Author Topic: Elevated Estrogen, Lowered Endurance  (Read 30437 times)

Offline Moobzie

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You are right. Unfortunately nobody asks us, if we like or don't like such problems. If we get them, we must cope with them. We can be glad that such a wide range of panty liners and pads is available. How did our grand- and great-grandparents deal with them?”

Depends. Maybe somebody pamper-ed them ….
« Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 04:00:52 AM by Moobzie »

Offline gotgyne

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You are right. Unfortunately nobody asks us, if we like or don't like such problems. If we get them, we must cope with them. We can be glad that such a wide range of panty liners and pads is available. How did our grand- and great-grandparents deal with them?”

Depends. Maybe somebody pamper-ed them ….
I love puns!
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline curiousk

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Because of my condition penetrative sex has never been possible, however my wife and I always found a work around with toys.
It keeps the relationship active and exciting.

The higher estrogen levels also have a hidden benefit in that orgasms are full body, even though it takes longer to get there.

Sex was never an issue.

Scissoring is also another technique that works incredibly well, and just one of many that can be done without toys (or with).

The lack of a functioning member is not the end of a sex life.

I used to tell my wife we were in a lesbian relationship, and of course that would upset her. But you do whatever you must to keep things active.

Birdie 💖
I have lots of estrogen in my body, but I’ve never experienced the full body orgasms like my wife does.  I would like to.  It’s seems like it would be an amazing sensation to experience.  


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Wow, so much to catch up on here, no idea how I missed the new notification of this until today and came to it like wow a lot has been covered lol. 

I’ve never had dripping due to incontinence issues but I still wear liners daily since making the switch to panties several months ago. Not for feminine interests just curious and realizing they are a better fit and comfort level and as a runner they provide a tremendous level of comfort there as well vs boxer or briefs that bunch or just get sweaty and gross on long runs. 

A new finding of things yesterday was discovered and it came with the wife making mention of it during a moment of intimacy. It has me a bit worried and from what I read it’s not a permanent thing as it isn’t something that can happen but nonetheless something I’m keeping an eye on. 

Afterward I just asked my wife how it was and she said her usual it was alright but made note that either her hands got bigger or I got smaller. I looked at her like are you being serious. I have been the same size since we all did what we do whenever that may have been and measured ourselves lol last night made an excuse to go to the garage and got out the tape measurer and I’m definitely about 2in less than what I ever recall being. 

I’m not trying to be weird or tmi here but should this be a concern? I have a follow up with my urologist in January and I can’t imagine this being a permanent situation but I feel my hormones have been sideways a lot lately and things seem fine and normal overall but this definitely isn’t. 


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I understand that but at late 30s I’d expect my stuff to not be doing this :/ 

Offline WPW717

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With the T/E ratio out of whack the morning wood just doesn’t happen often and if awake the ED is at issue there is no regular work out for the tumescent tissue. That’s where it goes at any age. One of those use it or lose it scenarios, the good news is that if the underlying condition is rectified then recovery is possible for many.
Good luck, Mr. Gronsky!
Regards, Bob


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Wife and I were intimate Friday. Life was good, foreplay for awhile and for once in a blue moon things lasted for longer than a song lol. She just had her eyes closed most of the time and very little sound indicating things were as fun for her as it was for me. Tried other positions and in the end just talked about random things as we do usually and then she brought up the idea of me getting an extender. When I asked why she just said she thinks it would make things better for her and make me feel better about going longer. Idk to take that as an insult or general recommendation 

Offline curiousk

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Does she mean to take ED meds?  If I had an issue with that, I’d probably take it.  


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No it was the sleeve idea that goes over things. I don’t have ED much anymore 


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