Author Topic: Photos of what I'm living with  (Read 567 times)

Offline WonderfullyMade

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Hello everyone, as mentioned in a post a while back, I used to be a member here and left for a while. I've been lurking for a while now and decided to do a photo update. I'm still growing, currently at a 40C. I do have a little extra weight, but not excessive. What are your thoughts? I honestly kind of like them if only I could work up the nerve to be proud of them in public

Offline WonderfullyMade

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Do you guys think it's breast formation or just me being overweight?

Offline Justagirl💃

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Do you guys think it's breast formation or just me being overweight?
A nonprofessional opinion would be that you are most definately in the club of gynecomastia. However a doctor needs to make that call after a physical examination, ultrasound, and/or mammogram. 

Pseudo gynecomastia can be quite convincing as well. 

I would mention it to your doctor on your next visit because gyno is so common that most doctors never mention it if noticed. 

Either way, you have quite a bit of chest and could benefit greatly from support. I wouldn't be embarrassed in the least as all of us are built a bit different, just be proud of who you are with all your physical attributes. 

Birdie 💝
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Johndoe1

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WonderfullyMade, how long have you had chest growth? Before you put on weight or as you put on weight? If you had growth prior to your weight increase then you may have gynecomastia. If your chest developed during your increase in weight then it maybe pseudogynecomastia. A doctor can give the correct diagnosis. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline WonderfullyMade

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I've had breasts for as long as I can remember, even before gaining some weight. They have definitely grown faster than the rest of me when I gained weight though. 

Whether from breast tissue or just fat, it doesn't really make a difference to me. I don't really want to spend the time or money figuring that out, I'd rather just enjoy them. 

Offline Gotboobs

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My opinion is no matter what kind of gyno it is. It’s still breast growth. There are a lot of overweight men that do not develop breasts. Just depends on what part of your body that your fat goes to. Boobs are boobs. Doesn’t really matter how they got there🤣

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Facts. Most women complain or compliment their weight loss or gain due to the fluctuation of the breast size that follows. Our body’s are all different and some times fat goes to the stomach other times the chest other times a bit of everywhere. 
I feel in particular that once the breasts fold over the rib cage it’s undeniably breasts. Whether it’s fat or glandular or both. 
Idk if you care to wear a bra but I think you’d find one very comfortable and not so bad

Offline WonderfullyMade

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I definitely do enjoy the benefits of wearing a bra. I dint wear one to work, but I look forward to putting one on at home

Offline Evolver

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My opinion is no matter what kind of gyno it is. It’s still breast growth. There are a lot of overweight men that do not develop breasts. Just depends on what part of your body that your fat goes to. Boobs are boobs. Doesn’t really matter how they got there🤣
Thank you so much for this. ❤️

Offline Midagemoobs2

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Belated welcome!  To me, it looks more like true gyno rather than pseudo, but regardless, the net challenges of being a guy with a bustline and support needs (physical and emotional) are the same.  Glad you’re using support already; look forward to your sharing of your perspectives and thoughts.


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