Author Topic: Language on Forum Sections  (Read 792 times)

Offline blad

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I always envied those who developed their assets early on. Always felt it was worth the handicaps growing up with them knowing whoever whenever later on would become accustomed to thats how so and so has always been in the chest. 
One could say that in retrospect, but the reality of developing breasts as a teen and navigating all those issues and social interactions with the reduced resources of a teen was a confusing challenge.

I know that once I tried a bra as a teen I accepted that I did fit a bra, that I preferred wearing one, and even liked my breasts more when I wore a bra, but that still did not diminish the difficulties of having breasts as a teen. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Johndoe1

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I always envied those who developed their assets early on. Always felt it was worth the handicaps growing up with them knowing whoever whenever later on would become accustomed to thats how so and so has always been in the chest. And girlfriends, wives, kids, etc would be acclimated to that’s just how my bf husband dad is.
I can definitely understand and see why those who develop in adulthood would have that option. The past is clearer with the wisdom of the present. 

But as someone who budded at 11, and no guidance, my teen years were tough. Boys laughed because I had "girlie boobs" and girls would tease about borrowing their bras and other girls jealous by having a boy with bigger boobs than them. Gym class was always hard because I always had to remove my shirt and my B sized breasts hanging off my chest for everyone to see and if we played football, I seemed to always wind up with the ball at the bottom of the pile with hands grabbing for my chest. 

Not best teen life but it made me more compassionate towards women's issues. And it made me take a hard look at myself to decide "what I was", gender wise. In the end, I won't recommend this kind of a life path. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline blad

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With the trials and tribulations of early teen breast development, what does not kill us makes us stronger. Perhaps that is what compelled me from being an average student in middle school to cleaning out all the academic awards on graduation and going on to earning a Dr degree in health care. 

I think it was also very adult of us teens who realized that all the comments that we needed a bra where actually correct, if not meant to be helpful, and accepted that we were best off wearing a bra.  

Offline Dudewithboobs

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In hindsight I can see how my views on wishing to be younger with a developed bust would be easier, I'm sorry ya'll had to go through the issues that are obvious when developed as a woman in the chest when growing to become a man. I'm glad life overall has turned out well and the spouses and relationships those who are in them and have one, are great individuals who don't shrug at the fact their man has breasts and wears bras and isn't concerned with what others think say or feel about it. 


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