Author Topic: Whole oats and wheat causes gyne??  (Read 7508 times)

Offline Old timer

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Hi, All,

I read yesterday that possibly whole oats and wheat could cause gynecomastia. Has anyone uncovered this information or know the whether it could be true?

I am 70 years old and recently experienced breast enlargement along with nipple change. I've also taken medication for cholesterol for seven years which is known to cause the condition. Now, I eat oatmeal nearly every day for my cholesterol problem. This would be a real bummer if it is true.  :-/


Offline Worrier

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I really don't tend to listen to these food/ health fads. It's like alcohol. One minute they are telling you a few pints a day is bad for you the next minute they say it is good for you.  ::).Apparently we shouldn't eat fruit or veg due to pesticides...

No idea if it is true or not, but I have never heard about this, anywhere, I tend to read a lot about health as iam a hypochrondriac. if I were you, i would enjoy my oatmeal, myself.esp if it is good for your cholestorol.

Offline bignipCT

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what the.....whole oats an wheat are great for you, whats the reason behind this an the article you read.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Over time, you will see it said of almost every edible that it causes gynecomastia.  

I do not believe that there is anything to fret about if a varied and balanced diet is eaten.

The irony is that the same people who stew over dietary phyto-estrogen in tofu etc. are the same crowd that says their marijuana habit or use of steroids didn't cause their gynecomastia.  

Some people would seem to be in need of a reality check.

There is anecdotal evidence that Oatmeal increases the milk output of lactating mothers.  But I doubt that there is any notable effect upon the breast tissue of men or non-lactating women.
Grandpa Dan

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Hi, Worrier,

Thank you (and all the other gentlemen) for responding to my post. I don't remember the exact Website address, but the article was found by typing in "oatmeal and gynecomastia" on Yahoo.

With all the information on the web, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the good information from the bad. Occasionally, what we think is bunk turns out to be true in the long run. Remember when the experts (the media) told us not to eat eggs and other dairy products, chicken, beef, pork, and a multitude of other perfectly healthy food items (back 20 to 30 years ago) that have now been proven to be false information and promoted only by economically interested parties?    
                                    Personally, I believe the change in my breasts recently has been caused by a system chemical imbalance resulting from the long term use of medication, and absolutely nothing to due with age. Doctors want older men to believe that story, but our bodies do not change without some biological occurrence making it all possible. It could be the result of any one of a hundred other reasons, not yet discovered, in the minute amount of research projects performed thus far. Perhaps with some push we can help inform the federal government and others who can make a difference to take more of an interest in men's health problems such as gynecomastia, prostate cancer, and interstitial cystitis. Gynecomastia is a real problem  with potentially hundreds of thousands of unknown suffering individuals out there who are faced with the embarrassment in the least scenario to breast cancer in the worst. The good Lord knows we have heard and read plenty about womens' breast and hormonal problems. :-*

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is interesting that you mentioned gynecomastia and breast cancer.  I personally know of only one man who had breast cancer, and he was absolutely flat chested except for the tumor itself.  

Offline Old timer

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It would be wonderful to believe undoubtedly that gynecomastia and breast cancer are not scientifically related, but the fact is there are numerous research studies found on the Internet that disclose the relationship.

My mother died from breast cancer, and I'm relatively sure (based on different readings) that my chances are now greater since experiencing the change.

Offline IlluminaZero

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The reason they correlate Gynecomastia with Breast Cancer isn't because Gynecomastia may be a cause of Breast Cancer, but that the Gynecomastia may be a sign of genetic/hormonal imbalances that may lead to future cellular breast mutations. (Thus causing Cancer.)

I may be wrong however, I haven't researched this for a while and this is simply from memory.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 07:58:36 PM by IlluminaZero »


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