Author Topic: Elevated Estrogen, Lowered Endurance  (Read 14685 times)

Offline Dudewithboobs

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My wife wears pads often due to incontinence issues after having a child. Not uncontrollable just sneezes and some hard lighter triggers releases. I wear liners due to just general care luckily no incontinence issues 

Offline Justagirl💃

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My wife wears pads often due to incontinence issues after having a child. Not uncontrollable just sneezes and some hard lighter triggers releases. I wear liners due to just general care luckily no incontinence issues
I wear pads most of the time. I also leak on speed bumps. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Johndoe1

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As my breasts developed, they have become more able to be stimulated like women. Like Dudewithboobs, I too enjoy bosom foreplay. There's times I will catch myself reacting in similar ways as my wife when stimulated similarly during foreplay of the chest. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Funny thing with that with me John is my wife’s breasts have little to no reaction when played with. Meanwhile mine are on full alert once touched at all let alone when being intimate.
Couple weeks ago she made the remark afterward of how she loves how sensitive my breast are before catching and correcting with chest and it was a moment of maybe she’s coming around to what they are lol 

Offline WPW717

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Have experienced and felt all of the above. Post prostatectomy dry orgasms difficult to achieve.

Since the estrogen dominant phase, I was surprised at how wonderful my skin has become in texture and sensation. So much so while sitting with my wife and holding hands she stroked my forearms a few times and a full body orgasm ensued. Has happened more than once but not often.

Pads are a necessity and I also developed overactive bladder. After anticholinergic failed trials of two drugs, the Urologist offered Botox injection in the detrusor muscle. It is very effective, but it only lasts for 6-9 months.
Seems we all travel a similar pattern or path after a certain age. I also think that there are a lot more like us out there that lurk it would seem. Hope some jump on board.
Regards, Bob

Offline JJ_Gyne

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I can say that the play inside the intimate moments has definitely shifted as I've developed.
I am sure if she wanted to my wife could rock me with only her ministrations, I wonder if she didn't experiment with girl on girl at some point in her past.
Or at the very least think about what she'd do if given the chance. Now that she's married and her partner has developed she can experience some aspect of what playing with someone else's breasts is like?

I can say I was a bit surprised when she went there but I won't say that I didn't enjoy every moment of the attention either. Guess one more tick on the column of she don't care about what has happened she's just loves me for me. And another set of breasts in the bedroom is apparently a bonus now.

Offline Gotboobs

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Lots of lurkers that don’t say anything. Look how many are online at one time.
Men don’t talk about such things...not manly I guess.
But if we don’t talk about it how do we learn from each other.
Talking helps a lot!!!....doctors don’t seem to care much.

Offline gotgyne

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My wife wears pads often due to incontinence issues after having a child. Not uncontrollable just sneezes and some hard lighter triggers releases. I wear liners due to just general care luckily no incontinence issues
My problems with BPH started at about 45 years. It was my wife who suggested that I wear panty liners. Thus from 45 until some months ago (almost 20 years) I wore panty liners daily. But then my condition worsened a little. Now I have the problem that only some minutes after urination sometimes there come some milliliters of urine which I mostly can hold until I'm in the bathroom. But for the case that I can't do this (in the car or in public) I use pads for some months, as a "safety blanket".
I find it annoying that liners and pads for men are often three times more expensive than the ones for females. So even at the beginning 20 years ago I only used panty liners for women and now pads for females.

If only more men would not be such embarrassed, they would do the same instead of staining their underwear with urine.

To the lurkers: Get the guts and join in the discussions. We don't bite!
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline gotgyne

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Lots of lurkers that don’t say anything. Look how many are online at one time.
Men don’t talk about such things...not manly I guess.
But if we don’t talk about it how do we learn from each other.
Talking helps a lot!!!....doctors don’t seem to care much.
You are right. Just now I checked the stats. 535 guests, 2 users!

Offline Dudewithboobs

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It would be nice to see more chiming in. It often feels it’s just us 7-10 people here who consistently discuss things. In a World Wide Web it often feels smaller than a one stop light town here. But I think what the positive focus could be is that there are a lot of lurkers. Which means a lot of people may be dealing with the issues we deal with just aren’t quite there yet to jump in. 

Also, we discuss a lot of topics that may turn people off who come here looking for a community of men and find a community of men discussing wearing women’s clothing, areas of intimacy, and other things that may make someone not quite there yet go whoa this site is definitely not for me. 

