card reader employed by the machine and the length of my nails preventing my fingers reaching the card. I finally had to get a pair of pliers to retrieve my card! Grasping anything small was a chore with long nails. If small enough it would hide under my nail as I held it! While annoying (and a little bit fun) that's when I decided I needed slightly shorter nails to be functional. 

I do find that as time has gone on, I am experiencing more feminine issues and experiences my male counterparts have no idea about. It's a little secret I keep to myself. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Sophie

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Here I was thinking I was the only one! Granted, I may have carried it a bit further than most of you would wish to do. However, these were all things I have been doing most of my life.

As a happily married woman of transgender experience I can say that I'm 90% lesbian. I love my wife and I am attracted to women. There is one thing that I am attracted to about a man🙄. Anyway, in my opinion, I think that it is completely normal that none of us is 100% either way. 

I think that its important that we explore and experiment to discover things that we like and don't like. There are so many things to do that are completely reversible if you find that they don't work for you or you find that you don't want the hassle. Things like getting your ears pierced, shaving your legs, plucking your eye brows in a feminine shape, getting your nails done ( I would recommend NOT doing a gel coat at first).

This goes double for experimenting with clothing. All you have to do is not wear something if it doesn't work for you. I don't wear a push up bra every day. However when I feel like I want a little more cleavage or lift, I have a couple in my top drawer ready to impress (or start the jealousy train lol).

We all hav different modes and estrogen has soooooooo much to do with it. It's ok to explore this and build or back off, depending on how you feel on any given day.

I was also one who hung out with the girls. It was where I was safe. I think that is what drew me to my jobs that I love, working with an all female staff at the Breast Care Center. 


Online Evolver

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I have a close female friend who knows ask me how I looked at women. I had to admit my first thought was not in a sexual manner but their hair, makeup, clothes and how they fit and how she wore them. She laughed. She said, you aren't trying to bed them, you're checking out the competition!

Your reply to your friend describes my thoughts exactly! Reading about her reply to you is a real wow moment for me too. Competition? I've never thought of it in those terms before! It's true though, isn't it, even to the extent that we sometimes think to ourselves, "Oh, her bra doesn't fit properly. I do way better!" or "Where did she get those boots?" or similar. 
« Last Edit: April 12, 2024, 11:43:35 PM by Evolver »

Offline Moobzie

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The "musky" male scent (not b.o.) is an attractant for females.  Like women's scent is attractive to me.
Biology at work.

Offline Johndoe1

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I have a close female friend who knows ask me how I looked at women. I had to admit my first thought was not in a sexual manner but their hair, makeup, clothes and how they fit and how she wore them. She laughed. She said, you aren't trying to bed them, you're checking out the competition!

Your reply to your friend describes my thoughts exactly! Reading about her reply to you is a real wow moment for me too. Competition? I've never thought of it in those terms before! It's true though, isn't it, even to the extent that we sometimes think to ourselves, "Oh, her bra doesn't fit properly. I do way better!" or "Where did she get those boots?" or similar.
She didn't mean competition in the literal sense. She was a little surprised that my initial reaction was more like hers and not more traditional male. I don't think she was expecting that. I explained to her that I suspected that because of the amount of estrogen I have had in my system for the amount of time has allowed me to see life through feminine eyes as well as male eyes. While I consider myself a male, and always have, the estrogen has affected my body and my mind in certain ways. I then asked her how she saw me. She hesitated for a second and then answered, there are times she forgets I am a guy and hears girl because of something I say or something I do and she hoped that didn't offend me. I told her no offense taken. She said she felt safe around me, like with other women. I thanked her for her honesty. I don't know what she was expecting from me.

 I didn't ask to be this way. I have learned to accept what I can't change and be happy with what I have. I think she began to understand. I am a mutt!

Offline Justagirl💃

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As a happily married woman of transgender experience I can say that I'm 90% lesbian. I love my wife and I am attracted to women. There is one thing that I am attracted to about a man🙄. Anyway, in my opinion, I think that it is completely normal that none of us is 100% either way.

Hmm, I would say I'm 50/50. Nothing I would like more than having my wife return and spend our golden years together 'clothes shopping', but if the Robert Redford type was around, that's a heart stopper as well. 🤭


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