I was one of them. Not a lurker but someone who often debated with self to just leave the site cause of the direction it was going. Until I talked to others more directly and asked about their input and realized those I was raising and eyebrow about were just further in their acceptance journey than I was. And that their body’s were shaped more feminine than mine was and the obvious comfort of sorts leaned more toward this than that for what made sense. In the end I had to realize I was the jerk and idiot for questioning the motives of discussions and now I’m where they were at and totally advocate for many of the things I advocated against. 

We are also the common folk here. We are comfortable sharing publicly about our experiences, interests and areas others may never imagine they’d be part of talking about. They are just here lurking because they have nothing to see here gynecomastia and browsing to see what others are saying and doing about it or finding others like themselves. Or lurking because they are younger or older and realizing their breasts have developed to a point of being uncomfortable without support and wondering if there’s others like them who are engaging in the ideas of wearing a bra daily. How to. Experiences of those who do etc etc. 

I like to try and see the lurkers as those just looking for information not discussion and those who are hesitant on accepting they need a bra and are just absorbing the topics here until they realize they have breasts like a woman and need support like a woman but also support from men who have come to accept it. 

Offline Parity

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I agree with what you say.  I might add that for me there are many times I come to the site without logging in to take a quick peek at whats being said. Knowing I don't have time to respond, I don't log in. I will come back as time permits, log in and respond.  That said I logged in after reading this but have to run. 

Hang in there, well not really.  Put on your bra and have a great day. 

Have to run.  I'll be back later.


Offline Dudewithboobs

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Same here. And others who are very frequent we will see be absent for a bit. Life comes and tasks go and life is just busy sometimes. Or just need a break from the Internet. Either way it has been nice this last year to see how active this forum has become on such an array of topics and hope those lurking chime in soon enough. 

Lmao at the hang in there remark. After this recent growth spurt I’m actually feeling their weight for the first time and it’s weird. A bra never felt so good lol.

Offline Johndoe1

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I also think many lurk because society has such a negative view of men not being macho. It's the old "men are men and women belong to men". For those of us who have unwantingly been given feminine traits, we don't have much of a choice.

This real life conversation I had some time ago sums it up I think. A good lady friend who knows asked me one time how many people knew. I told her, not counting medical personnel, less than five. She was surprised by such a small number. She asked how many were men. I said none. This also surprised her. She asked why? I said simply because they can't understand why I would live like this. They would consider this demeaning. She said,  Oh, the same way many men feel towards women. We are inferior to them. I thought about that a second and agreed with her and added, due to society's view of anything feminine. I said look how gay men and trans and non-binary are treated. Those of us with gynecomastia are considered a subset of all that just because we are considered different in a feminine way. And it has nothing to do with being feminine. Just physically having the female physical trait is enough.  She said that she was glad she wasn't a man with that kind of closed mindedness. She said, but don't worry,  you're in good company with us.

Offline Dudewithboobs

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That is beautiful John how she was so understanding and encouraging and not judging of any sort of things. 
That is a good point of how things are viewed and it’s honestly why I continue to workout how I do and appear as I do. It’s not a facade. I enjoy working out and more days than not I feel more like a Gambino than not in terms of masculinity. And feel if anyone were to ever notice my breasts or bra it would hopefully be dismissed rather than looked at as demeaning and ridiculed due to how I present otherwise. 
Only one person knows I wear a bra and I haven’t seen her in a year or so it would be nice to be open as wanted in wearing support. Unfortunately as common as gynecomastia is, most men who have C D DD cup busts and beyond are quite obese. Rarely to never have I seen a man with a flat to fairly flat stomach with a bust jutting out. Maybe minor growth where there’s evidence clearly seen. But probably not even an A cup of tissue. And flat otherwise across the chest. 
It definitely feels we are the rare breeds who’s chest has developed fully across, top and bottom of breast development that gives the signature feminine look to the chest. 
It would be nice to see more men with definitive breast growth who are more average built to not feel so alone at times with it. 

Offline Parity

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Johndoe1, I think you make a very good point also.  This is a very difficult thing for men to navigate.  Not all of us can and don't want to be seen as a man with breast.  Society isn't kind.  I wish it was better. 

  Thinking of what you said about who actually knows in my circle... only one lady friend gave me a noticing tap and smile after a hug.  No words spoken as her husband was there also.  I have never had a conversation with anyone concerning my growth or bra wearing.  I wish it wasn't so.  I would love to have the conversations with friends like I can here.  At times I feel I am part of the problem for not actually being more open.  In my place it just wouldn't be wise right now.


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